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questions and answers with jeff hayden

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Is it possible that you and Canale's boys will just transition the west under the east agreement without a vote?

Hi tim, No tim I dont think that will happen, this is a very difficult situation and I am not sure what the outcome will be. I dont think any decision should be made on the memberships behalf, there should always be a vote so we can decide what is best for us. I wouldnt be involved with that, I think it would be the america west guys and the union representatives.
Im pretty sure this guy works for the IAM. He looks real tricky and what hes doing isnt believable.
Usually in most CBA's (and constitutions) any changes to hours of service and wages MUST go out for the membership for ratification. It isn't a decision that is made by the sandcastle and Canale and CO., its the LAW !
Another legitimate question for you.. IF the COC is not worth fighting for (by agreeing to drop it tells me it wasn't worth fighting for)

why then was it still in our t/a amended contract proposal. ????

And since it is would have still been in there and god forbid this thing past.. then what would have happened when the NEXT merger comes along..
and the IAM try's to use it .. I'm thinking the judge or arbitrator would probably say .. a PRESIDENT was set with the us/aw merger and we know how the company and union love to use past presidents to get what they want. So to you and the neg team. YOU guys may not think it means a whole hell of alot
be we the membership do and apparently the company does to or they would not waste time in court paying high dollar lawyers to fight it .
Hello orioleman, The CIC gave us leverage to make changes to our exisiting CBA. The improvements would have been in exchange for dropping the grievance.That would only apply to this merger, usair and america west. The language would remain in full force for any future mergers.So the language would still be there for whatever happens down the road.
The main thing is the award. If it's awarded then it is binding. The company has minimal chance after an award. IMO, I can't believe Parker let this go forward and didn't offer a fair and equitable contract. As his hot shot attorneys pointed out, it will cause 'severe harm' to the stakeholders.

If the company drags it out for 2 years then it is the equivalent of winning the lotto and sticking the money in a CD for a couple years. I hope it is won but it is separate from transition.

The big problem is having Jeff and the IAM place the westies in the east contract without a vote. The westies would get screwed over bigtime, whereas the east siders would be used as ' cut out figures' as the 'bitter boys' would just appease Parker and give him what he wants without a vote. That's my feeling on this and Jeff hasn't said this isn't possible.

Another thing I can tell you is this, even if that contract wasn't extended, it would have forced a vote because of the bylaws and key major changes to the contract. We've had "Top" attorneys look at this. "Top" attorneys.


Tim can you inform us where we can find that in our bylaws.. that's if we can get our hands on a copy of them... Would like to spread the word to the less informed..


looks like jeff is back..
I too am waitng for answer to Tim's question.. is Randy trying to impose a bk contract on our west brothers/sisters

also whats your take on the bylaws stating voting will be on the same day.. and then we take 2 weeks to vote.. I understand you and your boys need to get
out and spin this thing . thats fine if it takes a month so be it. but the voting should have been done all at once.. each local has members there to run the
election.. they don't need agc's lingering around the poles like some sad politician trying to win votes on a bad platform.

Can you give us some back ground on the folks from the west that are on the neg team.. like what experience they have in neg. whats there views on
the contract and where did they come from ( are they former twu officers or where they hand picked by Canale after they went out and sold the IAM to the west
just curious.. I would like to know what kind of experience is going up against trained and educated lawyers.

thnks for your replys if any
I think the voting should have been done on one day, but thats looking back, hindsight is always 20/20. The folks from the west, I thought were very knowledgeable. I dont know what experience they had in nego. thanks jeff
This guy is not trained at anything that is remotely related to Labor. He sold his own out and then says he has no aspirations of an AGC job. They all say that but their actions speak louder.

The problem with Jeff is that he has been negotiating for two years and he claims NO KNOWLEDGE of the basic tenets of NMB rules. What a mind job! He said,
"tim I do not have all of that information yet, but how I believe the process works is as follows... when the IAM was named the bargaining agent by the NMB, we enforce the TWU contract until we could transtion the west folks into our CBA. I am not completely sure that this is accurate but I will find out and let you guys know what to expect. thanks jeff "

The fact is that Jeff knows that him and Canale's boys can force the company to the table, separate from transition. But it hadn't happened because Jeff and Canale wanted to slide in their **** **** agreement.

Jeff, it's time to lay your agenda aside and step up to the plate and force the company to the table for the west siders. Stop saying 'you don't know and you have to find out more info'. You know, and you couldn't possibly be on the negotiations committee without knowing NMB rules.

Tim I completely understand the NMB rules, the intl and district will force the company to the table for the america west folks. As stated before I do have an agenda, its to make a difference and help the membership. jeff
Has anyone noticed Jeff seems to be ducking the question will FLEET SERVICE WEST be put under the east contract without a Vote?
How about it JEFF?
I think I already answered this, but my answer is no I do not think that will happen.
thanks for the kind words ealier but I think you also are keeping him on his toes by reminding him of 'a few things'.

Anyways, Jeff, since you yourself decided to start this thread to [as you say] "Keep the members informed", is it a bit much for me to ask for a 6th time, "Jeff, is it possible that the west will come under the east agreement without a vote?"

I'm not trying to bust on ya, it's a sincere question and demands an answer from you.

Tim I hope I answered your question but I am on page 7 as I stated in the beginning I only have a limited amount of time to answer questions, doing the best I can. If you just ask a question once I will get to it. jeff My answer to this is no I do not believe that will happen.
Better yet,

Jeff, will you commit to being in support of the membership and support only a transition agreement
that is voted on by the membership?
Yes, absolutely redeye I would never support anything that the majority of the membership did not want. I also think all decsions regarding the membership should be voted on. In my opinion that is what unionism is all about. thanks jeff
Hello everyone I am up to page 7 if you guys will stop asking questions until I get caught up I think it will be more beneficial. Also the arbitration case starts tomorow, the vote is over, lets start talking about things we would like to change and how were going to make the changes. We are the union, lets get it to were we want it to be. thanks jeff
Hello everyone I am up to page 7 if you guys will stop asking questions until I get caught up I think it will be more beneficial. Also the arbitration case starts tomorow, the vote is over, lets start talking about things we would like to change and how were going to make the changes. We are the union, lets get it to were we want it to be. thanks jeff

jeff how to you propose to do that (things we would like to change and how we are going to make the changes) are you insuating (sp) that the IAM will or would actually listen to the members and how would that be done ex. everyone post an idea or send a survey of the top ten issues out to ALL the membership
not just a select few.. last time I checked EVERYONE pays due so EVERYONE should have some say in whats in THERE contract.. how do you propose to do this
and is this just your thoughts or the OFFICIAL thoughts of the IAM .
I dont think any decision should be made on the memberships behalf, there should always be a vote so we can decide what is best for us.

With that said Jeff, who decided that we should have so many different seniority systems? We never voted on anything regarding seniority. These different seniority systems were just thrown upon us and the iam did nothing to correct them. How can you or anyone else justify someone junior, bidding anything ahead of someone that was hired before them? There should be a vote to decide if it should be hire date or classification date. If there isn't, you will find that when we merge with the west, that they will have people with 1988 dates jumping ahead of east people with hire dates in 1986, 1987, & 1988. That being because they go by straight hire date for everything.


An East employee is hired pt on 1/1/87, and gets ft 1/1/91. That is 4 years employment.
Subtract 2 years for being pt, and this employee gets a new classification seniority date of 1/1/89.

A West employee hired pt or ft 12/31/88 is senior to the East employee that was hired on 1/1/87 with a classification date of 1/1/89.

If you Jeff, or anyone else thinks that that is fair, I can see why we are in the predicament that we are in with the iam. That is why we must go to strict hire date for everything, or at least bring it to the employees for a vote. I know that PIT and PHL are afraid of taking their rightful place on the seniority roster. But is it fair for someone that was hired before you to be furloughed while you are still working? I think not. But that is the metality they have in PIT & PHL.
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