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questions and answers with jeff hayden

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I'm telling you Chanlee told us and I have at least 4 to 6 witnesses, If they weren't just smoking in the smoking area, and I wish I would've saved the scratch paper, He, Chandee, gave the step by step process of COC. 1. three days of verbal debates. 2. One month for both sides to rewrite the verbals into Briefs. 3. Up to 2months, or 60 days for the Arbitrator to decipher the results. And he stated it would be no more than a result as to which party, company or union, who gets the upper hand on the go ahead to the next contract that contains both east and west. Until then no party gets anthing but the control of the next contract. Not east or west get neither the money nor conditions until the next contract is determined after the arbitration.
Who knows Bill Chandlee best. He and Canale know. No one else does. There is no one else in the IAM that has been around long enough to have seen results of Arbitrators for the IAM. And, trust assured, no one has done their homework to know how this will turn out. We are spinning the wheels. Let the old guys of the government do the bidding for companies that have no knowledge as to how to run companies against the big guys in the Global world.
What will be the name of the next Tim Nelson Union he tries to organize (he's tried it three {3} times in 12 years and failed)...for it will certaintly have him and another puppet (Pruitt's gone) as President and Director...maybe Crawll (Redeye?) from CLT (not as sharp as the past Pruitt) but he tries??? God help US F/S in future negotiations if these two (2) are in charge!!!


I again am asking Who exactly is Bill Chandlee. If these are not exact rules to ARBITRATION, let the real facts come forward.
Hey "Walt" I thought you retired from USair. You still live in secane?
You can see how intense Larry Odell is waiting for the arbitration verdict.
Hey Michelle Ozeroszki I had no idea you were a Klingon you could have came out and told us.
jeff how to you propose to do that (things we would like to change and how we are going to make the changes) are you insuating (sp) that the IAM will or would actually listen to the members and how would that be done ex. everyone post an idea or send a survey of the top ten issues out to ALL the membership
not just a select few.. last time I checked EVERYONE pays due so EVERYONE should have some say in whats in THERE contract.. how do you propose to do this
and is this just your thoughts or the OFFICIAL thoughts of the IAM .
Well first, figure out what you want to change. I thought we needed more commmunication and information, so we started to have informational meetings, steward meeting in addition to our regular meetings. I also would have liked to have a monthly newsletter and I asked a couple of guys to help but unfortunately they didnt have time. Maybe you could do it ?. I also came on this forum to get more info out to the membership. This is how we are trying to make a change. When you know what you want to change, let me know and we can work together to get it done. These are my thoughts. jeff
Well first, figure out what you want to change. I thought we needed more commmunication and information, so we started to have informational meetings, steward meeting in addition to our regular meetings. I also would have liked to have a monthly newsletter and I asked a couple of guys to help but unfortunately they didnt have time. Maybe you could do it ?. I also came on this forum to get more info out to the membership. This is how we are trying to make a change. When you know what you want to change, let me know and we can work together to get it done. These are my thoughts. jeff
I put some humor in to break all the tension just have fun with it :up:
With that said Jeff, who decided that we should have so many different seniority systems? We never voted on anything regarding seniority. These different seniority systems were just thrown upon us and the iam did nothing to correct them. How can you or anyone else justify someone junior, bidding anything ahead of someone that was hired before them? There should be a vote to decide if it should be hire date or classification date. If there isn't, you will find that when we merge with the west, that they will have people with 1988 dates jumping ahead of east people with hire dates in 1986, 1987, & 1988. That being because they go by straight hire date for everything.


An East employee is hired pt on 1/1/87, and gets ft 1/1/91. That is 4 years employment.
Subtract 2 years for being pt, and this employee gets a new classification seniority date of 1/1/89.

A West employee hired pt or ft 12/31/88 is senior to the East employee that was hired on 1/1/87 with a classification date of 1/1/89.

If you Jeff, or anyone else thinks that that is fair, I can see why we are in the predicament that we are in with the iam. That is why we must go to strict hire date for everything, or at least bring it to the employees for a vote. I know that PIT and PHL are afraid of taking their rightful place on the seniority roster. But is it fair for someone that was hired before you to be furloughed while you are still working? I think not. But that is the metality they have in PIT & PHL.
I understand your position and I dont think the scenario you put in your post is fair to you or anyone else. There is a committee of fleet service members doing the seniority intergration ask your local reps for the contact info and voice your concerns. I am not on that committee so I cant fix that for you. thanks jeff
Didn't we read that DOH seniority is in the IAM contract? Why now on 9/14/07 is the IAM integrating or what it seems to me stapling seniority? DOH is DOH seniority! How can anyone on the IAM team agree to this b.s.? So now you breakdown into "committees"? What a joke? What a spin from the "yes man"!
Jeff, you can't have it both ways. OTOH, you tell PHL that you have to represent everyone at the table, not just PHL, but when you try to sidestep a simple yes and no question you punt the ball to west coast guys and say you won't be involved with that.

Jeff, please understand that ANYTHING to do with the east contract, even if it is transitioning people into it INVOLVES THE EAST TOO so it isn't just a westie thing.

Tim I am not side stepping any questions. My answer to your question is I do not think that will happen. As far as transitioning the west folks, I dont believe I will play a role in that. I think it will be west guys and the union. jeff
Ask a tough question and all you get is a half dozen not sure's and maybe's. Alas, now that's keeping members informed!

Tim if you thought I would no the answer to every question, your giving me to much credit. I dont know the answers to alot of questions but I will always find out the answer and report it to the membership.Please your are really wasting alot of my time. jeff
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