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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

I do not care that you responded to him, why you responded to him or for that matter how you responded. I was merely saying that just because you have a right o use what ever terminology you choose does not mean that you should. The use of the term in question is rude to say the least and I agree with the poster that said the use of such a term reflects poorly on the user. You seem to have a firm grasp of the American language and I believe you are capable of getting your point across with out disparaging an entire group of people. Just my $0.02 worth. Do with it what you will.
Don't like it? TOUGH DARTS! Also if the shoe fits Bubba!

Actually I use any word I feel like using whenever the spirit moves me and of course context would play a big part in the use of any word, pejorative or otherwise. It's called Freedom and Liberty which is what the Ron Paul Revolution is all about.

I grew up in a town with a private care facility that cared for the severly and profoundly retarded. In fact my Grandmother worked there for close to 20 years. Everyone in town called it the "Tard Farm". 45 year old men with minds of a 2 year old.Very sad and you know what? It's STILL known even in this PC era as "The 'Tard Farm". A Coping method due to the situation the patients were in? Can't say

Oh and thanks you for taking your lips off Doug Parker's Alcohol soaked ass long enough to stop by and annoy me. Oh and BTW people with class never discuss it.

Now run along I think Dougie needs another cocktail. Fetch it quick or Massa be mad

Wow, you are so edgy.

Grow up, no one cares about your boring past. Being a grown up means having some class and civility. Berating the developmentally disabled speaks a great deal about your character. Just like making fun of alzheimers, remember that?

You lose the ability to convey a message when you post like this.

Really, grow up.
I do not care that you responded to him, why you responded to him or for that matter how you responded. I was merely saying that just because you have a right o use what ever terminology you choose does not mean that you should. The use of the term in question is rude to say the least and I agree with the poster that said the use of such a term reflects poorly on the user. You seem to have a firm grasp of the American language and I believe you are capable of getting your point across with out disparaging an entire group of people. Just my $0.02 worth. Do with it what you will.

Well thanks. Lost in all of this is that having sparred with this "individual" over a significant period of time if I met the guy in a bar and he talked to me the way he addresses me here I'd bust a bar stool over his head and feel good about it. I've had enough. I made peace with dapoes so I'm not a completer bonehead. Difference here it I no longer desire to be civil to this individual, therefore it ain't happening.

Call it a fault if you must but when the blood pressure rises the filters decrease.

It's very hard for me to articulate why I don't have the filter for the word "Retard". Maybe because, as I mentioned that we had "Pleasant Manor - Home for retarded Children" in my little town. The quote was on the sign and the word was most assuredly not a pejorative, it was a descriptor. Some of the residents were functional and worked at the facility living in group settings. As teens, there was many a time when we'd have tourist stop at what would now be a convenience store and "the girls" would be there. They could count money but they were slow and held up the line and the outsiders would often make insulting comments. Some had the same fate as that Member of the Westboro Baptist church met in MS. One of my buddies who geve the guy the beat down remarked to me "Dammit Bob, NOBODY talks about OUR retards". I guess I just see things different due to my experience as a young person. There but for the grace of God it could anyone of us at that home.
Perhaps this is the reason Obama released his birth certificate?

New Winner in Townhall/HotAir GOP Straw Poll: Paul Takes April

Sarah Palin Slips to Second

This month we have a new winner in the Townhall/HotAir GOP Presidential Straw Poll! Congratulations to Texas Rep. Ron Paul! Paul took the victory in the April Straw Poll, gaining 3.29 percentage points from the previous month when he finished second behind former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Palin dropped 4.72 percentage points to finish this month in second. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney actually lost support but moved from fourth place to third. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich fell from third to fifth behind former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

Thank you for voting in the April poll. For May we have removed Paul Ryan, Haley Barbour and Jim DeMint as they announced they will not be running for president. We have added former Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer and Businessman Donald Trump. We also rearranged the order of the poll for fairness.
Who cares?

Besides you, of course.

No idea!
Maybe a lot, maybe none. But I'll tell you this. When a guy running for office attracts the attention of the media smear machines of both parties there has to be some shred of truth that both parties fear.

Interesting thing is this. As they dig for skeletons in his closet they find none so they're forced to play in his arena of actual issues and facts. Something the party hacks aren't all that good at.
Ron Paul hauls more than $1 million

Ron Paul hauled more than $1 million just on Thursday via a debate-day money bomb.

Paul’s presidential exploratory committee alerted his supporters to the 24-hour online fundraising via email and social networks and were able to sit back and watch $1,028,436.56 roll in.

The successful money bomb capped off a big day for Paul’s camp, as he attended a tea party rally ahead of the presidential debate and was shown to run stronger against Barack Obama than any other candidate in an new CNN/Opinion Research poll.

More Here
Well when you can't win the argument, try to assassinate the character of your opponent. Typical and not surprising. Been this way since I was a poll watcher for a third party 35 years ago and the Republicrat Judge tried to make me move so far away as to be ineffective. That worked long enough for me to pull out a copy of the election code and a tape measure.

I demonstrated that I was EXACTLY ONE Inch over the minimum distance from the door and they went away. So I've been there, Done that and got the T-Shirt

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