President Trump

Wow, I should have known there would be a ton of liberals here hanging onto their dying Democratic Party. Still so proud of their eight years of nothing coming from Obama and still crying over Hillarys loss. If you're watching all the snowflakes freaking out on the news just keep in mind you bred them.
I like this guy. :)
Let's say you are a rich dude and you get big tax cut. What kind of jobs would you create? I mean huge corporations with billions of dollars aren't creating jobs...they are doing stock buybacks instead. If lots of money means job creation, why are companies that basically have cornered the market in something not creating them? Why do they need even MORE money? Would you like it if a tax cut for them went to additional stock buyback to fatten the wallets of the execs>

So if a yuge corporation with billions of dollars at your disposal isn't creating jobs what kind of jobs will you create with your tax cut (and my tax increase)?

I see and read about new businesses and factories opening and upgrading all of the time. When I was younger and working as an electrician I worked on several brand new factories and redistribution centers. Granted that was pre American Airlines (over 15 years ago) but I still have friends and family in the trade working on new commercial and industrial projects.

You claim huge companies are not creating jobs. The oil companies were doing massive hiring not all that long ago. My cousin pulled six figures a year working in oil. Amazon from my understanding will be hiring a massive amount of people this year. How many jobs has Google created? They recently built a server farm here in Oklahoma.

You like to paint a picture of no new jobs being creating in this country and no new investments being made. The problem with that narrative is it's false.

That being said I read stories about American companies building factories in Mexico frequently as well. You liberals complain about tariffs and then wonder why you have no new jobs (which you actually do but admitting that goes against the narrative). You do understand the whole point of a tariff is to protect domestic production of product right? If you don't want tariffs then don't complain when they import product or shift production to another country. You have a tool to remedy that (tariffs), use it.

I would like to add for the record I have two objections to Trump's ban now that I have more information. The first is preexisting visas should have been honored. The second is Saudi Arabia should have been on the ban list (oil and politics prevented that). Given the destruction of culture and property in the EU countries I 100 percent agree with Trump and I support the ban.

If you refuse to acknowledge the damage Muslim immigration has done to Europe then in my mind you are simply turning a blind eye in favor of a political ideal. You claim you are open minded. Prove it and watch the video.
you notice no outrage expressed by the left on these punks violently suppressing free speech in Berkley and NYC,no they would rather whine about Trump making themselves look like a couple of jackasses
I see and read about new businesses and factories opening and upgrading all of the time. When I was younger and working as an electrician I worked on several brand new factories and redistribution centers. Granted that was pre American Airlines (over 15 years ago) but I still have friends and family in the trade working on new commercial and industrial projects.

You claim huge companies are not creating jobs. The oil companies were doing massive hiring not all that long ago. My cousin pulled six figures a year working in oil. Amazon from my understanding will be hiring a massive amount of people this year. How many jobs has Google created? They recently built a server farm here in Oklahoma.

You like to paint a picture of no new jobs being creating in this country and no new investments being made. The problem with that narrative is it's false.
Hmmm....they created all those jobs despite the "job killing Obamacare" and despite no tax cut.

If the narrative if false about jobs not being created, how come such a dire picture was being painted while Obama was president? How come nobody on the right could see all these jobs then? How come there were so many posts about the highest unemployment...and the lowest workforce participation under Obama. You really can't have it both ways....either jobs WERE being created and we don't need a massive tax cut, or we HAVE to have a massive tax cut because no jobs were created under Obama. That's YOUR sides narrative, not mine. It's rather refreshing to see a righty admit that WERE being created under Obama.

I think my theory is true....let's look no further than....the airline industry. After Continental and United merged...they had some real problems. Problems that took money and people to solve. They had two billion dollars hanging around...that can go a long way towards improving the product and service you are providing. Gordon Bethune used his pizza can cut a little to save money, but you can eventually cut too much to the point where you don't have a pizza anymore. So UAL made cuts to cover the costs of their merger and to eliminate "redundncy" (read - cut jobs) and they the point where they didn't have a pizza anymore. They needed to spend a increase staff a little to bring their service levels up and create DEMAND for their product. What did they do? Used all two billion to buy back stock. That didn't create a single job. And a tax cut would only have allowed them to buy back even more.

Oh yeah....and I'd buy the tax cut talk if the middle and lower classes got the bulk of them....I mean if THEY get a noticable tax cut, they might actually buy things like plane tickets. But when you give a tax cut to a guy who has a fleet of G-V's, he's not likely to put that money into the airlines. Unless of course he gets the wild hair to create a NEW airline that offers super low fares for the middle class who can't afford a ticket on a REAL airline. All they need to do is staff it with people paid less than the soon to be abolished minimum wage. It's win/win. The rich guys get their fun money, and the middle class gets bent over, ridden hard, and put away wet.
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I see and read about new businesses and factories opening and upgrading all of the time. When I was younger and working as an electrician I worked on several brand new factories and redistribution centers. Granted that was pre American Airlines (over 15 years ago) but I still have friends and family in the trade working on new commercial and industrial projects.

You claim huge companies are not creating jobs. The oil companies were doing massive hiring not all that long ago. My cousin pulled six figures a year working in oil. Amazon from my understanding will be hiring a massive amount of people this year. How many jobs has Google created? They recently built a server farm here in Oklahoma.

You like to paint a picture of no new jobs being creating in this country and no new investments being made. The problem with that narrative is it's false.

That being said I read stories about American companies building factories in Mexico frequently as well. You liberals complain about tariffs and then wonder why you have no new jobs (which you actually do but admitting that goes against the narrative). You do understand the whole point of a tariff is to protect domestic production of product right? If you don't want tariffs then don't complain when they import product or shift production to another country. You have a tool to remedy that (tariffs), use it.

I would like to add for the record I have two objections to Trump's ban now that I have more information. The first is preexisting visas should have been honored. The second is Saudi Arabia should have been on the ban list (oil and politics prevented that). Given the destruction of culture and property in the EU countries I 100 percent agree with Trump and I support the ban.

If you refuse to acknowledge the damage Muslim immigration has done to Europe then in my mind you are simply turning a blind eye in favor of a political ideal. You claim you are open minded. Prove it and watch the video.

The problem with Libtards is that they think everyone wants to live in peaceful harmony. They live in a fairy land of unicorns and rainbows. When their daughters are being raped and sons are being beaten by idiots like this they actually think it's for the greater good.
The problem with Libtards is that they think everyone wants to live in peaceful harmony. They live in a fairy land of unicorns and rainbows. When their daughters are being raped and sons are being beaten by idiots like this they actually think it's for the greater good.
WELCOME TO TARDVILLE....we've missed you. You seem to agree with LA and call me a let me ask you....if what you just agreed to is true, then are you saying that jobs really WERE created, despite job killing Obamacare and no tax cuts? That's what he wrote.

And are you saying (like your messiah implied) that all 11 million illegal Mexicans are rapists? Here's something for you guys to ponder:

WELCOME TO TARDVILLE....we've missed you. You seem to agree with LA and call me a let me ask you....if what you just agreed to is true, then are you saying that jobs really WERE created, despite job killing Obamacare and no tax cuts? That's what he wrote.

And are you saying (like your messiah implied) that all 11 million illegal Mexicans are rapists? Here's something for you guys to ponder:

WELCOME TO TARDVILLE....we've missed you. You seem to agree with LA and call me a let me ask you....if what you just agreed to is true, then are you saying that jobs really WERE created, despite job killing Obamacare and no tax cuts? That's what he wrote.

And are you saying (like your messiah implied) that all 11 million illegal Mexicans are rapists? Here's something for you guys to ponder:

Apparently you didn't watch the video as was suggested. Nope not all of them, just enough of them. I guess you're one of those morons that think Obummercare was a success. I guess technically you are correct, I guess it depends on which side of the fence you are on. There are people that didn't have healthcare that now does compliments of the working class. However I have three friends that had pretty decent health insurance before Obummercare. Now they don't have any because they can't afford it and just lets the fine be deducted from their tax-return. How successful do you think Obummercare was for them. These are men that work forty to seventy hours a week. Here's the real killer, one of them has an ill child. How's this for a work around? He divorced his wife moved her and his daughter in with her mother. So she could qualify for Medicaid so their daughter could keep getting her medical needs taken care of. Instead of him paying his three thousand dollar a year deductible and forty dollar co-pays and the insurance company paying the rest, us taxpayers get to flip the whole bill at about sixty-thousand dollars a year. I really don't think he is the only one that has had to go through these drastic measures. So you just keep on calling Obummercare a success and I'll keep calling it a failure.
Apparently you didn't watch the video as was suggested. Nope not all of them, just enough of them. I guess you're one of those morons that think Obummercare was a success. I guess technically you are correct, I guess it depends on which side of the fence you are on. There are people that didn't have healthcare that now does compliments of the working class. However I have three friends that had pretty decent health insurance before Obummercare. Now they don't have any because they can't afford it and just lets the fine be deducted from their tax-return. How successful do you think Obummercare was for them. These are men that work forty to seventy hours a week. Here's the real killer, one of them has an ill child. How's this for a work around? He divorced his wife moved her and his daughter in with her mother. So she could qualify for Medicaid so their daughter could keep getting her medical needs taken care of. Instead of him paying his three thousand dollar a year deductible and forty dollar co-pays and the insurance company paying the rest, us taxpayers get to flip the whole bill at about sixty-thousand dollars a year. I really don't think he is the only one that has had to go through these drastic measures. So you just keep on calling Obummercare a success and I'll keep calling it a failure.

Couple of things. I've never called Obamacare a success. If anything, it should have been single payor. Would have been a helluva lot cheaper than letting private insurers with a profit motive run it.

Second....why is it that whenever a liberal starts posting facts, the response usually has a "tard" in it? Is it impossible to discuss? I won't paint with a broad brush, since there are a few (very few) conservatives on this board that will engage in a discussion or debate without using a "tard" or questioning the mental capacity of the liberal poster.

But dang man....anytime someone points out things about how a wall does nothing to stop a boat, out fly the tards. Why? Because you didn't think they'd resort to the water? Cubans have done it for 60 years in makeshift rafts, and they eluded Coast Guard cutters in 90 miles of open ocean. The Mexicans could launch a boat (and it might even be one registered in Texas or California) from anywhere on the Mexican Coast and just have a leisurely fishing trip in the Gulf, then return to port in Texas, Louisiana or Mississippi. OR...they could wait until dark, give them a life vest and let them swim in under the cover of darkness. But a WALL....THAT will stop them.
Couple of things. I've never called Obamacare a success. If anything, it should have been single payor. Would have been a helluva lot cheaper than letting private insurers with a profit motive run it.

Second....why is it that whenever a liberal starts posting facts, the response usually has a "tard" in it? Is it impossible to discuss? I won't paint with a broad brush, since there are a few (very few) conservatives on this board that will engage in a discussion or debate without using a "tard" or questioning the mental capacity of the liberal poster.

But dang man....anytime someone points out things about how a wall does nothing to stop a boat, out fly the tards. Why? Because you didn't think they'd resort to the water? Cubans have done it for 60 years in makeshift rafts, and they eluded Coast Guard cutters in 90 miles of open ocean. The Mexicans could launch a boat (and it might even be one registered in Texas or California) from anywhere on the Mexican Coast and just have a leisurely fishing trip in the Gulf, then return to port in Texas, Louisiana or Mississippi. OR...they could wait until dark, give them a life vest and let them swim in under the cover of darkness. But a WALL....THAT will stop them.
It will slow them down tremendously. You just can't do nothing. Check out this video.

It will slow them down tremendously. You just can't do nothing. Check out this video.

Yes...initially. About the time the wall is halfway done, most will be coming here by water. Or they will save their money, fly to Winnipeg and cross over into North Dakota.
Couple of things. I've never called Obamacare a success. If anything, it should have been single payor. Would have been a helluva lot cheaper than letting private insurers with a profit motive run it.
I agree with you 100% here. The government cannot take care of everyone. People that think that they can are delusional.

Second....why is it that whenever a liberal starts posting facts, the response usually has a "tard" in it? Is it impossible to discuss? I won't paint with a broad brush, since there are a few (very few) conservatives on this board that will engage in a discussion or debate without using a "tard" or questioning the mental capacity of the liberal poster.
Liberals post facts? I have seen very few facts. Most of what you see coming from liberals is ideology. Take open borders for example. We are the only country that has that and we are headed for deep trouble because of it. it is unsustainable. That's the fact, liberals don't care. Our social services are already over run.

But dang man....anytime someone points out things about how a wall does nothing to stop a boat, out fly the tards. Why? Because you didn't think they'd resort to the water? Cubans have done it for 60 years in makeshift rafts, and they eluded Coast Guard cutters in 90 miles of open ocean. The Mexicans could launch a boat (and it might even be one registered in Texas or California) from anywhere on the Mexican Coast and just have a leisurely fishing trip in the Gulf, then return to port in Texas, Louisiana or Mississippi. OR...they could wait until dark, give them a life vest and let them swim in under the cover of darkness. But a WALL....THAT will stop them.
Of course they are going to come in by the water ways it's already being done but in far less numbers. When we start deporting them as we should the numbers will be even less. When we quit just giving them social services there will be even less. There is not one answer to the problem just due diligence.

Did you watch the Gumball video?
I agree with you 100% here. The government cannot take care of everyone. People that think that they can are delusional.

Liberals post facts? I have seen very few facts. Most of what you see coming from liberals is ideology. Take open borders for example. We are the only country that has that and we are headed for deep trouble because of it. it is unsustainable. That's the fact, liberals don't care. Our social services are already over run.

Of course they are going to come in by the water ways it's already being done but in far less numbers. When we start deporting them as we should the numbers will be even less. When we quit just giving them social services there will be even less. There is not one answer to the problem just due diligence.

Did you watch the Gumball video?

I give the Mexicans and South Americans more credit than that. If the front door is locked, then go to the back door. If that's locked then go thru a window. Some are already coming by water. In far less numbers. When a wall goes up, wouldn't logic dictate that a lot MORE will come by water? Or plane? Planes are how the fastest growing numbers of illegals are getting here...from Europe. Our borders are no more open that the borders of France, Germany, Italy or any other country in the world. Where are the walls in those countries? Building a wall is an exercise in futility - it WILL be overcome. Why are we not building a wall against a LONGER border to our north? The lack of a wall there is "open borders".

I know a faster way to keep illegals out AND make the US money instead of spending it. See...right now, the focus is on rounding up, sending back, and building walls. Why are they coming here? Surely not to get access to our health care and food stamps. They are coming here to get jobs. And there is a demand for low paying jobs in this country. The fastest way to solve the immigration problem is to shift our focus AWAY from the poor schmuck that is working for peanuts and TOWARDS the businesses that hire them.

Here's how it would work....if a business...I don't care if it's a mom and pop business or a corporation like Hormel or Tyson...hires illegals, then they will be fined an amount that is damn near a business killing rate. Not a slap on the wrist $500 fine, but a REAL fine....something like 50% of their revenues. Something that would really get their attention. They would not have an incentive to hire 'cheap labor' and would fill those jobs with Merrican citizens. But if they did and paid the fine....if they are caught again - jail time for the execs of a large business or the owners of a small business. I can't think of many people who would be willing to spend a few years in prison to save a few bucks in labor costs.

While T Rump has painted a picture of 11 million Mexican rapists, most of the illegals send their money back home...they'd eventually like to go back home, believe it or not. If you take away the jobs via significant fines and jail time for the BUSINESS, there will be no reason for them to come here. And they will stop coming. It's pretty simple really.

Of course, there is a downside. Some of your products and services will cost more. It will cost more to have a roof on your house or to have your lawn landscaped. Processed meats and chicken will cost more. But that's a small price to pay to keep the illegals out, isn't it?
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