What's wrong? Can't dispute the facts or respectfully defend your opinion so instead you resort to slinging mud? How mature. But to answer your question, yes UA has tasks for me to perform but getting a rise out of you is so much more fun.
I don't brag about anything. Anyone who knows me (which you don't), knows that bragging is the last thing that I ever do. If you take my posting as bragging, that's your problem, not mine. Try to remember that a lot gets lost in the online translation. I comment on topics/threads that interest me and when I have some knowledge or insight on something, I will share it. I will be the first to admit I'm not a genius or all-knowing. But I work for an airline. Many posters on these boards do not. So forgive me for trying to educate and inform some people about how things are done in this industry. You say you're in Sales Training. I don't know all that much about Sales. So maybe my attempt at telling you how to fix your problems wouldn't come across too well. That is my point. I'm sorry you seem to take such offense to my attempt to quell the bad information that gets posted on many airline topics. If I know something is wrong, I will point it out. If that rubs you the wrong way, I could care less.
I don't have all the answers. I never profess that I do. Neither does Chip. We both are merely trying to inform. Chip, as a US employee, has more at stake than I do. His only agenda is to see his company succeed. The guy cares more about his company and its' employees than anyone gives him credit for. He repeatedly subjects himself to constant ridicule and insults from immature babies who shall remain nameless for they know who they are. Whatever happened to respectfully disagreeing with someone? But ya know what? These boards allow people to hide behind their anonymity and therefore slam and flame at will and ride off into the sunset. I'd imagine that face to face debate would eliminate much of that stuff. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder why that is. Some people on these boards need to seriously grow up. If you don't like someone's opinion, than refute it with your own, but do it respectfully. Is that so tough? Or do you feel like a more worthwhile person if you hurl a few insults along the way? Chip posts information. He doesn't post insults or personal attacks. I don't agree with everything he writes, but at least I can call him a professional, which is more than I can say for others.
As for my motives on this board, I've mentioned more than once that I've been through 2 airline bankruptcies. So forgive me if I have some knowledge and insight into how this plays out. I have nothing but the utmost respect for US and its' employees. I want to see them succeed and prosper. I've been in their shoes twice. And I'm on deck with #3. So I know what it's like to have your pay and benefits cut ad nauseum in the hopes of saving your failing company. I'm perfectly willing to admit I don't have all the answers and that others know more than me on many subjects. But there are also many subjects that I have A LOT of knowledge on. Especially as they relate to this industry. I work in this business. Many on this board don't. Therefore I think I have more insight into how it works than many others, but certainly not all others. That comes from having spent over 14 years in various functions with 2 airlines.
Your parallels between Beth Steel and UA are interesting. I don't disagree for a moment about the arrogance that has helped to slowly kill UA. You're 150% correct. Since I've been at this company, I've been absolutely amazed at the attitude of senior management. They don't listen to the people who actually do the work. They don't value employees. They think their way is the only way. The list goes on and on. They only have themselves to blame for the failures of this company. But ya know what? This airline isn't going to go quietly into the night like many predict. We're going to turn things around. Sure, it'll be painful along the way. But a little pain is good for a company like UA who is now getting their corporate come-uppance after years of arrogance. But we have a new firebrand CEO who is a kick-ass and take names kind of guy. An inspirational leader. Something we've needed for years. But if you think we're going to keel over and go away, I've got news for you: it ain't gonna happen. Wish upon it all you want, but UA isn't going away. Sure we'll struggle until we restructure. But a new day is dawning for this airline. Of that you can be sure.
And if you think I just surf on the web all day, you're more ignorant than I previously thought. But you're entitled to your opinion, however ridiculous it may be![img src='']
Sounds to me like your ego is a little bruised at the ATSB process. The airlines are merely making use of an option afforded to them. Is your industry taxed as heavily as the airline industry? Not even close. Is your industry being forced to subsidize the massive security changes post-9/11? Nope. If you don't like the process, whine and complain to your Senators and Congressmen/women. But be sure and change your diaper first!