At the meeting in CLT when asked about PSA and the 900's, Doug replied "we tried to negotiate and you guys said no, so they are going to Mesa. It would send the wrong message to reopen negotiations".
I just want to make something clear, with all this talk of "We tried to negotiate and you guys said no."
The crux of this was there was not a SINGLE minute of negotiations. Kirby walked in and summoned ALPA to CLT. They sat down and he put on the table a nice little Powerpoint presentation On it, he compared 18yr Capt PSA to 10 yr Capt. ML 190 rates. the 18 yr was 5.00 or so less. He explained how these airplanes would provide better QOL/upgrades/ and expansion for the pilot group. Since mgmt was willing to give that to PSA it was required that the contract be frozen. They did not sit down and ask, ok we want to put these airplanes here, what are you willing to do it for???? When asked if they were going to negotiate, basically it was told. No, here's the proposal, get back to us in 3 weeks with your answer. (you call that negotiating???)
When I mention the contract is frozen, here's some background.
When the 700's were negotiated, what the final product ended being is a blended payscale. We have a payscale for the 50 seaters and a payscale for the 70 seaters (this was before AAA MEC relaxed scope allowing 90 seaters outside)
Our payscale is figured by the RATIO of 70 seat birds to 50 seat birds. The run the current pay step of 70 seaters to 50 seaters and come up with a pay rate for the current qtr.
As 700's were being delivered we went into BK II. At which point 700 deliveries stopped (there were to be more) If the deliveries had continued or started again after BK, our payscales would have increased due to the changing ratio.
With LOA 93, AAA MEC allowed 90 seat airplanes to be flown at affliates under the same guidlines of 70 seat airplanes.
Along comes MGMT. and knowing of our signed agreed upon contract, that states with continued deliveries of a/c larger than 50 seats, our pay ratio would increase, the come in and say. No that section of your contract must be frozen. No more ratio'd pay. (As Mgmt had agreed upon.)
Initially, Mgmt prob. would have gotten their yes vote, if they simply asked for the 900 to be treated as a 700 for pay purposes and left everything else alone. But NO they wanted to change our contract, in a concessionary manner and freeze what they had already agreed to.
Now you MGMT water carriers on here. Explain to me in simple terms.
A contract is in place. They walk in, put 1 offer on the table. Say take it or leave it. And that offer includes amending our contract, in a downward sense. Cutting off any increases in pay. The increases in pay was minimal. With the delivery schedule proposed, it would have taken approximately 18 months for a capt to recieve about a 2.00 pay raise (or about 2000/yr) an F/O would have gottten maybe 1.30-1.50 raise in that same 18 months.
So YES it was a concession to change the contract. There was not a negotiation (Mgmt choice)
Parkers/Kirby true colors are revealed, I would think, when they say it wasn't a paycut. It was a concession, it was a negotiation we turned down. Hardly. Can't see how any change to a contract, already agreed upon, in managements favor is not a concession.....
For some other rough math, in 18 months time, total crew cost would increase 3.50/hr at best. Average monthly hours flown at PSA is around 12,500/month I believe. (possibly less forget the exact figure) So pilot cost would increase by about 525,000/yr. (if your keeping a score card, prob less than the management pay raises we've seen in the past year) And this would give US a aircraft flown in house (not paying guaranteed profit to someone) AND give them 40 aircraft with possible 30% more revenue feed then what's currently flying. 500k is a piss in a bucket compared to other costs, and management lost their option. AND alot more credibility over here.
PSA J4J Capt.
AAA furloughed.