[P][STRONG]Chip you back peddle too much, comments from your posts:[/STRONG][/P]
[P][EM][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00]The company is in negotiation with its unions on productivity and retirement changes that may need to be completed by December 9, [/FONT]which is the date the airline intends to submit its final Plan of Reorganization to the bankruptcy court in anticipation of its confirmation hearing.[/EM][/P]
[P][EM]The company has talked with each union and provided labor leaders with a power point presentation discussing revenues, revenue projections, advance bookings, and other fundamentals. [FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00]During these individual meetings the topic of voluntary concessions was discussed and the company has said it will not seek a S.1113 proceeding.[/FONT][/EM][/P]
[P][EM]However, if a union elects to not enter into formal discussions I understand the company has other strategies it can implement, which are permitted within the current agreements that will lower employee expense across-the-board.[/EM][/P]
[P][EM]The company's survival is at stake and management intends to take every action required to return the company to profitability. [/EM][/P]
[P][EM]From my observation on the line, the prevailing attitude of some of the naysayers in this thread does not represent the majority of US employees. However, if my observation is wrong the odds of liquidation will dramatically increase.[/EM][/P]
[P][EM]Therefore, I encourage employees to dust off their resumes, prepare their unemployment application, and contact their mortgage lender.[/EM][/P]
[P][EM]Chip [BR][/EM](you sound scared in this one)[BR][EM][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00]The company made a presentation to all of the unions regarding US Airways financial situation and has discussed concessions. From your posting from the IAM website, it appears there have been no formal discussions between Labor Relation and IAM Negotiators, who have been very active at UA, where your union reached a TA earlier today.[/FONT][/EM][/P]
[P][EM]By the way, the financial presentation was confidential; therefore, if the IAM did not address the financial crisis how can they say the IAM is carefully monitoring the carrier’s financial condition, per their website comment(s)?[/EM][/P]
[P][EM]Separately, the US PIT Chief Pilot wrote a letter to all PIT based pilots on November 18. The letter said, There has been much discussion about our revenue shortfall. Senior Management has indicated the need to revisist the cost side with Labor. Our focused goal is to secure debtor-in-possession financing (DIP) and the ATSB loan. This is crucial to our future and that is why Senior Management is revisiting the cost issues with Labor. [/EM][/P]
[P][EM]Regardless, would you comment on the ALPA EF&A financial report, the Aviation Week & Space Technology article, and the PIT Chief Pilot comments?[/EM][/P]
[P][EM]I would like to read your opinion on these facts. Thanks.[/EM][/P]
[P][EM][FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00]LDKIAM, I agree I am not up to speed on the internal issues regarding the IAM. There is no reason or purpose for me to do so, but I do understand our company and economics.[/FONT][/EM][/P]
[P][EM]In regard to your comments regarding the CLT Observer article, your comments are off base and my relationship with ALPA has never been better. Some people disagreed with my CLT OpEd column, which is fine and to be expected, isn't that the intent of Opinion-Editorials? But, your comments regarding ALPA are untrue. Roy had to make a code-a-phone statement and I understand his reasoning, but to suggest there is a problem or the OpEd column was a fiasco is not true.[/EM][/P]
[P][EM]Chip[BR][BR][/EM][STRONG]So Chip what are we to believe? You back peddled on your last post after days of saying the IAM is negotiating. Chip I have one word you need to learn the meaning of:[BR][/STRONG][BR]Main Entry: cred·it·able[BR]Pronunciation: 'kre-di-t&-b&l[BR]Function: adjective[BR]Date: 1526[BR]1 : worthy of belief [BR]2 : sufficiently good to bring esteem or praise [BR]3 : worthy of commercial credit [BR]4 : capable of being assigned [BR]- cred·it·abil·i·ty /kre-di-t&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun[BR]- cred·it·able·ness /'kre-di-t&-b&l-n&s/ noun[BR]- cred·it·ably /-blE/ adverb[BR][BR][STRONG]And you earn it like respect. Just stick to posting facts and things you know about and not assumptions. You know what happens when you post assumptions.[/STRONG][BR][/P]