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questions and answers with jeff hayden

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Hi tim, No tim I dont think that will happen, this is a very difficult situation and I am not sure what the outcome will be. I dont think any decision should be made on the memberships behalf, there should always be a vote so we can decide what is best for us. I wouldnt be involved with that, I think it would be the america west guys and the union representatives.
Jeff, you can't have it both ways. OTOH, you tell PHL that you have to represent everyone at the table, not just PHL, but when you try to sidestep a simple yes and no question you punt the ball to west coast guys and say you won't be involved with that.

Jeff, please understand that ANYTHING to do with the east contract, even if it is transitioning people into it INVOLVES THE EAST TOO so it isn't just a westie thing.

Hi tim, No tim I dont think that will happen, this is a very difficult situation and I am not sure what the outcome will be. I dont think any decision should be made on the memberships behalf, there should always be a vote so we can decide what is best for us. I wouldnt be involved with that, I think it would be the america west guys and the union representatives.

I don't think
I am not sure
I don't think
there should
I think

IMO this is good old iam spin..... time to pass this thread to tony
i have no problem going with date of hire.. hell i would jump up alot here in philly...matter of fact no one has a problem with that at all. we have been saying we want date of hire for a long time now.. so get your storie strait before speaking for us here in philly
I don't think
I am not sure
I don't think
there should
I think

IMO this is good old iam spin..... time to pass this thread to tony

Ask a tough question and all you get is a half dozen not sure's and maybe's. Alas, now that's keeping members informed!

tim I do not have all of that information yet, but how I believe the process works is as follows... when the IAM was named the bargaining agent by the NMB, we enforce the TWU contract until we could transtion the west folks into our CBA. I am not completely sure that this is accurate but I will find out and let you guys know what to expect. thanks jeff
You do well to mention that the IAM's duty is to enforce the contract. But since the TWU served a section 6, the IAm was duty bound to enforce that part of the contract also. The IAM has failed in this by refusing to bargain in section 6 for the west coast stations. 1.5 years after the TWU/IAM agreement on May 9th, you and Canale have not enforced the TWU agreement by enforcing section 6. You guys played around with the east coast arbitration. You owe those workers out west an apology, how would you like it if a union that nobody voted for or wanted came on the property and then shelved section 6 negotiations? The west is getting educated Jeff, and they are on to your game.

Did you inform them that you had to enforce section 6 since it was already served?????

i have no problem going with date of hire.. hell i would jump up alot here in philly...matter of fact no one has a problem with that at all. we have been saying we want date of hire for a long time now.. so get your storie strait before speaking for us here in philly


You have a message.
Dave Lehive is a unique guy. As thin as he may be he never seems to show any signs of aging ..........
You do well to mention that the IAM's duty is to enforce the contract. But since the TWU served a section 6, the IAm was duty bound to enforce that part of the contract also. The IAM has failed in this by refusing to bargain in section 6 for the west coast stations. 1.5 years after the TWU/IAM agreement on May 9th, you and Canale have not enforced the TWU agreement by enforcing section 6. You guys played around with the east coast arbitration. You owe those workers out west an apology, how would you like it if a union that nobody voted for or wanted came on the property and then shelved section 6 negotiations? The west is getting educated Jeff, and they are on to your game.

Did you inform them that you had to enforce section 6 since it was already served?????

Tim with all the heated debates I try to always break the ice with humor.
Rob Petrella wants to know what happened to all the OT in philly?
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