I find it funny that AT people are trying to tell SWA people what the culture may or not be,, calling SWA people names and making judgements,,, pretty balsy and AV you have no idea about me, my work attitude or me as a person or employee,, but you sure have a lot of names to call me and tell SWA people how this should all be handled,,, WOW
I have to many examples and info to bore everyone with,, but SWA in the 90's was a wonderful company that cared about its employees, HERB.. When we posted a profit in the early 90's, even though meager by todays standards.. the company had parties and made the employees feel proud to be a part of it... After posting one of the best or best quarter in SWA history, there are on back slaps, the congradulations are Quashed by the numbers we should of had, how we can pinch more pennies...
The leadership seems to Harp on employees and very little that a boy, or girl.... the ideology has shifted and because of this, it has not trickled down but has Flooded down.... talking to people around the system I personally hear far more angered stories than I have ever.... The Culture is on its last leg, and like it or not Most people I talk to feel abandoned by the AT deal and with the CSA deal the anger has boiled over...
I have seen the Morris deal, the United threat to try to put us out of business, I have seen a lot over the years..... so do everyone at SWA a favor,, dont tell us how we should or shouldnt think or lecture anyone about Culture... YOu may have gotten a better life with far more pay but that doesnt qualify you to lecture SWA employees on the past...and name calling is a great way to show respect to anyone... nice approach
Funny also is that the only ones to the CSA;s need to Get Over IT are AT people,, if you are to Obtuse to realize that thousands of SWA people just got their Seniority ripped from Them,, however it happened isnt their focus, they are shocked and angered and no amount of Time will heal that Wound,,,, just Reality... I know Morris people that still feel jilted 18+ years later.. I am sure the CSA's will be so excited to see the HUGe raises AT got and then train them and watch them take away their shifts....
GET real, take your money... allow the SWA people to get their minds around it all and keep your advice to a minimum... just a suggestion but people like AVtech cant seem to find the Shut Up button and are so incredibly Wise they think everyone wants to hear advice from AT on How we should handle it..and rah rah lets move on Together and blah blah blah,, I understand cause if I just Upgrade my life pulling in 10's of thousands of $$ more a year... I would want smooth sailing too,,,,
^^^^^The definition of the one who flew over the Coo-Coo's nest.. Geez dude, get a grip, loosen your belt, have a drink or something. My "insults' referring to you are all warranted by the psychotic rants that you go on! No, I don't know you in person,,,,, same,,, as,, you don't know me in person (thank god for that) but you represent your workgroup when you post on here and your postings have a negative effects and are never for the better or benefit of others. All you do is stir up the pot that's already on the edge of boiling. I don't pretend to know what it is to have worked for SWA for 10+ years so I have to base my information from others that haven been there 10+ years and those that I have spoken to, more than 1, all say pretty much the same thing,,, that,,, it's,,,, people like you,,,, Buscador,,, that ruin the culture at SWA. You're using the AT deal as a catalyst to spread your hatred word and I'm simply calling you out on it,,,, I don't care if I were SWA, AT, Delta, AA, I would still call you a psycho by the way you post on here. Again, I don't know you in person, but seeing how you behave in an anonymous environment just tells me that either A) you're a neurotic sociopath or B) just plain crazy!
I will say, it has been entertaining seeing how much time and effort you spend on all your rebuttals and attacks. It makes me laugh to read some of the things you write. But there are somethings you post that are very disturbing and I just have to call you out on it since no one else will. BTW, I wonder what your comma key looks like on your PC (specifically the laptop running windows XP) that you use to post on here. I mean,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that,,,,,poor,,,,button must,,,,, be worn out!! lol