Questions For Usa320pilot

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USA320Pilot said:

The company’s ethics policy no longer permit a person to state their identity on a public message board, therefore, if I want to talk to a person I have no other avenue but to use the PM feature.

What I find interesting is that people like your self pound their chest and insult people and lack decorum when sitting behind a PC. However, you and others will not identify yourself, which I find cowardly.

Would you care to PM your name and phone number? With all due respect, I bet you do not have the courage too.


Honey, I have enough people ringing my phone that I'd rather not speak with than having you call with drivel about America West pay rates and US Airways broke ass buying United Airlines.

I can get dodgy advice from friends and fantasies for $3.99 a minute. Minutes dont grow on trees. With all due respect, why would I add you?


Light Years

With all due respect, I could have predicted your response. It's easy for you to insult people on a message board, but it takes courage to face a person and then speak to them eye-to-eye.


I dont really feel like I insult anyone on here. You, on the other hand, insult people, thier intelligence and thier professions.

My name and phone number are irrelevant on an internet message board. There's no courage or bravery in trying to insult people into giving up thier livelihood to maintain yours.

I have no doubt in my mind that you'd be happy to insult me to my face. But, like most of your posts, thats just something that wont happen.

Have a good night.
USA320Pilot said:

In regard to a furlough, my comment was in reference to when I left United over the 570 issue and was unemployed and had no airline income. By the way, if your user name correctly expresses your likely sentiment of anger and venom over your layoffs, what does a comment over a year old on the ALPA message board have to do with anything today?



My post to you was in response to your statement that you don't lie or twist the truth. I am calling you on that as have many others over on the now segregated "non-active" US Airways Pilot web board. You have been suspended on that board for just such activity. Fact: You stated that you had experienced a furlough. Fact: When the validity of your statement was called into question you had to admit you had not been furloughed. How could you have made such a mistake? Or is the truth something you are willing to ignore to promote your agenda. You asked "what does a comment over a year ago on the ALPA message board have to do with anything" Answer: It goes to credibility.

Career Furloughee

PS My user name is an ACCURATE discription of my "career" at US Airways. First hired 15 years ago with a grand total of 5 years 8 months of active service.
USA320Pilot said:

Mwereplanes: Allow me truth. I am much senior to 320. Much of what he posts is factual but tinged with fear and opinion. Hard to separate facts from his fear. That is purposeful. His focus is that the employees will sink or save the company.

USA320Pilot comments: With all due respect, I disagree with your comments. The information I post is factual to the best of my knowledge and if I introduce an opinion, I use the phrases of “I believeâ€￾ or In my opinion.â€￾ Do I want US Airways to survive/ Absolutely. Am I afraid if it shuts down? No, in fact I believe I am much better prepared for that than most pilots.

By the way, would you PM your name and phone number so we could talk? By the way, what does seniority have to do with the discussion?


I have no interest is speaking to you 320. Your foolish posts on the ALPA website and you attempts to persuade all employee groups here by propogating fear and uncertainty and your condescension toward other employee groups tell me all I need to know about you.

The seniority comparison is meant to lend credibility to my posts. I am not furloughed and not affected as you are when it comes to having to change bases, becoming a reserve, being a copilot or having to fly a narrow body airplane. Your posts reak of your attempts to hold on to what you have. This place will liquidate before any of this affects my seniority. Thus, I have no "fear" of the nature you have. As far as being prepared if it shuts down, only a fool would not be if he made the kind of money you and I have made over the years. Your being "better prepared" is not a big deal. It is common sense. Unfortunately there are many fools are among us who are willing, as you are, to allow our profession to sink to just another job. Your willingness to give without demanding returns and responsibility is just silly. So I find it hard to believe you are "better prepared" than most of us.

You neglect to address anything regarding management and their role in our problems. You harp conistently and only about employees. You attempt to blame the woes of the industry on the people who work in it leaving out the people who manage it. You and your give away gang continue to attempt to subsidize the pathetic management with our wages and working conditions while your heroes Siegel and Cohen walk away with 7 million bucks. Why can't you at least acknowledge the incompetence that has us where we are?

We all want U to survive. At least all the employees do. Management? I'm not so sure. I just read the transformation plan in the May 24th Update. It seems good on the face of it. I am willing to give Lakefield the benefit of the doubt for now. But he better do what he says if he expects us to do our part. This is a two way street. Up to now it has been one way. The way you encourage. Employees giving and management taking and running. That must change.

You are right about disagreeing. I hold management responsible and you hold our work groups responsible. I'll leave it to the people out there to decide who's right. They are smart enough to determine what they need to do and when they need to do it. I have confidence in them and our pilots. You do not. Your way is the way of Siegel and Glass. My way is the way of Kelleher and Neeleman.

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You have responded to the other posters on this thread to defend yourself. I'm interested in a response from you on my last question to you. I still wonder why you are so willing to throw good money after bad, when some cost can be taken out of the operation without further changes to the current contracts. Yet the company for some reason refuses to do so.

Maybe management has begun to heed !!!!!
USA320Pilot said:

The company’s ethics policy no longer permit a person to state their identity on a public message board, therefore, if I want to talk to a person I have no other avenue but to use the PM feature.

What I find interesting is that people like your self pound their chest and insult people and lack decorum when sitting behind a PC. However, you and others will not identify yourself, which I find cowardly.

Would you care to PM your name and phone number? With all due respect, I bet you do not have the courage too.


My god, how does your company allow this individual near a cockpit in the first place?

Very frightening.

Since everyone knows who YOU are, if you want to speak to someone, why not just pm them YOUR name and YOUR PHONE NUMBER? Then if they choose to, they can call YOU. Better yet, just post it on the board, you'll probably get to talk to a lot of people then. This reeks of your old line, "tell me your name and employee number"... what the hell for?

Another pathetic attempt at internet bravado, and cultivating a list to turn into CCY. You make me sick.

BTW, it is not against U company policy to indentify yourself on the internet.

It is against U company policy to identify yourself "AS A USAIRWAYS EMPLOYEE".

Of course, U will only persecute those that don't shill for the suits at CCY. "Stepford" pilots feel free to post away.

Have a great frickin' day. hurllllllllllllll

With zero respect for YOU,

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Come on know, I know you've had the chance to answer this question for me. Prove the other posters on this thread wrong that said you would not respond. Remember to leave emotion out of your answer.

Maybe management has begun to heed !!!!!
Dilligas said:
My god, how does your company allow this individual near a cockpit in the first place?
Hey Dilligas, long time no see. :)

Just remember that the skills necessary to pilot an airplane have little relation to those necessary to run a business. For all we know, he may be a fantastic pilot, and one we would be grateful to have in the left seat when the smelly brown stuff hits the fanjet.

Is this the question you want answered? I do not read every post and I had to go back and search this out.

Seekingthetruth asked: "On the other hand if implementing a more efficient operation, be it through increased flying of our assets and rolling hubs has been capable to this management under the current agreements, then why hasn't this happened?"

USA320Pilot answers: US Airways has begun the proposed changes by de-peaking the Philadelphia hub, utilizing Philadelphia's runway 17/35, adding more Caribbean/European long haul flights, and on June 12 restoring the last bank on Saturday nights in Pittsburgh.

The current company pilot staffing will not permit more block hours to average down unit costs unless the company obtains work rule changes and an increased pay cap. In fact, I am worried about staffing for the summer due to the pending thunderstorm problems.

I think we can agree that increased block hours now are not possible with current staffing. However, provided ALPA agrees to increase the pay cap to 96 hours, which I believe is likely, that will provide a 13% increase in flying. This will help the company increase minimum aircraft block hours from 10 to 11.5 hours per day, which will significantly average down unit costs.

Bill Pollock has publicly said that the "Transformation Plan" cannot move forward without employee participation and the likely reason is work rules, therefore, I suspect we well see more changes once we get new labor accords.

By the way, for those who believe the new business plan is not moving forward, I disagree. We may not like the plan, but MAA, EMB-170s, PSA CRJ-200s, affiliate RJs, the United alliance, the GoCaribbean alliance, the Star alliance, GoFares, increased Internet booking, more Kiosks, realigned CTO's, more transatlantic/Caribbean flying, improved Philadelphia baggage service, the new Philadelphia terminals, Philadelphia advertising campaign, and the new Philadelphia operational plan have all been implemented.

Then provided the company and its unions reach new CBA's, the October 2 schedule will have the new business plan flying, which will have dramatic changes in how we market and distribute the product.


mweiss said:
Hey Dilligas, long time no see. :)

Just remember that the skills necessary to pilot an airplane have little relation to those necessary to run a business. For all we know, he may be a fantastic pilot, and one we would be grateful to have in the left seat when the smelly brown stuff hits the fanjet.

I think Dilligas was referring not to technical skills, but rather to things like people skills, CRM, communication ability, concepts of teamwork, being receptive to other points of view and ideas different from your own, recognizing when things maybe aren't going as well as you might think despite it being the result of the plan that you advocated, and so on.
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Yes, that was the question. As far as rolling hubs go phl was mentioned yet no movement on the clt hub. Phl movement has begun only recently right ? Why not 14 months ago coming out of bankruptcy or even further back during the bankruptcy process ?

As far as pilot and attendant contracts, I don't have a clue as to how the contract language reads for these groups, again thats why I asked about the number of hours flown by these groups. Where I find conflicting information here is when the company says it needs to fly it's assets more per day (which to me makes sense) and you say that current agrrements don't allow this. I've read in I believe was in the charlotte observer or maybe USA today about crews sitting in the clt airport killing time in the white rockers waiting for their next flight or hanging out in hotel rooms for extended periods of time waiting on their next trip away from their families. Wanting to end their trips and get back home to their families but due to the inefficient scheduling in place there the crews sit and wait.

The article went on to say that the pilots spokesperson said that the pilots wanted more efficient scheduling and that the company was not precluded from doing this under the current agreements. Also in your response to me, you said you had concern for current staffing problems that the company has to deal with. My response to this is, who created the current staffing levels Alpa, Afa or the company ?

I couldn't seem to find the article again I'm referring to, maybe somebody else who is a little more savy read the article also, and knows how to find it again or back me up on this. Again if this is true and costs can be taken out under current agreements, then they should be (costs) and then sit with the unions to see where company then stands.

Maybe management has begun to heed !!!!!
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