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US Airways Gets Lender, Bronner comments on UAL, & United Wins Pay Cuts

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On 11/20/2002 9:54:13 AM UAL777flyer wrote:

About all I can say is that if the attitudes of several posters in this thread is the prevailing attitude of all US employees, than you guys might as well just flick the light switch now and all go home.
Spoken like a true button pusher.

There will be no CONSENSUAL relief from labor.

The company will do whatever the company thinks they must do.

We (Labor) have no confidence in our managements ability to understand how to fix our situation. (The revenue model is the flagship of their incompetence.)

There will be no recovery. 9-11 accelerated market evolution. People have found other ways to travel, or conduct business, and have adapted to these new ways.

The economy will continue in its' deflation, corporate right-sizing, and soft revenues until we all adapt to the new economic order.

Like LDKIAM said:
Oh and by the way if our attitudes are so bad and we should turn off the lights, why are we leading the industry in on time performance and we are near the top in all the DOT statistics?

Aircraft fly safetly, and customers are treated courteously, every day; and will continue to be, until this ship sinks out from beneath us.
Dark Wrench,

Aren't you intelligent enough to articulate a better response than that? Bottom line is that you don't have a clue about my background in this industry.


I'm not debating your reasoning for having that opinion. I'm merely stating that if the majority of employees have that attitude, than I feel your company is going to liquidate and I'd hate to see that happen. Givebacks suck. Especially when more are needed. But there aren't too many options left. I'm just wondering if liquidation of the airline is a better solution for those involved, that's all. I continue to wish for the best outcome for you and your fellow employees. I've been in your shoes before.
On 11/20/2002 1:00:07 AM chipmunn wrote:


With all due respect, your comments are off base and inaccurate.


You're kidding me, right? Inaccurate? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Do you care to elaborate?

All you do here is post news articles from non-experts and self proclaimed analysts, post misleading info out of context, quote secret inside sources on conditions of anonymity, spin any piece of info you can find to support your OPINIONS, bash UA ALPA, and then claim to be someone 'in-the-know.'

Although you claim to have inside information, in reality you share very little factual or accurate info. When someone disagrees or points out YOUR inaccuracies, all you can do is say they are off base?

Look in the mirror, Chip. Your posts are often off base, and almost always inaccurate.

Will any of this fiction come true? No one really knows. Least of all you. As someone else once said in reference to your posts, even a broken clock is right twice a day.



Some things are just meant to happen or not happen. FATE I guess? I just feel (along with the majority of U employees) we are throwing our hard earned money and jobs into a black hole. No one is changing the way the company thinks or becoming innovative. We need a whole new image, slogan, pricing and a new way to bring passengers back. No one is thinking outside the box....but they sure have time to flush employee moral a little further down the toilet. CCY has tunnel vision and they refuse to look at ways to reinvent USAirways. If they can't make it happen with the tools we have given them, I guess it's just fate. I hate to say it, but the powers that be have other things in mind. And UA is not that much better off.
Here you go Chip. Some Facts, not your facts but the real ones!

November 20, 2002


Dear Sisters and Brothers:

There have been media reports that US Airways has been in discussions with your Union regarding additional IAM member concessions. While this is certainly not true, the IAM is carefully monitoring the carrier’s financial condition. We have advised US Airways management that they must find solutions to any financial problems they are having within the terms of our collective bargaining agreements and its recently ratified modifications.

When US Airways asked the IAM to present the company’s restructuring proposals to our membership for a vote, they indicated that the proposals were all that was needed from IAM members to successfully emerge from bankruptcy. Management also agreed not to seek further cost reductions from IAM members through bankruptcy court proceedings. We expect US Airways management to live up to the commitment they made to our membership.


Scotty Ford
President and General Chairman
In Seattle (Boeing Town)...they had a billboard posted by the freeway...

The last person leaving the city ..Please turn out the lights...

I think the Fat Lady has sung...
From my observation on the line, the prevailing attitude of some of the naysayers in this thread does not represent the majority of US employees. However, if my observation is wrong the odds of liquidation will dramatically increase.

Therefore, I encourage employees to dust off their resumes, prepare their unemployment application, and contact their mortgage lender.

Fear not! I am taking a VOLUTARY leave on 1-1-2003. It is a huge wrisk, but I am not afraid. U scares me! I would rather hang it all out there than stay at U another day. PineyBob says, The price of freedom is risk! So true! What is the worst they can do to you? Are they going to torture you? NO! Take all of those things you could not afford anyhow (credit) and force you to pay cash? Big deal!!!! Live free or die! Peace!

The company made a presentation to all of the unions regarding US Airways financial situation and has discussed concessions. From your posting from the IAM website, it appears there have been no formal discussions between Labor Relation and IAM Negotiators, who have been very active at UA, where your union reached a TA earlier today.

By the way, the financial presentation was confidential; therefore, if the IAM did not address the financial crisis how can they say the IAM is carefully monitoring the carrier’s financial condition, per their website comment(s)?

Separately, the US PIT Chief Pilot wrote a letter to all PIT based pilots on November 18. The letter said, There has been much discussion about our revenue shortfall. Senior Management has indicated the need to revisist the cost side with Labor. Our focused goal is to secure debtor-in-possession financing (DIP) and the ATSB loan. This is crucial to our future and that is why Senior Management is revisiting the cost issues with Labor.

Regardless, would you comment on the ALPA EF&A financial report, the Aviation Week & Space Technology article, and the PIT Chief Pilot comments?

I would like to read your opinion on these facts. Thanks.

On 11/20/2002 11:57:24 PM chipmunn wrote:


The company made a presentation to all of the unions regarding US Airways financial situation and has discussed concessions. From your posting from the IAM website, it appears there have been no formal discussions between Labor Relation and IAM Negotiators, who have been very active at UA, where your union reached a TA earlier today.

By the way, the financial presentation was confidential; therefore, if the IAM did not address the financial crisis how can they say the IAM is carefully monitoring the carrier’s financial condition, per their website comment(s)?

Separately, the US PIT Chief Pilot wrote a letter to all PIT based pilots on November 18. The letter said, There has been much discussion about our revenue shortfall. Senior Management has indicated the need to revisist the cost side with Labor. Our focused goal is to secure debtor-in-possession financing (DIP) and the ATSB loan. This is crucial to our future and that is why Senior Management is revisiting the cost issues with Labor.

Regardless, would you comment on the ALPA EF&A financial report, the Aviation Week & Space Technology article, and the PIT Chief Pilot comments?

I would like to read your opinion on these facts. Thanks.

Chip once again you do not know what you posting. There are five Assistant General Chairman and one Vice President at Large from District 141-M that are from US Airways and only negotiate and represent US Airways 141-M members, they were not and are not involved with the ongoing negotiations at UA. I mean do I have to invite you to the union hall so you can meet with two members of the US Airways negotiating committee that are in CLT? I mean why do you keep insisting things are happening that are not? If you do not believe me call AGC Bill Friebeger or DL 141M, President and General Chairman, Scotty Ford who was in CLT Tuesday and Wednesday, who by the way lead our concessionary negotiations.

Chip post facts not your opinions when it comes to matters involving other labor unions. You are not a member of the IAM, you do not know what is taking place or not taking place on our property. You need to stick with matters that concern your classification, did you not learn from your Charlotte Disturber fiasco?

The industry is broken and Carlos Bonilla, Bush's leading economic advisor met with our leadership at the white house several months ago, he informed them that airline employees make 20% too much and he does not care if any of the airlines go under, as long as there is a plane flying from point a to point b, he does not care, if it is red, white, blue or pink. He will not waste the tax payers money on airlines as long as we still have a transportation system in America. The government and the airlines are using 9-11 to lower our wages and break unions. The industry is broken and some kind of semi-regulation must be done to even the playing field. Upstart, low cost carriers do not have the same overhead of an established airline. Take Jetblue for an example, they have no heavy maintenance they signed a $10 million contract with EADS Aeroframe Services (EADS is the parent company of Airbus) to have all there heavy maintenance work and everything as small as a daily check to major overhaul done by EADS in LAke Charles, LA. Also they pay a housewife $8 an hour to have phone calls routed to their house and she uses her home computer thru Jetblue's web page and books their reservation while the established carriers have maintenance bases and reservations centers. I do not know what lies ahead but this industry as it stands today is doomed.
Well their performance in the past on lack of communication is something to be desired, but I keep myself informed with matters, if it takes phone call, e-mails or at meetings, there are ways to find things out. And I am not nor was not the least bit CONFUSED, the information on the consequences about what could happen was out there, you know you can take a horse to water but you cant make them drink. I never realized how many lawyers I work with and not mechanics, stock clerks or utility.
LDKIAM, Do you actually trust the IAM to keep you informed! Maybe, but you could just be confused!
Everyone please remember most people I know do not trust the IAM. Some say it stands for 'I' will 'A'SK 'M'ANAGEMENT.

I tend to believe if they say they are 'not' talking concessions that they have already cut some kind of deal and are in the final steps.

---Johnny asks Mommy why does no one believe me. Johnny's mother
replies Because you are a liar Johnny.

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