Questions For Usa320pilot

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Funguy2 asked: “Is the 936,900 block hours per year limit actually in the ALPA contract? “

USA320Pilot answers: Yes, it's based on 279 aircraft, the minimum fleet count in a number of union contracts.

Funguy2 asked: "So if US Airways acquired 100 new airplanes today, they would have to negotiate with ALPA in order to add the block hours to fly them? Would this be accurate?"

USA320Pilot answers: No, this is not accurate.

USA320Pilot comments: The company says it wants to increase aircraft utilization from 10 to 11.5 hours per day. If true, then I believe the company should commit to increasing the minimum block hour number by 15% to 1,077,435 hours per year. By the way, the 936,900 figure excludes SJs (MDA).


You supported the pull down when it was happening. Now you say it was a mistake ? Pilots on the ALPA web-board were protesting the wisdom of the drastic pull down for the very reason you sight. You of course supported everything that management said then as now. You agenda is one of selfish desperation.

Career Furloughee
Career Furloughee:

From a macroeconomic perspective, the difference between the capacity pull down from the 70's, 80's and 90s with the 2002 reduction is the skyrocketing LCC expansion.

The LCC's market pressure was not a factor in the 70's, 80's, and 90's and if their dramatic growth during the past two years had not been present, US Airways would likely be profitable today.

Let's not forget the financial markets, Fitch Rating (the ATSB's outside auditor), the ATSB, RSA, the creditor's committee, and the bankruptcy court all believed US Airways' POR would return the carrier to profitability, but LCC's and Internet booking have changed the game.

In fact, these two issues, more than anything else, have altered the industry more than anything else.

In fact, Fortune Magazine recently published an article "Why the Big Boys Won't Come Back -- For the nation's beleaguered airline industry, the tipping point is finally here: The discounters are winning."

See Story

According to the article -- Ask Dave Ulmer, chief of planning at JetBlue, about his industry and he can hardly contain his glee. To him, the towering fares charged by the major U.S. airlines are a gilt-edged invitation to make tons of money. As we speak, he's loading up on 100-seat Embraers - planes that are the perfect size to compete in the majors' regional markets. "We'll fly routes like JFK to Charlotte, Norfolk, and other East Coast cities where the average [one-way] fares are over $200," he says. "We could easily cut those fares to one-third, or around $70!"

Career Furloughee, is this US Airways management's fault?

Career Furloughee, with all due respect, your user name and apparent long time furlough could not be effecting your sentiment and view of the world, could it?


usa320pilot, your right! you're dealing with a bunch of sissies that don't like to work. If anything, your family at home sees your hard work and dedication to your professioin. that's what counts. you are working for them.. and I too am working harder than these loosers to keep us in business. I am keeping up my end of the airline without excuses.

hey loosers..... I am taking your jobs.

The employees here at U are the main reason we are still around. Your childish name calling reveals your intelligence. As well as your spelling. Maybe you have mis-spelled your name also. Allow me to help you: K-N-U-C-K-L-E-H-E-A-D.

320, the reason one must remember and recall the past is so that the folly and mistakes of management (and in some cases labor) are not repeated. We cannot allow our billions in givebacks to be squandered once again. That is your problem. You fail to call for competent management while constantly beating the drum of employee givebacks.

There is plenty of blame to go around. But the management is the key to resolving the problems at US Airways. Try to keep this in mind 320: We fly the jets, they run the company. We don't make or lose the money. Management does.


Just saw an unofficial company opener to ALPA. If true, would you support getting rid of your DC retirement plan?

Please. The wholly owneds make money like a fish rides a bicycle. Show us proof that they do, this is thrown around and never proven. If they were "making money", then why do they go into bankrupcy along with the rest of US Airways Group? And if they did, who cares?

If someone really thinks that airline employees charged with the safety of thousands should get paid chicken-feed turboprop rates they are crazy. The pay these folks get is already too low, but this is one of the few industries where people will work for free and then wonder where the stability/comfort/job/normal life they were "working towards" went.

And what on earth is a"looser"? :blink: A promiscuous person?
hammerhead said:
your right, the wholly's put U in bankruptcy.
Well they sure joined them there, didn't they?

Please present proof that any of US Airways commuter subsidiaries are "making money". Please include information on how thier costs would be were they independent entities rather than in-house subcontractors (paid for own a/c, maintained a res/marketing system etc).

As for your rant that the employees put US Airways into bankrupcy, I'm not sure how you can really blame an employee.

As a flight attendant, I had a contract with the company detailing my duties and thier obligations. I never made more than $27,000 in a year, peanuts for an airline. I earned my keep by performing my job, keeping people safe but also representing the brand the airline chose.

I can use equiptment and evacuate 14 different types of planes in under 90 seconds if required. I can use an AED. I can perform first aid. I can conduct a water ditching and command a raft. I can serve a five star, several course dinner and breakfast over the Atlantic. I can do a cart service on PHL-PIT and still offer a second cup of coffee. I can answer any question one may have about our Dividend Miles program. I can troubleshoot the In-seat TVs or set up a bassinet for a baby. I show up on-time, in full uniform, with a smile, a positive attitude, and pride in my company. I did my job, why hasnt management done thiers?

I DID my job. I did it very well. Thousands still do- they get up every day and do the job they promised to, how they are supposed to and with an extra effort because they care. Do what they were hired to do. How did THEY put the company in bankrupcy?

Did the employees run from competition on the west coast, leaving a vulnerable short haul east coast route system? Did the employees decide that they needed to have every 100 seat airplane available in our fleet? Did the employees decide to buy two good airlines and run them in an opposite fashion of what made them successful? Did the employees stop working for two years while trying to get a merger passed to create the largest airline in the world? Did the employees cut too much capacity after 9/11? Did the employees decide to change schedules, routes and rules to alienate our best customers? Did the employees decide to paint some planes red in a half-assed try at competing with an LCC? Did the employees decide to give away customers by forcing them to ride on props and RJs operated by dodgy airlines while parking thier own fleet? Did the employees tell the media several times that the airline would soon perish? Did the employees say "There is no plan B" or "cool Northern efficiency"? Did the employees not advertise for years? Did the employees dream up all of the ridiculous divisions, contractors, subsidiaries leaving the inconsistent, Aeroflot-like glob we call the airline today? Did the employees walk off with millions of dollars while the company suffered?

Say what you want, the employees did or are doing thier jobs, and doing them well. I dont want to hear about the cart driver in Bath and Bodyworks or the Flight attendant who forgot to get you a pillow, everyone here knows that US has some of the best employees in the industry. They've won accolades, awards, and statistics to prove it.

Its the folks in the Palace that are not doing thier jobs, and that, my friend is what put US Airways, and its supposedly lucrative turboprop arm ( :rolleyes: ) in bankrupcy, and may do again.

I think you have finally answered part of seeking_the_truth's question: There is no ALPA contract reason why rolling hubs and increasing utilization could not be accomplished today (except for the implications on returning furloughees vs. getting the same number of people to do more work as discussed earlier in this thread).

Also, and mwereplanes, can you confirm that there is no contractual limits on expannded or reduced total annual block hours in the ALPA contract. I would have to assume if the company decided that 9 block hours/day was the optimal number (even though this would be insane in the current environment) that management would be within their rights to do so, as long as they keep 279 aircraft. Is that correct?
Career Furloughee, is this US Airways management's fault?
well lets take a shot here...if i remember correctly a group of guys who fly planes for U were dragging their feet way back when wolfe and rakeesh wanted RJ'S added to our fleet for ,i believe the prospect of lower cost alternatives.well,well well,now who looks like the guys with egg on their faces here? :shock:
hammerhead said:
usa320pilot, your right! you're dealing with a bunch of sissies that don't like to work. If anything, your family at home sees your hard work and dedication to your professioin. that's what counts. you are working for them.. and I too am working harder than these loosers to keep us in business. I am keeping up my end of the airline without excuses.

hey loosers..... I am taking your jobs.
hey peckerhead,if you're going to call people 'loosers' please at least spell it right,ok? you loser :up:
Here's what you don't remember delldude:

When Schofield and co. originally came to the U MEC to get the RJ ball rolling our union told him that we would give him the exact same contractual relief as Delta gave to their company to get Comair up and running. Exactly the same deal. DAL accepted and Comair and Delta Connection were off and running. Schoefield said no. Remember that?

It's not about RJ's. It was and still is about a management that can forsee and be proactive in the way they manage. Up to now U has not had it. Do we have it with Lakefield? So far I personally like what he is saying but actions speak louder than words. We shall see how serious they are as the talks with ALPA begin.

funnyguy, there is a limit of not less that 279 jets and a bottom limit on the number of hours the company must fly. They must fly x number of hours. That protects us from having 279 jets but only flying each of them 2 hours per day. There is no limit on the upper end on either the number of jets or hours.

It's about management folks. There are ways to get it done. But management must lead. We shall see over the next few months whether or not they can. If not, look for a piece meal breakup or total liquidation. With the blame going to labor. After all, according to 320, it's the employees who will sink or save us.

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