Checking it Out said:
0---Not a cent more!!!!!, unfortunately many have already expressed the willingness to go to a matching 401k equal to or greater than the traditional pension. I remember when AA offered a lump sum payment for retires and many squandered it away and AA had bad publicity over it!
Hopeful, do you believe AA is struggling to stay at the top? I don't believe closing the doors is the answer! I think looking for the good and improving on them is a better approach.
Rusty, Yes, I work out of my Box! I also hold an A&P license. shop steward and sarg-of-arms and enjoy working with the EDR machine in our shop. The supervisors dislike me as well as some of the TWU members and definitely the Amfa supporters. Does this worry me? No! Will I continue to do what I believe is in the best interest of the membership? You bet!!!! I learned a long time ago, you will not make everyone happy, Some choose to be dis-grunted and unhappy! Complain about everything whether it is right or wrong that is there nature! How you choose life is your choice! Having a positive mental attitude is a better solution in Life!
Go back and read the last 8 posts or the next two and see how many made a positive comment? You will see what I am talking about!
Geez cio, we have NOTHING left to give!!!! We lost not only pay (which is the lowest of the big six), but 50 years of benefits and one concession no other AA group has except the AMT's , half-pay sick time for the first two sick days. We also have thousands of layoffs, we were assured that layoffs would be minimal, I guess 3000 is minimal.
Not a cent more....until the twu due$ machine is threatened again with
Chapter 7 liquidation and the twu ultimate liar, little jimmy, scares the membership with take it or else!!!! The twu will never fight this company. The twu international is a business union that will never feel the pain inflicted on its membership as a result of the their inaction, weakness, and lies. The twu internationals' untouchable dictators still get their huge raises and six figure salaries along with a job for life.
The twu sloganism on a t-shirt is the best fight the twu can mount against AA managment. "Will Strike if Provoked", "twu Proud", "Proud Union Member", "Show Me the Shared Sacrifice!!!, and now your new one would fit right in...
Not a Cent More!!! a new twu slogan classic. I makes me laugh and cry at the same time.
Cio, (Kevin Gorrmans) you have been lying and telling tall twu stories for a long time on many a BB. You are in a classic.....your twu fog is stuff of legend. You lie all most unconsciously, and when you are called on it, your defense is to call us disgruntled, and unhappy. I saw you come in the Brady in January on your recon mission. I watched you look around the theater with a puzzled look for a few minutes, and then storm out. You didn't ask any questions? Why? Did you know you would have had a chance to ask as many as you wanted? No limit! Unlike the twu farce, where the AMFA supporters that did come in were heckeled and ridiculed. The Brady was a professional AMFA meeting inside, with your nemesis (Dell )and all of the AMFA National players. You guys stood out in the rain and called us scabs and brought your coffin and a bunch of negative anti-AMFA signs. Who are you calling disgruntled and negative again?
The only negativity I have is toward the twu and how worthless, corrupt, and unaccountable they really are. I would almost rather have no union than the corrupt twu. I hate what the company has done to us, but I can't really blame them. If I had a weak union like the twu, I would most likely come after them for money or whatever I could get, because that's business... nothing personal. I understand that. However, what I will
NEVER understand is how my union, that is paid to fight for me, will never throw a punch. They run around the ring like a coward, duck and cover, and hope that the members believe in the 15th round, the twu will come out swinging!!!
Its time to throw in the towel cio!!!! Your twu is beat!!!!
Of the many positives in my life, one of the best ones is knowing the twu will be ousted for the M@R at AA very soon!!!!
Punks, Drunks, Cowards, Functional Illiterates, and Felons. The twu's finest.