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questions and answers with jeff hayden

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I give you credit. All the pounding your taking at work... your still standing for such a skinny guy. Get ready to fall when union cards go flying around.
i work in phl and support jeff i think he desrves respect for having a position and sticking to it , a difference in opinion should not take away all the good and hard work he has done in phl.
i work in phl and support jeff i think he desrves respect for having a position and sticking to it , a difference in opinion should not take away all the good and hard work he has done in phl.
Is jeff sticking somthing in the back of your head now?
Welcome to the board ! I notice your both relatively new.
and you seem to be serving up cuddos to Hayden. Hmmm that couldn't be
you were asked to join and voice support for him ? I heard a rumor that people
were being asked, in philly, to join the web site and back Hayden. I may be
wrong, hell I've been wrong before but looking at your posts and in Haydens
position, you seem to be asking questions you probably already know the
answers to...you are proud2bPHILLY

''i think it would be a great idea to get both jeff and tim together. lets hear them both at the same time. im sure tim can still get a buddy pass. it can be a debate type forum. lets put it all out there. everyone deserves it. do you both agree

thanks for answering tim, are you a fsa, a lead, or are you just part of your local committee

sounds good now all we need is for jeff to say ok jeff?

be fair, jeff stated his position and he also stated that the membership spoke and he is behind them 100 %

i was in more than one meeting that jeff held. what he says is true. he stated his position quite clearly. he also said that he believed that he should take a stance publicly. after the vote was tallied he also said that the membership overwhelming stated their position and that he supports that to the fullest. Give him your support now. it is the only way for us to be strong.

what is it you are reading? jeff is standing with us. now are you standing with us?

my point is whether you voted yes,no or did not vote at all we all have to be standing together.''

Ssoooo what do you think ??? I think I know the answer but like I said I've been wrong before..

Live long an prosper!!!!!
Peace not War
Take nothing personal
We all are entitled to our own opinion
You all have a good night!!!!
Another legitimate question for you.. IF the COC is not worth fighting for (by agreeing to drop it tells me it wasn't worth fighting for)

why then was it still in our t/a amended contract proposal. ????

And since it is would have still been in there and god forbid this thing past.. then what would have happened when the NEXT merger comes along..
and the IAM try's to use it .. I'm thinking the judge or arbitrator would probably say .. a PRESIDENT was set with the us/aw merger and we know how the company and union love to use past presidents to get what they want. So to you and the neg team. YOU guys may not think it means a whole hell of alot
be we the membership do and apparently the company does to or they would not waste time in court paying high dollar lawyers to fight it .
I too am waitng for answer to Tim's question.. is Randy trying to impose a bk contract on our west brothers/sisters

also whats your take on the bylaws stating voting will be on the same day.. and then we take 2 weeks to vote.. I understand you and your boys need to get
out and spin this thing . thats fine if it takes a month so be it. but the voting should have been done all at once.. each local has members there to run the
election.. they don't need agc's lingering around the poles like some sad politician trying to win votes on a bad platform.

Can you give us some back ground on the folks from the west that are on the neg team.. like what experience they have in neg. whats there views on
the contract and where did they come from ( are they former twu officers or where they hand picked by Canale after they went out and sold the IAM to the west
just curious.. I would like to know what kind of experience is going up against trained and educated lawyers.

thnks for your replys if any

Before the TWU was paid to leave and the IAM was on west property trying to organize
the west coast, what did the organizers promise them to join the IAM?

How was it explained to them what would happen to their jobs in ABQ, AUS, BUR, ELP,
Was it explained up front that our contract provided Class II city status, and that Class III
citys would be farmed out? Was it explained that we gave up Freight, and that our contract
allowed it to be farmed out.
Was it explained why our contract would negatively impact them in a way that hundreds
of their membership could be on the street?
At that time the COC was still in the grievance stage and therefore did not play into
the organizational effort. WHAT DID YOU TELL THEM THEN???
redeye, I was not invovled with organizing the west folks and I dont know what they were told. Hopefully they were told the truth and I have no reason to think otherwise.
What's your favorite color?

What was it like working with Lindsay Lohan?

What would you do about our social security program?
I.M.O. I dont know that this is even jeff answering these questions or one of the i.a.m. spin dr.'s
again when did he get so knowledgeble ? Is there a new smart pill available ? I'd like to try it
IAM1776PHL I was trained to do union work by tony,jerry,bobby and all of the union guys of local 1776 thanks jeff the smart pill is simple, get involved and make a difference
Brother REDEYE, I see exactly what you mean but I dont think it helped Randy too much this time. :up: :up: :up:

Jeff A question for you.

1.Is it not the duty of the union to pursue a a grievance to its fullest ability.

By playing the word games that are going on here I feel the union is trying to shuck its duty to follow up on the COC.
The membership voted down the t/a plain and simple.They did not vote to go for arbitration they voted to not let the union out of its duty to follow up on it.Thats a big differance.

The union has always took the stand everytime something went bad to throw it back in the members face saying you voted on it.Why do they keep doing this.?

Oh let me think....if the union blows the arbitration off it could be sued.

Dont you think in the light of this last vote the union should do everything in its power to fight for the membership on the COC.?
question 1 - absolutely question 2- there is no other alternative now, but arbitration. They were the two choices of the vote. question 3 - I am not really sure but I can tell you I wouldnt do that. question 4 - Yes and they will, our position will be fully represented and hopefully we will win.
I'm quoting you here:
'' Hopefully the questions will start to turn toward the arbitration case, problems in their cities that i could help with or any union matter that the membership needs help with, and to just build more solidarity and strenghten our group. ''

Problems in other cities, c'mon, Your suppose to be The Committee Chair in Phl.
Fix your problems in Phl and then worry about other cities. Jeff, Timmy Nelson is not
dividing this group, you are. You just don't get it...65 YES Votes out of apx. 870 votes
cast. You drove down more NO Votes than YES and don't tell us you were not talking
up the YES Vote on the way down. You just don't get it !! Jeff you were appointed because
the AGC needed someone to control. You made no decisions without thier approval. Nominations
are in Nov. may I suggest you don't run or that will be 2 elections you've lost. By the way did
you have the 6 meetings required to hold a position in the local prior to being appointed ?
One more thing...You regretting ever joining this site ?? Tell the truth !!

Since I have been involved I have always helped out at other cities. I drove people down to vote so everyone could vote,I thought that was most important. I didnt care which way they voted as long as they were informed on the vote. I wanted everyone to make up their own minds, everyone knew what I thought benefited the group the most. I am probably the only guy tony ever let make his own decsions without having to check with him, but he still gives me plenty of guidance. The last one being not to answer questions on this site. I do not ever regret answering the memberships questions and you can always count on the truth from me. thanks jeff

Philly rock I recommened what I thought would benefit the group the most, explained the info to them and then they voted, I always think the membership makes the right decsion and I stand with them 100 percent.
I don't have positive space travel Jeff but thanks for the invite. Besides, your own membership made it clear how much juice you have, I don't have to fly there and do the math for ya. Not trying to be divisive Jeff, just pointing to the scoreboard.

Jeff, is it possible that you and the IAM will 'approve' a transition agreement where the west comes under the east contract without a vote? Is it possible?

tim I do not have all of that information yet, but how I believe the process works is as follows... when the IAM was named the bargaining agent by the NMB, we enforce the TWU contract until we could transtion the west folks into our CBA. I am not completely sure that this is accurate but I will find out and let you guys know what to expect. thanks jeff
"Trained" to do union work? I guess you and Armedio work out at Joe Fraziers Gym? Is that the kind of training you're refering to?

I'm finding out all about you Jeff Hayden. I just never could grasp how a grown man could be the "Butt Boy" of a Thug and a "Boss". Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
This guy is not trained at anything that is remotely related to Labor. He sold his own out and then says he has no aspirations of an AGC job. They all say that but their actions speak louder.

The problem with Jeff is that he has been negotiating for two years and he claims NO KNOWLEDGE of the basic tenets of NMB rules. What a mind job! He said,
"tim I do not have all of that information yet, but how I believe the process works is as follows... when the IAM was named the bargaining agent by the NMB, we enforce the TWU contract until we could transtion the west folks into our CBA. I am not completely sure that this is accurate but I will find out and let you guys know what to expect. thanks jeff "

The fact is that Jeff knows that him and Canale's boys can force the company to the table, separate from transition. But it hadn't happened because Jeff and Canale wanted to slide in their **** **** agreement.

Jeff, it's time to lay your agenda aside and step up to the plate and force the company to the table for the west siders. Stop saying 'you don't know and you have to find out more info'. You know, and you couldn't possibly be on the negotiations committee without knowing NMB rules.

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