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questions and answers with jeff hayden

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Phlforce is a guy/gal with a great sense of humor and I'm sure they will follow the moderators directions. It seems as though the only one answering Jeff Hayden's questions is Tim. Keep up the good work Tim.
Phlforce is a guy/gal with a great sense of humor and I'm sure they will follow the moderators directions. It seems as though the only one answering Jeff Hayden's questions is Tim. Keep up the good work Tim.
Thanks for the kind words Philly rocks.

Jeff since you are big on keeping the members informed, especially your own members. How about finally informing the members on US AIRWAYS chances to overturn any binding arbitration award and how often that happens under RLA cases.
You were pretty quick to tell them how any binding arbitration award may be dragged out by Parker 2-4 years. Why don't you tell them the other things that they need to know if US AIRWAYS doesn't follow the binding arbitration award. Tell them Jeff, please. You can save me about 40 emails a day if you just informed your own members regarding these things Jeff.

You just tell them what you want them to hear, typical IAM **** ****. Also, can you also tell them about their back pay, should an award be granted?

Can you be the slightest bit positive regarding the arbitration other than speaking about the arbitration as something that is negative. Tell them the whole truth Jeff, it's your duty. And can you please tell our western brothers and sisters that the arbitration is just a grievance and that it is already in the contract and is non-negotiable?

Jeff, do you really understand why you and Parker's agreement was voted down? Do you realize that it was voted down because it was a 'piss clam' agreement that you signed? You need to finally come clean Jeff and step up to the plate where your members are, instead of dancing around topics with Canale and saying the vote was a vote for arbitration.

Remember Jeff, just because people work on the ramp doesn't mean they are stupid. I'm still waiting to hear you stand up like Dave Lolly did and say it was an inequitable TA.


He would have to change into his bearded disquise to stand up and say that it was an unequitable TA.
He would have to change into his bearded disquise to stand up and say that it was an unequitable TA.
Hopefully, Jeff will finally answer some questions the right way, and stand up like Dave Lolly did and admit the TA was inequitable, instead of his unending loyalty to Boss Canale.

Jeff, puh leeessseee start informing your membership about the fullness of any arbitration award. Your members shouldn't have to get stuff from this site and post such information in the fishbowls.
That should be your job Jeff. I also got the numbers for any back pay awards but can you save me some time and do the math yourself on possible back pay awards if the arbitration is awarded? I would greatly appreciate it.

Jeff, I don't mean to be rude but if you can't asnwer questions with yes or no's, and have to continue with all the 'should be's 'i think so' 'maybe but dunno' etc., then you are actually wasting your own time along with ours. Please start informing your members and please start answering the questions rightly.


We are up to page 13 and he is only on page 10.

The truth is going to hurt. The Arbitation only gives either party (company or union) the upper hand to continue a new contract that envelopes both AWA and OLD US. Airways. There will be no instant Pot of Gold. They the union/company will then negotiate a New Contract. But, it will either go fast with the union or drag with the company. But, still, we can't get anyone union or company to express the results, good or bad. And this is the total frustration. Keep talking! It relieves STRESSSS!!!
The truth is going to hurt. The Arbitation only gives either party (company or union) the upper hand to continue a new contract that envelopes both AWA and OLD US. Airways. There will be no instant Pot of Gold. They the union/company will then negotiate a New Contract. But, it will either go fast with the union or drag with the company. But, still, we can't get anyone union or company to express the results, good or bad. And this is the total frustration. Keep talking! It relieves STRESSSS!!!

Again! I stick my neck out! Chandlee told us back in Phoenix this COC only gives the contract control to either the Union or Company, but doesn't afford anthing UNTIL a NEW contract results. I told him he better come with protection if he ever relayed this to AWA WEST. Now! We will see the results.
I still do not like your answer to Tim's question. "No I do not think that will happen." OK thats your opinion.
My question is can the west be brought under the east contract without a vote? If so why would the IAM do that?
How would that be in the best interest of our western brothers?

OTOH....I have had dealings with Tim in the past and you can count on him being very up front with you.
hi joe dirt, I am sorry that you do not like my answer but my answer will remain the same. I do not think that will happen.To answer your second question, as I have stated many times in the past, I think everything involving the membership should be decided by a vote and everything should be done in the best interest of the membership. thanks jeff
hi joe dirt, I am sorry that you do not like my answer but my answer will remain the same. I do not think that will happen.To answer your second question, as I have stated many times in the past, I think everything involving the membership should be decided by a vote and everything should be done in the best interest of the membership. thanks jeff

Jeff Hayden. Best of luck to you!
Not just talking about PHL.. CLT has HAD NO INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS, Nor they plan any.. to answer your question.. YES I WOULD like to get invovled with a survey.. MY ??? to you is who do I speak to about setting this up.. The THREE AMIGOS in CLT like to keep people in the dark.. SO it is up to US the membership to find out the facts,

WHEN you say we are trying to make a change are YOU speaking on behalf of the IAM or just PHL local.. Theres a big difference.. because IF your speaking on behalf of the IAM national.. YOU need to use something other than a message board..

To set up a survey I would call the district or email them. Explain to them what you want to do and why and see how it goes. I think the main point is just to get started, being involved and making your union how you want it to be. We are starting local in phl, you can make your own station to be anything you and your fellow members want it to be. good luck, make a difference jeff
Keep the discussion on the issue and questions. Let's stop the sniping, and PHL FORCE, stop referring to union members by name and posting photos designed to ridicule them.

We're real close to closing this one folks........
There you go again Jeff. Jeff, what the hell is that? Unless the implication is that you are doing the right thing and resigning. If you are resigning then I hope you do it quick for the sake of the PHL workers. Although I'm thinking you will be asked to step down, I realize this may be a wrong implication of what you just wrote this morning so I will proceed below.

You start out by talking with an authoritive statement. That's good. But then you do the opposite. You start dribbling with "I do not think" "I don't believe" "I think". What the hell? So far, the only authoritative thing I have heard you say is that I'm wasting your time. No offense taken.
You didn't stumble on that one but Jeff, but I'm not the one that signed the latest treason. You did. Don't you know yet that you have been wasting 7,700 workers time by agreeing with Parker and not standing with Plan A? Did you forget Plan A Jeff?

Why can't you do what Dave Lolly did in PIT and say that the people voted the contract down, NOT because of the arbitration but because the contract was inequitable? Why can't you say that Jeff? I hope you have, is there anyone from PHL who will give testimony that Jeff has finally admitted that the contract was inequitable and that's the reason why it was voted down???? Jeff has told me, "I understand why you voted the transition agreement down." Jeff you can NOT move forward without first realizing that the last contract was inequitable. Do you understand that yet? People need to hear you say that Jeff. Workers are sacred and they deserve more than your pussyfooting answers. It was inequitable Jeff, and it has nothing to do with opinion. It was inequitable all by itself. Parker knows it was. The workers knew it was. But I haven't heard you say that it was? Let's end this question and answers with Jeff hayden until you can first come clean on this. How can anyone have confidence in you moving forward if your foundation doesn't recognize the last contract as inequitable?

At any rate, you did play a role in the west Jeff. You did play a role in transition Jeff.

Jeff, what bothers me dearly [assuming you weren't asked to step aside] is the implication of your last two sentences is that the west will be transitioned into the east without a a full participation vote.

At any rate, Jeff, you are wrong and it is a lie you are spreading when you told the PHL guys that there wouldn't have to be a vote if the contract was not extended. There were major changes in that enema and it would have either produced a ratification vote or a DFR. This I know 100%.

Further, although your position is consistent with the IAM, you are wrong to transition America West into the current bankrupt contract without a vote and with current CBA pay scale. Screw transition Jeff and start doing your job of section 6 negotiations. Justice can be found in section 6, quite screwing around with Parker on transition. Parker only wants to open up one or two articles in transition talks. Force him to open up the whole contract in section 6 for the west side. The east can wait and join them in just over a year, the workers are ready to see this thing to the end for a fair and equitable contract AND is not ready to yield to Jeff Hayden, IAM/Company on a contract that is inequitable.

Tim I did not forget about plan A, I dont know what it is maybe you could explain it. What I do know is that we negotiated the best agreement that we could. We brought it back to the membership and they clearly stated by the vote that it wasnt fair and equitable or that they would rather take their chances in arbitration. That is what the members in my station told me. They also stated that they voted no on principle and I support anyone of those reasons. Once again you are wasting my time, that is why we had the vote so the membership could decide. The vote is over, its time to move on. We are in arbitration now. As far as you knowing anything 100% I have to doubt that from your past posts, what you have done in the past and all the talking you do on here but I dont think you actually help anyone or solve any problems. Get involved and actually do something instead of just hiding behind a key board. If I am wrong about that I apologize but tell me what members you have actually helped and what you did to help them. We help our members everyday in a variety of ways such as getting their jobs back when they have been wrongfully terminated to helping them with their personal lives. I dont believe you actually help anyone but if you do state what you have done and I will apologize.
jeff would like to explain DOH vs. adjusted seniority?

IMO as I remember..... to protect themselves Phl and Pit and the iam cut the deal
so seleted Piedmont emp. would not jump ahead of US emp.
no one voted on this .....

Do you remember?

need I go any further.....
The IAM had nothing to do with that so I guess maybe you do need to go further. Bottom line on seniority is what ever date you have now you will continue to use. If you are unhappy with that you can voice your concerns with the committee.
The IAM had nothing to do with that so I guess maybe you do need to go further. Bottom line on seniority is what ever date you have now you will continue to use. If you are unhappy with that you can voice your concerns with the committee.

Jeff, I hate to say it. But as much as you want to help, along with help in Phoenix, you along with others, are out of the Loop!.
Do everyone a favor and sign OFF. Your help sounds like Help for the Student Council! Please don't help people that have been thru the trenches. We don't need beginners.
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