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As someone that is involved with my union I am glad that we have the right to due process. I will defend all my fellow brothers and sisters because that is what we pay dues for. It is up to the company get there ducks in a line if they suspect someone is abusing the attendance policy. To make a blanket statement that we are all abusers is offensive and irresponsible.

Hey there don't throw words into my mouth! I never said anything about us all being abusers. As far as the company punishing the abusers, will you be on Southwest Airlines side or defending the abuser because he is AMFA? If we want to become a highly skilled craft union commanding a premium salary,, we need to act professional day in and day out.we all need to show up for work when we are supposed to. I also believe AMFA should be encouraging us to do the same, the company should allow us to police ourselves
So why do we earn 12 sick days a year but are told now we can only use 9 of them or we are abusing our sick time?
Where is the logic in that?
So why do we earn 12 sick days a year but are told now we can only use 9 of them or we are abusing our sick time?
Where is the logic in that?
I'm not sure about the logic but perhaps people are taking a day a month, like every third Saturday, just as an example. That to me would be abuse. Look, most of us get sick from time to time but a continuous repitition, showing a common pattern would set off alarms. Heck, my Sup sent me home about a month ago before I gave the entire Atlanta Hangar the plague I brought back from Mexico. I took two & a half days and bounced back, after antibiotics finally kicked in. Point is, some people seem to think it is an extended vacation time and if so, that's wrong. If you are sick, stay home, if not, get yer butt to work. Simple!
You miss my point.
If you hurt yourself while you were on that Mexican vacation and then had to recover by taking more than 9 days then you would be in violation of the new sick policy.
You would be subject to disciplinary action.
Even though you get 12 sick days a year.
Then if you get the flu within the next 12 months you must go to work sick or you get another violation.

And don't say you just file for fmla because my doctor has a sign in each treatment room that says he does not fill out disability forms.
He used to, but charged $25 to do it and insurance did not pay for that fee.
You miss my point.
If you hurt yourself while you were on that Mexican vacation and then had to recover by taking more than 9 days then you would be in violation of the new sick policy.
You would be subject to disciplinary action.
Even though you get 12 sick days a year.
Then if you get the flu within the next 12 months you must go to work sick or you get another violation.

And don't say you just file for fmla because my doctor has a sign in each treatment room that says he does not fill out disability forms.
He used to, but charged $25 to do it and insurance did not pay for that fee.

What do you think of Sickcation days?
I think that if you are SICK then you should be able to take off any or all 12 days a year that you earn.

If you earn 12 days a year, you can use 12 days a year and if you have migraines or severe allergies or just get sick, you should be able to use them 1 day at a time if you need to without having to hassle with FMLA paperwork.

FMLA sholud only be needed if you use up your 12 earned sick days a year.
I think that if you are SICK then you should be able to take off any or all 12 days a year that you earn.

If you earn 12 days a year, you can use 12 days a year and if you have migraines or severe allergies or just get sick, you should be able to use them 1 day at a time if you need to without having to hassle with FMLA paperwork.

FMLA sholud only be needed if you use up your 12 earned sick days a year.

I agree. I think we all agree the practice of Sickcation needs to end which is really all the company wants. We need all need to suck it up and come to work when scheduled . If you have crappy days off because of your seniority... Wah wait your turn. If you're sick stay home! If not get your butt to work. Simple as that we're pros. Fake sick calls burdens extra work on others to cover & you can't always count on the company to call OT to cover the absentees
So is it true from what I hear T-cock is a changed man or is it just to weather his probationary period at Swa. Come on AirTran boys shed some light on these lovely man , because I don't hear many good things about him.
With a name like T-cock, I guess the deck is pretty much stacked against you from the outset.
Hey there don't throw words into my mouth! I never said anything about us all being abusers. As far as the company punishing the abusers, will you be on Southwest Airlines side or defending the abuser because he is AMFA? If we want to become a highly skilled craft union commanding a premium salary,, we need to act professional day in and day out.we all need to show up for work when we are supposed to. I also believe AMFA should be encouraging us to do the same, the company should allow us to police ourselves
I am 555 and I will defend all members to the best of my ability. It is not up to me to decide guilt but to uphold our CBA. If the company does their job to hold us accountable to the work rules they agreed to then the "abuser" shall be terminated through the due process that is afforded to them as union member. The memo's we keep getting on the ramp is a general blanket statement calling all work groups abuser and we are costing the company 500 billion annually. What they don't tell you is to get to that number of 500 billion not only is sick time but vacation time and personal leave time. I am all for professionalism and taking pride in your job but WN has changed gears and we all have become a number and no longer a family (even if it was dysfunctional)
guilt but to uphold our CBA. If the company does their job to hold us accountable to the work rules they agreed to

So you are saying we should all be abiding by rules we agreed to when we hired on with Southwest Airlines..remember that day?
I am surprised a bit by the subjects here and by the way some of you look at SWA. I too once worked for an Airline that was like a family. But that airline is gone, along with 4 others I have worked for. When you have been in the biz for a long time, the biz changes. It goes in cycles, pay,vacation,sicktime,holidays, all good but when times change the airlines look for any way to keep share holders profits up. That means we suffer.

I am at AA now, some look at the TWA, RenoAir, and Aircal guys differnt why? Because we have lost some of our spots in the pecking order. If a layoff happens and they have merged the lists of AMT's I could be out the door. I am not safe I am a number. Well let me tell you, you have always been a number. The sick rules you talk about have been around since the 1980's. Airlines come and go. Eastern,
Pan-am, Braniff, AirFlorida, NWA, TWA, Piedmont, Alleghney, now Continental due to its merger with United. Airtran and SWA are one so now you see Big biz is just looking out for itself. Unless the AT guy is not up the standards of SWA due to the lack of skills he should be treated like you were when you first started. WELCOMED.
If he has the right attitude and does his job, doesn't he make SWA better. He also makes your job easier, he can help or even fix something and thats one less gate call for YOU. You have a chance to show the industry that two airline can merge and become one Union of AMT's working together to better the class and craft. Think about it..

You guys have something there at SWA we at AA are trying to get. A union which represents the mechanics of the industry. Stabbing one another in the back is not what its about. Its supposed to be that we look out for each other and the ones who will replace us in the future. To make sure that the Trade we chose is not sent overseas. Sent to some MRO so our pay can be cut or our numbers at what ever airline you work for.
I am surprised a bit by the subjects here and by the way some of you look at SWA. I too once worked for an Airline that was like a family. But that airline is gone, along with 4 others I have worked for. When you have been in the biz for a long time, the biz changes. It goes in cycles, pay,vacation,sicktime,holidays, all good but when times change the airlines look for any way to keep share holders profits up. That means we suffer.

I am at AA now, some look at the TWA, RenoAir, and Aircal guys differnt why? Because we have lost some of our spots in the pecking order. If a layoff happens and they have merged the lists of AMT's I could be out the door. I am not safe I am a number. Well let me tell you, you have always been a number. The sick rules you talk about have been around since the 1980's. Airlines come and go. Eastern,
Pan-am, Braniff, AirFlorida, NWA, TWA, Piedmont, Alleghney, now Continental due to its merger with United. Airtran and SWA are one so now you see Big biz is just looking out for itself. Unless the AT guy is not up the standards of SWA due to the lack of skills he should be treated like you were when you first started. WELCOMED.
If he has the right attitude and does his job, doesn't he make SWA better. He also makes your job easier, he can help or even fix something and thats one less gate call for YOU. You have a chance to show the industry that two airline can merge and become one Union of AMT's working together to better the class and craft. Think about it..

You guys have something there at SWA we at AA are trying to get. A union which represents the mechanics of the industry. Stabbing one another in the back is not what its about. Its supposed to be that we look out for each other and the ones who will replace us in the future. To make sure that the Trade we chose is not sent overseas. Sent to some MRO so our pay can be cut or our numbers at what ever airline you work for.
I agree with most of that.
We have been spoiled here and need to be aware of what is going on outside of SWA.
Having said that, I still won't be voting to give anything back that we enjoy now.

You have the right attitude to to be an AMFA union leader.
I hope you get the chance.
Good luck.

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