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questions and answers with jeff hayden

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Give him your support now????

Are you the one that drank all that Kool-aid that they left for him taped on the wall in the fishbowl?
Are you the one who stood out on the tarmac and listened to the solidarity on COC months back?
Are you the one who stood in line in Essington Lodge 1776 and voted YES.

If you are the one, SHAME ON YOU!
all im saying is if you are someone who doesnt want to stand together than shame on you
Guess what the philly ramp an other stations didnt eat the brainwash cereal.
We were smarter take a look in my mouth.
Guess what the philly ramp an other stations didnt eat the brainwash cereal.
We were smarter take a look in my mouth.
I think Jeff needs to answer my question, "Jeff, is it possible that you and Canale's boys will put the west under the east agreement without a vote?"

all im saying is if you are someone who doesnt want to stand together than shame on you
we were always the strongest lets keep it that way. phl has built a reputation for standing together it was always us. now we have support all over the system. lets stay together people. its the only way to succeed
Lets solve this whole merge situation. Lets see who wins!!!!
In your informational meetings you stated that everything in
this agreement had a value...Everything. So with that being said
What was the value placed on ''Space Positive Travel'' for the IAM's
represenitives ? I'd also like to know how a union brings back a proposal
with give backs, when we accepted the current agrrement while under
bankruptcy and now were dealing with a profitable airline ? Do you feel
that Canale has been operating for to long in dealing with the airline
in bankruptcy and doesn't know how to deal with one who's not ?
Also you keep mentioning security....Where do you see that ? If this
proposal was passed didn't we just agree to no ''Full Time to Part Time
Ratio'' unless your suggesting part time is security ? Finally why give back
''Profit Sharing'' or better yet why even talk about it ? Profit is simply that
profit (for all). Jeff don't you think this TA should have only been about
Plus's not Minus's ? The company need a TA, The company is making profits,
We have the COC coming up. Aren't we as a membership allowed ''Due Process''?
You are only voices for the group not the individual and don't ever tell me you (IAM)
could have just signed an agreement without a vote...that sounds like a threat and
maybe you (canale et all) lost sight of this and maybe you should all just step aside
and let someone else try and see if they can do better. They couldn't do worse and
I don't understand why you don't see that...Listen to your membership not the Canale's
of the world.
Hello Perserverance Everything does have a value, all the nego. was done before that was discussed so I dont know what / if anything that cost the membership. Howvever, the AGC have to have the ability to sevice their cities so if the company doesnt provide travel, although I believe they have to under the RLA, the transportation would have to be payed for out of our dues money, so its definitly cheaper this way for the membership. As for your second question the FT PT ratio will remain in our agreement either way. I filed a grievance on the way the number of PT agents were being calculated, and that grievance will be heard. If improvements are made to an existing CBA under the current bylaws without certain changes taking place such as an extention it doesnt always require a vote. Like I stated in another reply I would be opposed to that and I would state it.The membership should always decide. The security I mentioned related to class 2 cities and cities out west and cargo that the TA would have secured the jobs for those folks, the arbtration case does not. hope this answers your questions.
we were always the strongest lets keep it that way. phl has built a reputation for standing together it was always us. now we have support all over the system. lets stay together people. its the only way to succeed

proud very TRUE.. I worked in phl many years ago when there was no union on property and those guys STILL ran the station as if it was.. SO YOU ARE SO RIGHT.. PHL RAMPERS stand together

but having said that.. I SERIOUSLY doubt that jeff hayden had anything to do with that.. I believe in his previous post he stated HE USED TO SIT AROUND AND #### ABOUT THE UNION..

so he decided to JUMP on board.. and make a change.. the only change he made was sway the YES to NO's
Orioleman, the contract entension triggered the vote per the bylaws put in place by the by the membership, as all bylaws are put in place, if the membership will get invovled we have the ability within the IAM structure to change bylaws that we do not feel benefits the membership the most. But that requires membership particapation. Had there not been an extension, I would have been oppossed to JNC making a decsion of this magnitude for the entire membership and I would have clearly stated such. Oh and also by voting down the transion agreement we were voting for arbitration it is one in the same, they were the choices. thanks jeff

jeff ,
let me let you in on little Randy secret .. this is a quote from Randy himself.. I think A few on this board were at that meeting

Orioleman: MR CANALE.. is the coc and the t/a 2 seperate issues or WILL THEY BE SPUN TOGETHER..

RANDY CANALE:.. "GOOD question brother.. and the answer is NO absolutely NOT.. the company does'nt want to talk t/a thats fine .. WE ARE MOVING FULL STEAM AHEAD on COC..
IF the company doesn't want a t/a fine.. BOYS be ready to go on strike in 2009 for your contract. I am telling you now so you can start preparing"

WHAT A LINE OF B/ S... Canale was getting hammered by the membership over the PROFIT SHARING crap.. and he was looking for the nearest door... SO
Jeff who speaks the truth you or CANALE. ONE says the coc was seperate .. YOU say it wasn't

are you starting to see WHY the membership is fed up with crap
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