I've been idle for a little while hoping this bickering would go away. You guys, this integration is done. It's just like after a contract vote, it's done, you cannot change anything about it. The AT comte did what they saw needed to do. The teamsters were holding out for binding arbitration if we did not agree to DOH (dovetail). The AT cmte saw many other groups getting years added to thier service. The cmte then put a rather large amount of pressure on the teamster lead nego to allow the 4 yrs to be voted on, if it passes it passes, if it fails we go to arbitration. My personal opinion is the teamsters really thought it was not going to pass and would end up in BA anyways. In BA I do believe we still would have recieved a boost, what that boost would have been is unknown, my guess would have been between 3-4 yrs.
Although the end results may have not been what some wanted, it is what it is, done, can't be changed now. Most all people out there automatically think that with this new law about integrating, that it's automatic to get DOH with BA. As seen by more than one BA with AT/SWA integration this is not the case, alot of them seen the huge increases the AT employees were recieving and ruled accordingly. Leason learned? Don't always assume DOH in BA, you have to look at all the gains from both sides and then fairly balance the 2 sides to equallality. This is why SWA mechs recieved the highest boost of 4 yrs, that was also givin by an outsider in BA. The AT cmte saw this and desided to vote on it. But from what I understand the cmte forced the teamsters to allow it to come out for a vote. Someone pls correct me if I am wrong here. The teamsters are actually happy they don't have to spend the cash for BA and end up with the same results...