I remember your brilliant economic advice from just a few years ago... "run up all your credit cards to the max and never pay them back", or something to that effect.
How's that working for ya?
freedom - Posted 09 July 2008 - 11:44 PM
"United States economy doomed …
I give it three to five years before total collapse .
Why do I say this ?
1. OIL , oil as we all know is the backbone of the us economy , and its like someone's just taken our backbone and snapped it over their knee like a twig .. I don't believe that our country can survive with oil prices as high as they are today ,, maybe somewhere in the 110 to 120 range but I don't see the prices falling that low until we've sustained critical damage ..
2. The us government is almost bankrupt wasn't too long ago that old uncle sam had to give himself another credit extension by raising the maximum federal debt level ..Right now we're nine trillion dollars in the hole. It won't be long again until we hit our ceiling …oh hey , by the way , the expensive and draining war in iraq isnt helping this problem .
3 our long term obligations are soon to roost , I forget which medical system is going dry , but wasnt the government warning us about one of them going under in 2017 ? Not to mention that most of the states in our country are in the red , and the same goes for a lot of cities as well How will the gov be able to jump start the economy if there's nothing in the bank , and if we know theres nothing in there and the world knows , you can expect our dollar to plummet
sorry this isnt a very thought out post. Im just going off the top of my head here¦ I'll write something a bit more comprehensive when I get the chance , but that'about it in a nut shell"
freedom Posted 07 September 2008 - 07:59 PM
Freddie and fanny mac anyone ?
I predict black Monday 2 tomorrow .
freedom Posted 09 October 2008 - 03:53 PM
"is someone preparing a plan B for when the US ECONOMY comes to a grinding halt? life will NEED to go on ...
Dear doom journal ...
today the market decended into the 8000 point range ... as sad as that is , i feel gratified because i have now proven my point to the "roid monster " ... i once had an argument about oh say 6 months ago where i explanied that things were going to get "really really bad" but no , roid monster with his college degree said things would just drop to around 9000 thousand points and the people who can't pay their homes or loans would get washed out of the system .....
Well this under educated baggage handler knows different , and today i've been proven correct ...the US market is collapsing around us ... i feel like that dude in the 1978 superman movie who is telling everyone that a horrible event is coming , but noooo most people don't listen and so i' and others like me are just kooks .... you know what the worst part of this is doom journal ? in the superman movie the dude was able to put his son into the pod and send him to another world .... well i don't have a pod .... that's the worst part of it ...and even if i did have a pod AND a son ... i'd make sure that it was me in that pod and not some infant ...i mean come on , a man can always have more children right ?
that's about it for today doom journal , althou iceland may announce BK tonight , if they do we can expect markets everywhere to drop like rocks .. heck the us market might even close tomorrow ... "
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Freedom doesn't even have that record.