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Paging Miss Polyanna

It very obvious Bob is a lost soul...he posts daily exposing his self derived wisdom he believes is in every ones best interest. The only wisdom he offers is from the dark side.

I feel sorry for the ones singing a happy song, your song is out of tune as is the entire airline industry in which you base you wasted faith.

On a personal note: If I wasn't a man of compassion I wouldn't look back, but knowing the fall is still coming for many, I feel for sorry them and their false hopes.

Most couldn't walk a foot in my shoes, they are well worn and have taught me things many never learn. I have walked thru the fires in this life that anneal your soul, many never get that privilege as these posts clearly show.

Two words for you...

Hey.....hey......no rocks. You can put an eye out with them...........

What happened to the positive thing? :jerry: Relax have some popcorn.
Sad, sad pitiful man. 🙁
You can have the last word First.…..It doesn’t matter.

Jerry had his day with your kind. He knows the human condition and it's weakness making it an easy task to exploit your kind. History shows he won and your posts are showing the next Jerry you and your legion of drones are ripe for the next picking.
Calibrator- I hope you spent enough money to put that giant poster of yourself in a matching frame. Have you had any luck in finding job listing for "Archetype"? You're a loon!

I personally think every employee should have to reinterview for their position. If they can't muster enough charisma to pass the interview, they get someone who can.
Calibrator- I hope you spent enough money to put that giant poster of yourself in a matching frame. Have you had any luck in finding job listing for "Archetype"? You're a loon!


They killed Jesus for less....A sage you’re not, a lost soul it seems likely, a man filled will anger, absolutely.


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ar·che·type (ärÆki t#pÅ), n.
1. the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.
2. (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.
[1595–1605; < L archetypum an original < Gk archétypon a model, pattern (neut. of archétypos of the first mold, equiv. to arche- ARCHE- + týp(os) mold, TYPE + -os adj. suffix)]
—ar·che·typ·al (ärÆki t#ÅpÃl), ar·che·typ·i·cal (ärÅki tipÆi kÃl), arÅche·typÆic, adj.
—arÅche·typÆal·ly, arÅche·typÆi·cal·ly, adv.

Sorry...don't meet the specs here....
firstamendment, YOU ROCK!

I also love my job, my old company, HP, and I'm excited about my new company, US.
A few years ago, I learned to be a happy person. Life is much better for Happy People, no matter what the situation.
The airline industry is a crapshoot, at best. But I can't imagine doing anything else. I love coming to work.
Whiny pessimists are so sad and pathetic, bless their hearts. Its hard to take anything they say seriously, and they are toxic to be around.
And I'm talking about LIFE. Not just this company, or this message board.
If you expect to be happy, you will be.
If you expect to fail, you will, and then you can be satisfied in your unhappiness. Whatever.
I agree PineyBob this is a good place to vent and learn.

firstamendment, YOU ROCK!

I also love my job, my old company, HP, and I'm excited about my new company, US.
A few years ago, I learned to be a happy person. Life is much better for Happy People, no matter what the situation.
The airline industry is a crapshoot, at best. But I can't imagine doing anything else. I love coming to work.
Whiny pessimists are so sad and pathetic, bless their hearts. Its hard to take anything they say seriously, and they are toxic to be around.
And I'm talking about LIFE. Not just this company, or this message board.
If you expect to be happy, you will be.
If you expect to fail, you will, and then you can be satisfied in your unhappiness. Whatever.

Perfect! Beautiful! Well Stated! The Best!
Right on Desert Gal,

Best thing I ever did was stop watching the evening news. Murder, Mayhem exist as do Famine, War & Pestulence. I just don't need to be bombarded with all of the bad news. It weighs on ones heart.

We have choices every day and one of them is to smile when you'd really rather Biatch Slap the Mo Fo in the next life.

All of this is one of the reasons I post so much. If I just watch the news all I can do is wring my hands for the most part. Here I can vent my frustrations and hopefully in the process be an agent for change. If the blistering attacks on Management & Labor alike give someone pause and inspires them to look inward in reflection then good. If on the other hand they fire back and "put me in my place" then it is I who have gained insight.

In the end hepefuly it results in a little bit better place.

I need a 12-step program to get the NPR/CNN monkey off my back. I know folks that got pretty depressed during Hurricaine Rita, to the point of crying. Anxiety and depression had more to do with the THREE SOLID WEEKS of wall to wall news coverage of Katrina with very explicit visuals of our nation's inability to simply get folks out of harms way-- not to mention the ample destruction itself. I even read that more folks reported depression over Katrina then reported depression over 9-11 at the time (well, that's a little hard to believe). Two observations:

Scramble Katrina and you get Kan Rita?

Disaster or Katrina, specifically will be Time Magazines "person" of the year, unless Cheney is indicted.

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