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12th Hour Has Set In, 1000's Short!

unions dont cause layoffs, economics do! however once again amfa gets to pick up the pieces of a ironclad industrial union negotiated contract which not only gives concessions, but allows its members layoff protection to be stripped away! how many furloughed A.A. mechanics recalled? yet we send work to aar in oklahoma city........TOTTALLY WORTHLESS UNION :down:
Welcome to Local 4 JL...

Furloughed are furloughed because the industrial unions that robbed us for 50 years gutted our contract language and scope! Concessions never ever saved one job and the IAM saved even less. However if there was a lapdog that rivaled the IAM at being a company girlfriend union it would be a photo finish with TWU!
Johnny Lunchbox said:
Maybe the 10,000 furloughed might want a revote.
March 31, 2003

James C. Little

Administrative Vice President, Air Transport Division

Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

1791 Hurstview Dr.

Hurst, Texas 76054

Re: Summary of the 2003 Contract changes

This will confirm our understanding reached during the negotiations leading up to the agreement signed on (DOS), 2003. During these negotiations, we discussed many changes intended to achieve sustained long-term financial relief from the current provisions of the TWU labor agreements. This letter is intended to recap the majority of the agreed upon changes. Changes are listed by Title groups: I (Mechanics and Related), II (Facilities, Automotive, Cabin Cleaners, Utility and Building Cleaners), III (Fleet Service), IV (Fuelers), V (Stock Clerks), T/S (Technical Specials), Disp (Dispatch), Metro (Meteorologists), Sim Techs (Simulator Technicians) and Instrs (Ground School and Pilot Instructors).

Pay Related

Effective May 1, 2003:

§ Base wage pay reduction, varying percentages (all groups)

§ Elimination of all longevity pay(I & II)

§ Modified longevity pay, start after 17 years, current rates (III, IV, V,T/S)

§ Reduced Sim Tech Coordinator premium by $.75/hour

§ Reduced Sim Tech Skill pay to $.10/hour

§ Reduced Pilot Simulator Instructors premium to $10.00/month

§ Reduced Ground School/Pilot Simulator Instructors standardization coordinator pay to $150.00/month

§ Reduced Pilot/Simulator Instructors work unit experience premium

§ Modified shift differential to $.01, $.02, $.03 (I, II, III, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

§ Elimination of weekend differential (I, II, V, at AFW, TUL, MCI)

§ Elimination of midnight skill retention premium (Sim Techs)

§ Training pay at straight time for off shift and day off (I, II)

§ Elimination of penalty lunch payment (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Elimination of OT meal allowance (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Penalty hours pay for actual time worked @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S)

§ Reduce OT rate from 2x to 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Work 40 hrs to reach OT rate for day off overtime (III, V)

§ Elimination of debrief pay (T/S)

§ Elimination of Stock Clerk driver premium

§ Elimination of AMT premiums when displacing OSM employee

§ Elimination of Early Call-In guarantees (I, II, III, IV)

§ Elimination of short turn penalty due to shift bids (Art 21 d) (III, IV)

§ Elimination of CC premium when not working as CC (III,V)

Work Rules/ Other changes and effective dates:

Effective April 15, 2003:

§ Combine Systems/Structures into Generals (Title I)

§ Added 7 day labor loan provision (Bases only)

§ Increased AMT productivity through multiple work assignments/training

§ Holidays reduced from 10 to 5. The five (5) observed holidays will be: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day (all groups)

o Holidays- 5 days with roll @ 1.5x (I, II, III, IV, V, T/S, Sim Techs)

o Holidays- 5 days (no roll) @ 1.5x (Disp, Metro, Instrs)

Effective May 1, 2003

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days @ 100% (all except I & II)

§ Reduce annual SK accrual to 5 days, 1st two at 50% (I & II)

Effective May 3, 2003

§ 4/10s at Overhaul docks/TUL, duration of agreement

Effective within sixty (60) days of ratification:

§ Outsource RON/Ultraclean (II/III)

§ One time System protection credit for headcount reductions realized from work rule changes (all groups except Metro)

Effective thirty (30) days from ratification:

§ Reduce uniform provisioning and eliminate laundering (I, II, III, IV, V)

§ Outsource stores function at HDQ (6 Stock Clerks)

§ Relocate 4 Stock Clerks at ORD/GEM to ORD/M & E hanger

Effective as soon as practicable after DOS:

§ Change work schedule to 5 on, 2 off (T/S)

§ Reduced VC accrual one week (all groups)

§ Modify Crew Chief ratios:

AMT- 1:11.5

FSC- 1:9

Fuelers- eliminated ratio

Stores- 1:12


§ Medical & Dental plan modifications (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ SLOA Benefit Coverage reduced from 24 to12 months (all groups)

Effective 5/01/03

§ Eliminate STD Plan (all groups) Effective 1/1/04

§ Discontinue subsidized medical benefits RIF’d employees (all groups)

Effective 4/15/03

§ Modify IOD to 10 days (all groups) Effective 5/01/03 with the following transition:

o If the injury was incurred prior to 4/15/03, remaining applicable salary continuation through the end of the month up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred on 4/15/03 or before 4/30/03, salary continuation for 10 days up to the current 80 days

o If the injury is incurred after 5/01/03, salary continuation for 10 days


James B. Weel

Managing Director

Employee Relations

Agreed to this date:


James C Little

Transport Workers Union, AFL-CIO


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Checking it Out said:
Please provide news articles, I will be happy to provide news articles that portry a different story! Lets compare who is telling the truth?

Guess what national has extended the date to file! Will easter be very far offfffffffff????????????????????
Easter is not that far off cio. However, we prefer St. Patrick's Day! Now, weren't you the coward saying we would not file because we were losing cards by the hundreds? :shock:


Are you a twu e board member? You must be. That is the only thing that can explain your total denial of the truth. As a matter of fact you have been spewing lies so much it seems that you your self actually believe what you are saying. It almost seems you have been infected by that disease they call the twu AKA potted plant syndrome. They say the only cure is AMFA may be you should give it a try. If nothing else you will be able to finally see the truth. :blink:
Oh Please! outsource, outsource, outsource- equals amfa unlimited!!!!!!!

Give me a break!!!!!!!!

Smarts is not your favorite subject! Either one of you!!!!!!!!!


Are you a twu e board member? You must be. That is the only thing that can explain your total denial of the truth. As a matter of fact you have been spewing lies so much it seems that you your self actually believe what you are saying. It almost seems you have been infected by that disease they call the twu AKA potted plant syndrome. They say the only cure is AMFA may be you should give it a try. If nothing else you will be able to finally see the truth. :blink:

Cio may not be an E-board member, but he/they is/are definately connected with the dictators at the top. On the other hand CIO may be more than one person sharing the "alias". This could explain the CIO postings at any time of day.

It doesn't matter anyway, they'll be gone soon.

damn, HAHA, I knock myself out...HAHAHAHAHA :up:
Checking it Out said:
Oh Please! outsource, outsource, outsource- equals amfa unlimited!!!!!!!

Give me a break!!!!!!!!

Smarts is not your favorite subject! Either one of you!!!!!!!!!
since you brought up outsourcing how about using your connections and posting the jan. outsourcing numbers the company provides per our scope clause. And while your at it how about some proof that yingst and gless aren't double dipping the system ie: AA paycheck, union paycheck.


Quarterly results come out every three months, outsourcing has been reduced over the last 12 months.

Also, with the increase in work for other carriers I would not be surprised to see members being recalled later this year. Word has it that NW and United are seeking vendors to do work!
We are the only Union that has successfully worked to retain full overhaul capabilities! It is not going to be easy in the future! Outside influences are going to put a great strain on all of us! With every ones support we will overcome. I ask that you take off your shirts put on a regular one and start directing your efforts into improving the quality of life at AA and the TWU! It’s a shame that the hate and discontent you see on these individuals! A fellow Brother pointed out to me recently that the AMFA Organizers all have the same look! I started looking around and you know he was right! Why? Maybe because they eat, sleep and dream of something that can’t be achieved! Even Delle admitted this during several meetings conducted at USAir and others that in today’s environment this is not achievable!

"Worked" to retain full overhaul? How much work was it to accept what the company through down on the table at the 11th hour, peddle it to the membership, then accept it "without further ratification"? It didn't take any work at all.
I ask that you give up on the TWU. You talk about six years? We're talking 20 years of concessions!
YOU and the TWU are reaping what you have sewn.
Goodbye and good riddance!
Checking it Out said:
Quarterly results come out every three months, outsourcing has been reduced over the last 12 months.

Also, with the increase in work for other carriers I would not be surprised to see members being recalled later this year. Word has it that NW and United are seeking vendors to do work!
Outsourcing isn't the only thing to be reduced, looked at your paycheck lately?
Vacation days? Holidays? Sick Time?
If we let you continue to run the show, we will be making $15.00 an hour, but hey there sure will be a lot of us, right?
Get lost looser!
Checking it Out said:
Quarterly results come out every three months, outsourcing has been reduced over the last 12 months.
Also, with the increase in work for other carriers I would not be surprised to see members being recalled later this year. Word has it that NW and United are seeking vendors to do work!

Sure would be nice to see this type of information in the Lapdog (union) display cases.
Then we could all read the evidence... Could it be that it doesn't exist?
Post the official Documents, CIO!!!

Since it's union business it's available to all of us, right?
You can tell me the outsource percentage or you can show me. Which would have the most inpact? Your word? Or an offical Lapdog (union) Document with signatures? You know, like the info with Randy's signature, acompanied by, "Approved for posting".

Could it be this kind of info is for limited access only, like the 30 to 50 FSC that control every Monthly meeting?

How about it? Show us some Documentation,CIO! AND I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT
Pro-AMT said:
The IAM had the same ignorance and foolhardy swager when faced with the freight train coming down the track even when it was only inches away! I think these industrial union zealots got their training from the Iraqi Information Minister... It will be the mother of all elections!

20,000 other mechanic and related can not be wrong: AMFA is the way to a better present and more secure future! Remember the Past and Look to the Future... VOTE AMFA!

Mechanics need a unified voice that reflects our real issues. The whole outsource trend is revealing itself to be as much of a dangerous game of passenger safety roulette as we have always said it was. When the backlash comes and the public demands only certified mechanics maintain the airworthiness of US aircraft we need a union that speaks out on our behalf and not a lapdog doing corporate bidding.

Industrial unions have long age become the marketing department of airline execs selling concessions as:
  • The best we can hope for!

  • We'll getem next time!

  • It could be worse!

  • Just vote for the entire contract based on a two page highlight sheet (don't worry you can read all the real damaging stuff after you have ratified it)
WELCOME to AMFA; American Airlines Mechanics and Related.
Quote and End Quote!!!

Stellar assessment!!

Take Care,
Checking it Out said:
As the card drive starts to wind down I want to express my concerns about the division that has been created! Whether it be the Line or Base we all are Brothers and Sisters. The AMFA organizers eat, sleep and dream AMFA! That is all they talk about!

It’s hard to have a decent conversation about anything else. The incidences at MCI and AFW are a prime example of the Brain washing that has been done! These aren’t going to be the same ones running the show. These are the same individuals who you work next to! Most aren’t interested in participating or they would be involved in the past and present. Most are one item concerns! If you take them aside they really don’t have a clue on how to Arbitrate or represent a member in a 29d case! And they really don’t want to learn. I can’t remember how many times over the last 6 years they have asked many of the current officers to run if AMFA was to get in!

Many of the organizers now have come to the realization that the drive is in its 12th hour and is thousands of cards short! The depression has set in and now you are hearing on a regular bases that we will get you next time! Does their have to be a next time? Why not just start participating in the process? Most know I have been writing on these forms for many years because I believe in the TWU! That is no secret! I have seen many changes and will see more to come! We the membership control the Union! I see this on a regular basis! We have the control to make our voice be heard by having open discussions at the Union Hall and on the floor! Motions are made to change on a regular basis some are excellent and others are rejected That is part of Democracy!

I ask that the TWU Brothers and Sisters welcome back the miss-guided members and ask them to participate in a rational manor for improving what they perceive as a lack of representation!

We are the only Union that has successfully worked to retain full overhaul capabilities! It is not going to be easy in the future! Outside influences are going to put a great strain on all of us! With every ones support we will overcome. I ask that you take off your shirts put on a regular one and start directing your efforts into improving the quality of life at AA and the TWU! It’s a shame that the hate and discontent you see on these individuals! A fellow Brother pointed out to me recently that the AMFA Organizers all have the same look! I started looking around and you know he was right! Why? Maybe because they eat, sleep and dream of something that can’t be achieved! Even Delle admitted this during several meetings conducted at USAir and others that in today’s environment this is not achievable!
I remember this, do you?