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Paging Miss Polyanna

Sure you are.....

Ok everyone, lets put on a happy face and bend over and smile for "the new boss, same as the old boss"

Some never learn but rectify with invented fantasies so they don't have to change directions. It's painfully obvious the unknown is more painful then the constant bending over for these fear filled posters.

Negativity you say…try a hefty does of harsh reality. You’ll see it only if you get you mind around your protective coating of fantasies. It’s sort of like the few that can clearly see the spirit world that surrounds us all with it’s evil spirits whispering twisted suggestions into the fear filled which are followed by the majority of these weak souls leading to the sorrows printed here that have made these aviation boards what they are, filled with the tough realities of the airline world in which most decide to believe they are not living in.
It's called accepting ones decision to stay (whatever it is) and MOVING FORWARD! If you leave, then don't look back. If you stay then do the same, but do not act surprised if it happens again. Wipe the slate clean and try again. Like I have said in other posts. I hope (in the nicest and best of manners) that the ones that left learn to regret it as the ones that stayed prosper. I just ask that the ones who left let me either fail or prosper at my own pace.
It's called accepting ones decision to stay (whatever it is) and MOVING FORWARD! If you leave, then don't look back. If you stay then do the same, but do not act surprised if it happens again. Wipe the slate clean and try again. Like I have said in other posts. I hope (in the nicest and best of manners) that the ones that left learn to regret it as the ones that stayed prosper. I just ask that the ones who left let me either fail or prosper at my own pace.

Falling on your sword will not change anything, it just hurts a lot more.
A positive attitude is great. It's hard to acheived it, if you have been knocked around....and survivied. I have been around when the "trust me" management has lied just to gain some time and keep the crew on board. I have all the sad stories to tell. I complain, etc. yet I'm still here. I'm a fool........... I keep hoping things will turn out well, they rarely do, at least for any length of time. The word "bankrupcy" is not in our vocabulary. rofl

Ok......lets get this show on the road. Let's get it together and do it right.............................. 🙂
Man, I go to bed and get up and wow, what can I say to some of the last few postings? Poor, poor, poor me a drink. Just goes to show in life some see the cocktail glass half empty, some half full.

My friends, it's not about US Airways. It's about me. I honestly believe things happen to us to help us learn. I've learned alot by being associated with this industry. One has not been that it is screwed up (which it is ) and get out. Some are missing the point. Meanwhile, I can only speak for inflight, but I generally love what I do. It's not in my best interest to start all over with a new airline, or should I say a profitable one...which is basically just one...so you adapt or leave. Choices, my friend, choices.

If the former communist country citizens had had THAT attittude of the same old message, we would still have the USSR and a wall seperating Germany. 😉
It's called accepting ones decision to stay (whatever it is) and MOVING FORWARD! If you leave, then don't look back. If you stay then do the same, but do not act surprised if it happens again. Wipe the slate clean and try again. Like I have said in other posts. I hope (in the nicest and best of manners) that the ones that left learn to regret it as the ones that stayed prosper. I just ask that the ones who left let me either fail or prosper at my own pace.

First -

Thanks for starting this thread.....the tide of change is upon us and hopefully things will work out differently this time.


Very well said. Those that left (Curt) need to move on and enjoy the new life they have made for themselves. Those of us that have chosen to stay need to focus on doing our best and making a difference. In the end, if nothing changes, then I have no one to blame but myself for allowing it to happen to me again.

I have been able to interact with my counterparts at US-West and I have to tell you....they could not have been nicer. They are enthusiastic and energized about the merger. They have a positive can-do attitude. They can't wait to meet us and get the ball rolling in the right direction. Trips and meetings have been planned and the enthusiasm is contagious.

Get onboard or get out of the way......this train is starting to roll.
First -

Thanks for starting this thread.....the tide of change is upon us and hopefully things will work out differently this time.


Very well said. Those that left (Curt) need to move on and enjoy the new life they have made for themselves.

Every airline except one is in dire straights and you posters are pretending it’s not real, that you people live in a different reality as long as you keep singing your happy songs…â€￾Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.â€￾
And why does that seem to pi$$ you off so much? If I chose to live my life with my head in the sand.....what difference does it make to you? In the end, I will have no one to blame but myself if things don't work out.
Every airline except one is in dire straights and you posters are pretending it’s not real, that you people live in a different reality as long as you keep singing your happy songs…â€￾Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.â€￾
barkeep.....hydrochloric on the rocks....
Every airline except one is in dire straights and you posters are pretending it’s not real, that you people live in a different reality as long as you keep singing your happy songs…â€￾Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.â€￾

No one said follow..................lead, follow or get out of the way..............each of those have their own level of responsibility. Choose one and "make it so". It's simple if you want it to be simple. Some do like to make things more difficult than they need to be.
No one said follow..................lead, follow or get out of the way..............each of those have their own level of responsibility. Choose one and "make it so". It's simple if you want it to be simple. Some do like to make things more difficult than they need to be.
No one except GOD himself made that statement, and God isn't simple, just the creatures he gave free will.
I would like to suggest to everyone who works at US East or West to prepare a resume and actively look for other employment. One of two things will happen and neither one is bad.

2. You find out that the job market is complete crap and the situation you're currently in wasn't nearly as bad as you first thought.

To First Amendment I found you post to be refreshing to say the least. You can wallow in the past as some do even after they are long gone from US Airways. The bitterness clearly has consumed this person. Or you can play the hand you're dealt with a smile on your face and a song in your heart. It's choice we all make every day.

Thanks PB,

I have looked and it isn't pretty, but you will never convince a person in the drudges of misery that they are stuck in their embittered misery. So I let them vent and hope they either come to terms or move on. 😉
Thanks PB,

I have looked and it isn't pretty, but you will never convince a person in the drudges of misery that they are stuck in their embittered misery. So I let them vent and hope they either come to terms or move on. 😉

It very obvious Bob is a lost soul...he posts daily exposing his self derived wisdom he believes is in every ones best interest. The only wisdom he offers is from the dark side.

I feel sorry for the ones singing a happy song, your song is out of tune as is the entire airline industry in which you base you wasted faith.

On a personal note: If I wasn't a man of compassion I wouldn't look back, but knowing the fall is still coming for many, I feel for sorry them and their false hopes.

Most couldn't walk a foot in my shoes, they are well worn and have taught me things many never learn. I have walked thru the fires in this life that anneal your soul, many never get that privilege as these posts clearly show.
So what do you want?? A freaking Cookie?? Grow up! Life sucks and when your attitude sucks it seems to me that you only make it worse.

I would also remind you that the Church is a haven for sinners not a rest home for saints. If I was perfect I'd be called Jesus. Curt you'd be surprised at the stuff that lands in my inbox regarding the conduct of certain posters. The book you seem so fond of has a verse in it "Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone" I have a pretty large rock pile regadring you, shall I let it continue to grow or should I start throwing?

I've been pretty much an open book on here, can you say the same? Let me answer for you, NO!
Read this post and see the truth I have told

MOD MEN: I beg your forgiveness, I am finished with Bob, and so is he.

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