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US Airways Gets Lender, Bronner comments on UAL, & United Wins Pay Cuts

  • Thread starter Thread starter chipmunn
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...there is every reason to believe US could be involved in an interesting corporate transaction in short order, provided the company and its unions can reach meaningful accords.

Chip, just my opinion here but I don't buy it for a second. You know, since around 1990 or so something wonderful and interesting has always been just around the corner for USAir; just help get us over the hump guys. Chip, we're never going to get there. It's not out there. I wish it was, but I just don't see it. But Dave loves it as long as there are enough folks who continue to sing somewhere over the rainbow while they open their wallets - again.

Count me out.

A few weeks ago I posted comments about UA's new business plan not meeting ATSB requirements, I received criticism for these posts, and now there are multiple news reports that is the case.

- Again... reports from whom? Just because it's written in the news somewhere makes it factual?

Is their plan realistic? Does it get them to where they need to be? The preliminary indication is that it is not there. I think that's evident.

- Where does this statement come from? What preliminary indication? Are there any facts burried in all this speculation? The answer is NO.

I publish this information so UA employees, who read this board, can understand what it is going to take to prevent bankruptcy.

- Thank you very much for your concern. But I think the employees at UA should not be getting their info from uninformed sources who only speculate and have no real facts to share.

which I can assure you do not want to enter.

- On this we agree.

Regarding your conspiracy comment, the "interesting corporate transaction" plan comes from inside and outside the company from sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

- Of course they are anonymous, as usual. This is par for the course with you. The problem is that you and your sources have been wrong so often, no one puts any validity in these claims.

But, we are much closer than you think to an announcement about a deal involving US.

- Gosh, I hope so! At least an announcement will give us something real to talk about instead of all the fiction that clutters these boards.

With all due respect, your comments are off base and inaccurate.

For those who are feed up, wouldn't it be better and quit your job? Why put up with the stress? Why not leave the company and permit somebody else who wants to work here keep their job?

Life is to short for you to be miserable.

Chip, Life would be better, If you quit your job...and stopped posting Ill-founded garbage!!

This game of Would'have and Should' have is beyond old!!...Nothing seems to work , unless it's substracting from the working class!.according to you.

ALPA seems to be the mathmatical difference in all the scenarios you pose , That is unless you bring the management types you defend into the mix?

Stop being a 'Yes Man..and start fixing the problem for a change!!

Shut your yap...and offer a solution for a change..others have!! and the Butts your kissing arent taking any notice!!

Who's wrong in the long run????? Grasp something other than the Joy Stick this time!!...The Lip Grip is getting boring!! to the majority of us!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/20/2002 1:32:01 AM chipmunn wrote:
[P]For those who are feed up, wouldn't it be better and quit your job? Why put up with the stress? Why not leave the company and permit somebody else who wants to work here keep their job?[BR][BR]Life is to short for you to be miserable.[BR][BR]Chip [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][FONT face=Comic Sans MS][/FONT][/P][FONT face=Comic Sans MS size=3]there wouldnt be enough people left to run the damn place if everyone that was 'feed up' quit now would there?[BR][BR][BR][BR][/FONT]
Never said I was feed up or miserable.Just said I'm not giving anymore.I watched this same movie at Braniff.They showed my brother the same movie at Continental.And my father saw it at Eastern.Guess what?They all have the same ending!
[P align=left][STRONG]Chip the sky is falling Munn[BR][/STRONG][BR]To this date since 1983 when Section 1113 was enacted no judge has ever let any company break a section 1113 agreement. Last year AMR went to court to seek further concessions from the TWA employees and the judge rejected it upon the grounds that those employees had given enough and AMR would have to seek relief from some other place.[BR][BR]Also Chip, you said the IAM is negoitating concessions, answer me this, two members of the IAM Negotiating Committee are in CLT at the present time two members are in PIT at this moment, one is in TPA and one is in PHL and negotiations take place at Crystal City. So how can there be any negotaitions going on?[BR][BR]Also the IAM's GVP of Transportation Robert Roach and Airline Coordinator Jimmy Varsel (who is on the creditor's committee) are both in CLT and stated that [FONT style=BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff66][STRONG]US Airways has not approached us for further concessions.[/STRONG][/FONT] So Chippie, why do you post false truths and bogus news articles that are not backed up by fact and reliable sources?[/P][BR][BR]PS, I just took another paycut so I am down $700 a month, I feel for my fellow employees.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 11/19/2002 3:54:23 PM USAirBoyA330 wrote:
[P]A320 Driver:[BR][BR]I could not have said it better myself. I don't have another YES vote in me either. On my pay scale I took a $600.00 per month cut. A car payment for gosh sakes. I [BR][BR][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Must be a nice car...[/P]
Chip hits lots of chop at altitude today.
union AGC'S are supposedly around the system preparing counter strageties to an AMFA run.
FLASH:sources indicate U to emerge from CH11 1st qtr 2003 and purchase ailing ATSB rejected UAL.LOL
You would have an attitude about someone posting false information after you take your concessions, your own union has censured Chip because of his anti-union sentiments against the CWA and IAM that was in the Charlotte Observer. He was run off the ALPA board and the Yahoo Board because he posts what he thinks is going on without checking the sources and confirming things. Chip does not post facts, his posts are nothing more than half-truths and rumors. GO back and read where he said the IAM is negotiating. Well that is 100% a lie. [BR][BR]Oh and by the way if our attitudes are so bad and we should turn off the lights why are we leading the industry in on time performance and we are near the top in all the DOT statistics?
About all I can say is that if the attitudes of several posters in this thread is the prevailing attitude of all US employees, than you guys might as well just flick the light switch now and all go home.
On 11/20/2002 9:58:04 AM LDKIAM wrote:

He was run off the ALPA board and the Yahoo Board because he posts what he thinks is going on without checking the sources and confirming things.

Chip is alive and well on the ALPA board. As for Yahoo, my guess he realized it's a waste of time.

Chip's efforts are well-intentioned, although I disagree with some of his conclusions.

And just exactly what should our attitude be? I am sick to death of people telling me what a good attitude I should have. When I come to work for this company I put on a MASK. That's right... a mask with a big smile on my face. I am not happy about what's going on with this company but yet I should sit home with my happy face on too? It's bull crap what we are being asked to do. After giving back a HUGE sum of money they are wanting MORE. Give a mouse a cookie and he wants a glass of milk. And it's not money they want! They just don't want ME anymore. They want the payroll numbers gone....they want MY payroll number gone. I gave them my $$$ and I come to work and treat these passengers like they are on the freaking QEII but that means NOTHING to them. Like a freaking kick in the teeth. I thought the corporate culture would change but it hasn't. We are all still just numbers that are expendable in the end. They pat us on the head for OnTime performance and customer service and at the same time ask us to be sharpening the knife to cut our throats later with productivity cuts. NO!......Ask me to give another $2.00 per hour and I might even listen to them (if management takes cuts with us). But don't ask me to just throw myself and others off a cliff after the sacrifice we made already.
I want this place to survive...I like my job....I enjoy my job. It's something I do because I want too. If it didn't mean anything to me I would not get so upset with the crap they pull. This place is starting to look like a black hole. We just throw money and people into the hole but never see any results.

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