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Real Hope & Change - Ron Paul 2012

I do not care if you have a membership card to the flat world society. When you post a comment saying that republicans do not assassinate character like the dems do if shows your hidden colors.

Didn't say that so stop putting words in my mouth. To be clear I think the left, in general and partly because of the well documented bias of the MSM are far far better at Character assassination than the right wing. Although I will grant you that the Swift Boat attack on Kerry was major league quality, along with a few others that come to mind. When it comes to day in day out Pit Bull attacks the Left are stone cold masters of it.
The right hasn't mastered it to the degree the left has. Secondly both the Republicans and Democrats have taken aim at Ron Paul. He is the establishments worst nightmare. If by some chance he does get elected how long before he gets shot? I don't think he lasts his term if elected
I like a some of what he stands for, dumping the IRS, flat tax, less government. Where he loses many, including myself, is his view that 9/11 was the USA's fault, his soft views on assaulting and killing terrorists, and how they are treated in captivity (no waterboarding and other useful tactics).

Then finally what I read today that he thinks we should of told the Pakistani terrorist supporters that we know where bin Laden was and the US should have enlisted their help before we sent the SEALS in. That would have been a huge and foolish mistake. Lost me for sure there.

However, if it's Ron Paul vs. Nobama, it's Paul for sure.

My guess right now it's Mike Huckabee vs. Nobama.
I like a some of what he stands for, dumping the IRS, flat tax, less government. Where he loses many, including myself, is his view that 9/11 was the USA's fault, his soft views on assaulting and killing terrorists, and how they are treated in captivity (no waterboarding and other useful tactics).

Then finally what I read today that he thinks we should of told the Pakistani terrorist supporters that we know where bin Laden was and the US should have enlisted their help before we sent the SEALS in. That would have been a huge and foolish mistake. Lost me for sure there.

However, if it's Ron Paul vs. Nobama, it's Paul for sure.

My guess right now it's Mike Huckabee vs. Nobama.

Sad isn't it? 🙁 🙁
Politics is a funny thing.

I have a lady friend who identifies herself as a "Reagan Democrat". She is forever chastising me over my support of Ron Paul. She once told me "He's Insane and so are you" She's a sweet creature and I adore her immensely but she really does piss me off on this one. We talk politics a lot and she proceeds to tell me her opinions and almost everyone of them is nearly identical to the views of Ron Paul.

I mention this because this is where the MSM does the public a huge disservice in painting anyone outside the power structure as a kook. Fox isn't much better as they pretend to tolerate Ron Paul because he's good for ratings.

Third parties fail not because their ideas are flawed or to far out. They fail because the Republicrats stack the deck when it comes to ballot access. By the time a guy like Ralph Nader or Ron Paul gets on the ballot in all 50 states they have often exhausted their funds with which to mount a real campaign.

The deck is rigged in the country by globalists and Corporations who confiscate our money and our liberty on a daily basis to the point where people are afraid to be individuals.
Who invented 'swiftboating' and Lee Atwater.

Nobody needs to take aim at Paul. The more he talks, the less people will listen.

Question was "Who left a copy of the DNC playbook at the Georgetown Inn?"

Didn't Danny Boy go down in flames trying to swiftboat GW? :lol:
Question was "Who left a copy of the DNC playbook at the Georgetown Inn?"

Didn't Danny Boy go down in flames trying to swiftboat GW? :lol:

View attachment 9075

Broken treaties, reservation concentration camps, reeducation campaigns, genocide; there's no better example for why you should never trust government than the Native American.
I think the reasons explaining the abuse of the Native Americans in this country go far beyond 'government'. Native Americans have always had a very low position in terms of hierarchy in this country. I think it could be argued that they were below the blacks and still are. The abuse that they endured in this country is more a result of blatant racism than mistrust of the government. They were seen as savages who needed to be either saved if possible or wiped out if not. hey had no power to enforce the treaties and they were wholly unfamiliar with our customs and ways. They had no religion (at least not so far as we were concerned) and were not worthy of being honored. The us government breaking all the treaties was merely a by product of our disdain for the Native Americans in this country.
I think the reasons explaining the abuse of the Native Americans in this country go far beyond 'government'. Native Americans have always had a very low position in terms of hierarchy in this country. I think it could be argued that they were below the blacks and still are. The abuse that they endured in this country is more a result of blatant racism than mistrust of the government. They were seen as savages who needed to be either saved if possible or wiped out if not. hey had no power to enforce the treaties and they were wholly unfamiliar with our customs and ways. They had no religion (at least not so far as we were concerned) and were not worthy of being honored. The us government breaking all the treaties was merely a by product of our disdain for the Native Americans in this country.


We are the Government! We elected the racists! We turned a blind eye to the Government atrocities. While your argument may hold water in the late 1800's and early 1900's it sure doesn't today. As to being "Below the blacks" all I can say is when I was in Utah in 1974 I saw a sign on the door of a small store that said "No Dogs or Indians allowed in this place of business". Draw your own conclusions on that one.

Since truce and treaty the American Indian has received more government aid on a per capita basis then any other group protected or otherwise. Even with the Casino's and bingo parlors life has not improved at a great many reservations. Having had the opportunity to drive through Pine Ridge you see the end result of total dependence of Government hand outs, Unemployment is the 40% range, Violent crime through the roof, A Fetal Alcohol Syndrome birth rate on about 35% which is one of the leading causes of the above mentioned violence and staggering suicide rate. Then to top it all off you have a Tribal Council that is responsible for handing out the handouts and the corruption there is rampant to the point where the Rez Police do whatever they please. To get a good job you often have to bribe the council.

WHY? Because of Government intrusion into the day to day affairs of the individual Indian. Through the BIA and IHS the government have driven many proud tribes to their knees. NO, The American Indian has had just about all the Government they can tolerate as a people.
Although it varies from reservation to reservation, most tribes have their own councils and are treated as self-ruling entities. Thus casinos and cheap cigarettes.

The situation you describe is the Ron Paul model in practice.
Although it varies from reservation to reservation, most tribes have their own councils and are treated as self-ruling entities. Thus casinos and cheap cigarettes.

The situation you describe is the Ron Paul model in practice.

Not really because if you find out you have to fend for yourself, Guess What? You do! Look to the USSR as a textbook example of what living off the Government created.

Do we have problems with Russia today? Yes we do but by and large the lives of the individual Russian has improved. Are there winner & losers? Yes there are.
I've never known him to be much of a hypocrite, unless you're referring to some of the earmarks his district has received which points out just bleeped up we are as a nation. For over 20 years his message has been amazing;y consistent. Few pols can say that.

When you lecture everyone about government spending run amoke, vote against Hurricane Katrina relief THEN earmark $96 million dollars for your district including money to repair damage from Hurricane Ike that makes you a hypocrite. That $96 million by the way was more than any other member from the Houston area.

Here's the best part in all of this. That $96 million was a part of a $410 million spending bill which he denounced and voted against. Why did he did he put $96 million into a spending bill that he voted against? He knew full well that the spending bill was going to pass. By earmarking that money for his district then voting against it he could get on his soapbox and lecture how he’s trying to hold the line on government spending. Comfortable in the knowledge he would have a nice sound bite for his supporters.

It’s looking like Ron Paul is just another two faced politician.
I do LOVE how as soon as Paul gets any kind of traction the Left turns up their Character Assassination Machine. Problem is with Paul he's as close to squeaky clean personally as one can get south of a Monastery. That leaves his 30 year track record of consistency, even Elliott Spitzer says he admires Dr Paul's "Intellectual Honesty".

How is pointing out that polls this early in the game character assassination? And I would not call lecturing about how it's not the responsibility of people in Arizona to bail out people affected by hurricanes while at the same time earmarking money to repair hurricane damage in his own district "intellectual honesty" or "consistency".
How is pointing out that polls this early in the game character assassination? And I would not call lecturing about how it's not the responsibility of people in Arizona to bail out people affected by hurricanes while at the same time earmarking money to repair hurricane damage in his own district "intellectual honesty" or "consistency".

well the Progressive attack dogs are out even here. I know exactly why Ron Paul took the earmarks. He knew his vote was going to be on the losing side. Given that he figured better get what I can for the PEOPLE I REPRESENT and BTW he's said as much.

Why are you so afraid of Freedom & Liberty?
Not really


Imagine legalized heroin. Not a wise life choice but smart people get sucked in. Unlimited access means more users. Who takes care of the addicts? More people on the trash heap.

They are just people. Who cares? Not Ron Paul. He has an ideology to follow.

And anyone who questions it is a progressive attack dog opposed to freedom and liberty.

Is freedom of thought and speech limited to those that agree with you?

How many conservatives will back Paul when he starts talking about a knee-jerk issue like legalized heroin?
Imagine legalized heroin. Not a wise life choice but smart people get sucked in. Unlimited access means more users. Who takes care of the addicts? More people on the trash heap.

Having it treated as a public health issue instead of a criminal act may well reduce the number of addicted people. Another possibility is that with it cheap and affordable a person may be able to function and provide for him/her self. After all you work for a company who has a convicted drunk as CEO and truth is that more people have been killed by drunk drivers then have been killed by addicts since stats have been recorded. It;s interesting to note that Holland has the most liberal laws regarding pot yet the lowest percentage of young people smoking it on a regular basis.

They are just people. Who cares? Not Ron Paul. He has an ideology to follow.
Choices have consequences, that's what freedom and liberty is, RISK is the price you pay. My ex shose heroin over me and if she dies of an overdose in the gutter so what? She made her choice and I made mine, Social Darwinism isn't all bad ya know.

And anyone who questions it is a progressive attack dog opposed to freedom and liberty.
NO, it's just that when you have a view a little outside the mainstream people that have a vested interest in the status quo line up to discredit and worse.

Is freedom of thought and speech limited to those that agree with you?
see above, Also if I felt that way some folks on here would be on ignore.

How many conservatives will back Paul when he starts talking about a knee-jerk issue like legalized heroin?
What am I Karnak the Magnificent? We shall see. History shows us that Prohibition doesn't work and results in a 40% increase in violent crime with the US having the highest incarceration rate in the free world.

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