I am surprised a bit by the subjects here and by the way some of you look at SWA. I too once worked for an Airline that was like a family. But that airline is gone, along with 4 others I have worked for. When you have been in the biz for a long time, the biz changes. It goes in cycles, pay,vacation,sicktime,holidays, all good but when times change the airlines look for any way to keep share holders profits up. That means we suffer.
I am at AA now, some look at the TWA, RenoAir, and Aircal guys differnt why? Because we have lost some of our spots in the pecking order. If a layoff happens and they have merged the lists of AMT's I could be out the door. I am not safe I am a number. Well let me tell you, you have always been a number. The sick rules you talk about have been around since the 1980's. Airlines come and go. Eastern,
Pan-am, Braniff, AirFlorida, NWA, TWA, Piedmont, Alleghney, now Continental due to its merger with United. Airtran and SWA are one so now you see Big biz is just looking out for itself. Unless the AT guy is not up the standards of SWA due to the lack of skills he should be treated like you were when you first started. WELCOMED.
If he has the right attitude and does his job, doesn't he make SWA better. He also makes your job easier, he can help or even fix something and thats one less gate call for YOU. You have a chance to show the industry that two airline can merge and become one Union of AMT's working together to better the class and craft. Think about it..
You guys have something there at SWA we at AA are trying to get. A union which represents the mechanics of the industry. Stabbing one another in the back is not what its about. Its supposed to be that we look out for each other and the ones who will replace us in the future. To make sure that the Trade we chose is not sent overseas. Sent to some MRO so our pay can be cut or our numbers at what ever airline you work for.