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questions and answers with jeff hayden

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"Trained" to do union work? I guess you and Armedio work out at Joe Fraziers Gym? Is that the kind of training you're refering to?

I'm finding out all about you Jeff Hayden. I just never could grasp how a grown man could be the "Butt Boy" of a Thug and a "Boss". Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

The problem is Jeff does not have the Chest to intimidate the way Arms can. Arms can take a shirt with a ripped sleeve, undo the buttons midway down his chest and show off the chest hairs that are rippling and point his finger into your chest and threaten you to do it his way or he will rip your head off. Sort of like Swede from Heartbreak Ridge only onlder and fatter.
Hello Perserverance Everything does have a value, all the nego. was done before that was discussed so I dont know what / if anything that cost the membership. Howvever, the AGC have to have the ability to sevice their cities so if the company doesnt provide travel, although I believe they have to under the RLA, the transportation would have to be payed for out of our dues money, so its definitly cheaper this way for the membership. As for your second question the FT PT ratio will remain in our agreement either way. I filed a grievance on the way the number of PT agents were being calculated, and that grievance will be heard. If improvements are made to an existing CBA under the current bylaws without certain changes taking place such as an extention it doesnt always require a vote. Like I stated in another reply I would be opposed to that and I would state it.The membership should always decide. The security I mentioned related to class 2 cities and cities out west and cargo that the TA would have secured the jobs for those folks, the arbtration case does not. hope this answers your questions.


I will speak for myself. I am not worried about the t/a right now. The US guys took the hit in bankrupcy.....not the AW guys. They are the rusult of a bad agreement the TWU negotiated with AW. So, first things first.....get us OUR money back in the CIC....then focus on the T/A and we'll gladly share it with them. The AW people knew what they were getting when they signed their agreement with the TWU, this $17/hr was shoved down our throats. Make it right. :angry:
Yesterday Fidelity investments found it in the best interest
of their group to buy 6 million more shares of USAirways stock
do you still believe as you have said over the past few weeks
that "In your educated opinion the membership would have been better
served had they gotten a .20 per hour raise instead of profit sharing"?
I am not sure of your education level, but i am pretty sure the folks at
Fidelity are very well educated.


IAM1776PHL I was trained to do union work by tony,jerry,bobby and all of the union guys of local 1776 thanks jeff the smart pill is simple, get involved and make a difference
As smart as the 22 union brothers that are out on the street.........lost jobs....their cars..... homes ......wives.....friends
should I go on?
I ask you ...... Is that getting involved and making a difference.
As smart as the 22 union brothers that are out on the street.........lost jobs....their cars..... homes ......wives.....friends
should I go on?
I ask you ...... Is that getting involved and making a difference.

Arms, was part of the 22 but the Union is still taking care of him. Need I go on!
Heres a couple more choices to choose from. I think the blonde beard would work the best.
Has anyone noticed Jeff seems to be ducking the question will FLEET SERVICE WEST be put under the east contract without a Vote?
How about it JEFF?
Jeff is still asking others about the things he can legally negotiate and can't legally negotiate, even though he was on the flippn negotiations team for over a year. Myself and others know the answer but I want Jeff to answer it instead of saying he doesn't really know. One hint Jeff, what is the month and day of the ammendable date of the America West contract?

Anyways, I'll ask Jeff for the 5th time, "Jeff, is it possible that you and Canale's boys will put the west under the east agreement without a vote?"

This is a fair question Jeff. You are the one that freely made yourself available and said you wanted to do this so members would be 'well informed'.

So far Mr. 'I'm here to inform workers and not really wanting an IAM job' Hayden hasn't responded. I sure hope he also responds to the other question that kinda bedazzled him about the westies and section 6.

Also, unlike Jeff, who won't admit it, Dave Lolly has already distanced himself from his signature on the contract and from what I heard through CLT by way of PIT is that Dave Lolly made some statements to Parker at the PIT town hall today that went something like this, "The T/A was voted down not because of the arbitration but because the deal was not a fair and equitable deal."

I wonder when Jeff will be able to stand with workers and say that instead of getting caught up in Canale's company line that the membership chose COC with the vote.

He looks like a strong leader........I think hes yelling at Doug Parker telling him he gave us to much back.
Jeff is still asking others about the things he can legally negotiate and can't legally negotiate, even though he was on the flippn negotiations team for over a year. Myself and others know the answer but I want Jeff to answer it instead of saying he doesn't really know. One hint Jeff, what is the month and day of the ammendable date of the America West contract?

Anyways, I'll ask Jeff for the 5th time, "Jeff, is it possible that you and Canale's boys will put the west under the east agreement without a vote?"

This is a far question Jeff. You are the one that freely made yourself available and said you wanted to do this so members would be 'well informed'.

So far Mr. 'I'm here to inform workers and not really wanting an IAM job' Hayden hasn't responded. I sure hope he also responds to the other question that kinda bedazzled him about the westies and section 6.

Also, unlike Jeff, who won't admit it, Dave Lolly has already distanced himself from his signature on the contract and from what I heard through CLT by way of PIT is that Dave Lolly made some statements to Parker at the PIT town hall today that went something like this, "The T/A was voted down not because of the arbitration but because the deal was not a fair and equitable deal."

I wonder when Jeff will be able to stand with workers and say that instead of getting caught up in Canale's company line that the membership chose COC with the vote.

Keep him on his Tip,Toes.....Stick it to him hard.........All he wants is that AGC job with a 100K plus salary.

I heard a rumor that Jeff actually walked from break room
to break room begging for people to support him on this

Is he really that desperate?

I heard a rumor that Jeff actually walked from break room
to break room begging for people to support him on this

Is he really that desperate?
I know he was going around trying to brainwash these young new hires at night. He was going around asking for support saying its in our best interest to vote yes.
I know he was going around trying to brainwash these young new hires at night. He was going around asking for support saying its in our best interest to vote yes.
thanks for the kind words ealier but I think you also are keeping him on his toes by reminding him of 'a few things'.

Anyways, Jeff, since you yourself decided to start this thread to [as you say] "Keep the members informed", is it a bit much for me to ask for a 6th time, "Jeff, is it possible that the west will come under the east agreement without a vote?"

I'm not trying to bust on ya, it's a sincere question and demands an answer from you.

thanks for the kind words ealier but I think you also are keeping him on his toes by reminding him of 'a few things'.

Anyways, Jeff, since you yourself decided to start this thread to [as you say] "Keep the members informed", is it a bit much for me to ask for a 6th time, "Jeff, is it possible that the west will come under the east agreement without a vote?"

I'm not trying to bust on ya, it's a sincere question and demands an answer from you.


Better yet,

Jeff, will you commit to being in support of the membership and support only a transition agreement
that is voted on by the membership?
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