Zero as far as I can see. :down:
You're better off going through corporate communications or the merger question e-mail, etc. The "official" channels may get you an "official" answer.Zero as far as I can see. :down:
Questions with no answers. Could the moderator please put this thread in it's proper place?
I don't know what the numbers are, there classfied, Let the AFL-CIO come up with a solution, their the grand daddy union. Management will miss it up, and arbitration you may not like, look at AA-tw, AA-acal, DL-wa and NWA-republic. Some work it out with a arbitator assistants, dove tail, NCA-SA-HW, TW-OZ, AL-PD. or like AA-tw f/a, CO-ti-nya. the news was the news. Or you could take the high seniority and low seniority and come up with a ratio and blend the ratio to next whole number, HP trumping US. For F/A's and Maintenance and Related, but the flight crew would be, type of equipment/Capt's blended ratio, type of equipment/F/O's ratio and any reduce Capt's would be at the top of the type of equipment/F/O's ratio list, the crew members would be given time to qualify on type equipment/differences and be qualified on both types of equipment. good luck.I have been thinking about the seniority issues. I think I may have a very equitable and fair idea, but I need to know one thing. Just starting with FA's. How many US and how many HP's? If anyone has this info, I would appreciate knowing this. If you know how many pilots, as well on each side, that would also be appreciated.
and if this agt actually accepts the job offer (16.50/hr to start mind you)
PQA, I completely agree. It's sad the supervisory politics that go on in the call centers. I watched it many times myself. Keep your chin up. Hopefully your union can negotiate some better work rules for you (although I think it's sad it has to be that way).
On second thought, Holy S :censored: t! Maybe I should go to CWT: that's more than I make an hour. In all seriousness, though, everybody has to make their own decisions. For some they'd rather have the higher pay, and some prefer the benefits (which is why I'm here. Even if I made that kind of money I couldn't do the kinds of things I can here).
Just a little bias, dont ya think.
Essentially, what I get from Barbell's posts is to ask someone else, because his or her scope is extremely limited.
New management, same buck being passed. :down: