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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

LOL....T and F are very close on the keyboard.
Lots think Ron Paul as a fool.....
You think a tool in what respect.......

Imagine that a man who believes in a United States that actually follows the COTUS. It comes as no surprise to me that the farther we get from the concept of the Founding Fathers the worse our country becomes.
Imagine that a man who believes in a United States that actually follows the COTUS. It comes as no surprise to me that the farther we get from the concept of the Founding Fathers the worse our country becomes.

I have to agree............I hope RP gets the nod.......too many have had enough with the present ruling class GOP/DNC. Time for America to wake up.
LOL....T and F are very close on the keyboard.
Lots think Ron Paul as a fool.....
You think a tool in what respect.......

In respect to the fact fact he voted against relief for Huricane Katrina victims. Then went on to say "Is bailing out people that chose to live on the coastline a proper function of the federal government?" "Why do people in Arizona have to be robbed in order to support the people on the coast?" Here's the kicker, he somehow managed to earmark $96 million dollars for his home district after Hurricane Ike. This included money for repairs to Galvestons seawall. to qoute Ron Paul, why do I have to pay for that?
Imagine that a man who believes in a United States that actually follows the COTUS. It comes as no surprise to me that the farther we get from the concept of the Founding Fathers the worse our country becomes.

How many people when they were running for presidnet said they were not going to follow the Constitution? Once they became President they all took an oath to uphold and defend it did they not? And what exactly is Ron Paul's interpretation of the Constitution?
How many people when they were running for presidnet said they were not going to follow the Constitution? Once they became President they all took an oath to uphold and defend it did they not? And what exactly is Ron Paul's interpretation of the Constitution?

Pretty straightforward from what I've seen.
Hey, anybody that wants to end the Fed can't be that bad.
Do you have a video that addresses his hypocrisy?

I've never known him to be much of a hypocrite, unless you're referring to some of the earmarks his district has received which points out just bleeped up we are as a nation. For over 20 years his message has been amazing;y consistent. Few pols can say that.

He does scare the every loving shite out of the left of center, Government is my shepherd crowd now that his views are gaining traction, When you see who is attending his rallies, then you know why establishment political types attempt to marginalize and discredit him every step of the way. When I saw him speak at CPAC his followers were mostly college age or slightly older. This is a very bad sign if you're a Liberal Progressive!
Dream on.

How does a tool of the right wing have any idea what the left of center thinks and what 'scares' them?

Quick hint. It is not fringe candidates like Ron Paul.
Dream on.

How does a tool of the right wing have any idea what the left of center thinks and what 'scares' them?

Quick hint. It is not fringe candidates like Ron Paul.

You Mean this fringe?

UPDATE: He in now officially in it to win it

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