Why the hell would we want to show him our capabilities.
Better to stand back and monitor HIS capabilities.
I assume no one has ever accused you of being a strategist.
Maybe NK doesn't watch Utube. LOL 😀
Why the hell would we want to show him our capabilities.
Better to stand back and monitor HIS capabilities.
I assume no one has ever accused you of being a strategist.
They could roll one of their portables to the DMZ and smoke Seoul.I think if the US shot down a test firing then perhaps it would show NK our capabilities and perhaps act as a deterrent to them launching a live nuke missile
Changing the subject, listen to this guy and tell me what you think?
I don't know about an analogy but it could mean some Iraqis are pissed and understandably so for the reasons you mentioned and be influenced by Isis and use their status to get into this country. Why not give them a little extra screening?KC out of curiosity are there large communities from the countries being scrutinized in KC?Bad analogy. You have to remember....Iraq is a country that did NOTHING to the US, but was INVADED by the United States anyways. We were there because the terrorists of 9/11 killed mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers sons and daughters who were just minding their own business. Except Iraq had nothing to do with it. So WE go in and we kill THEIR mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters. Except we called it "collateral damage" . Were YOU pissed off when we were attacked on 9/11? Then why wouldn't people in a country that did nothing to us be pissed off at us when we invade them and kill innocents? Isn't that just like terrorists?
And judging by his facial hair, I'm guessing that he's not there in a military capacity....I would imagine that he is being paid a helluva lot of money to profit from their situation. Work in dangerous places usually pays well.
I don't know about an analogy but it could mean some Iraqis are pissed and understandably so for the reasons you mentioned and be influenced by Isis and use their status to get into this country. Why not give them a little extra screening?KC out of curiosity are there large communities from the countries being scrutinized in KC?
Tell me how many "jobs" your welfare moochers have created, outside of the government jobs to confiscate and redistribute wealth I mean.No, but I don't think giving rich "go getters" will cause them to create jobs when there is no demand for something. Look...Kansas offered tax cuts. I just helped my kid with her taxes this year and I've done mine for this year. She worked two part time jobs and grossed $8,000. I am single middle class and my gross income for the year was under $100k. My ex is a realtor and netted over 6 figures. On the advice of her accountant, she became an LLC a couple of years ago, and hasn't paid a dime in state taxes on her business OR her "pass thru" income to her personally. I had to write a check to the state this year, and my daughter ALSO has to write a check to the state this year. My ex has not created any new jobs, even though the tax cut said that it would "create jobs".
And creating jobs is a risky venture. If you were a rich guy and got a windfall, would you risk the possibility of losing money, or would you just invest the money in the market (which doesn't create jobs)? Especially when we are also pushing a reduction in the capital gains tax....again with the aim of "creating jobs"? So if it comes down to helping a "moocher", I'd rather help a poor moocher than a rich moocher.
Do you think it is impossible for an extremist to sneak get in the US? I can't see why you don't want to make it more difficult? I'm some where in the middle as far as politics but I see hypocrites on the campuses now, in five ten years I bet half 75% of the students will change their tune once they get a taste of the real world. Just like if I ask you to take the doors off your house and let everyone in, practice what you preachAh....but the gentlemen in the video was free to roam the streets. He was in the country. Did the Iraqi's "vet" him? Interesting that you mention ISIS...has we not invaded Iraq, ISIS most likely would not exist.
And most conservatives won't believe it unless it's on Fox News or brietbart. Interesting thing....on another board, there is a hard core "I even hate you for being liberal in my personal life" kind of guy wo 3 years ago was gushing over Megyn Kelly....she's beautiful, she's smart, she puts liberals in their place. Then she asked a perfectly valid question to Trump during the debates. Today she's a slut that is more suited to NBC than Fox.
Tell me how many "jobs" your welfare moochers have created, outside of the government jobs to confiscate and redistribute wealth I mean.
You obviously have no idea how the economy works. I guess you think company creation and growth happen by magic.
Do you think it is impossible for an extremist to sneak get in the US? I can't see why you don't want to make it more difficult? I'm some where in the middle as far as politics but I see hypocrites on the campuses now, in five ten years I bet half 75% of the students will change their tune once they get a taste of the real world. Just like if I ask you to take the doors off your house and let everyone in, practice what you preach
They could roll one of their portables to the DMZ and smoke Seoul.
DMZ to Seoul is about 35 miles.
No chance for a patriot defense, even if it was on the DMZ.
If we blow up one of their test missiles, it would just piss lil Kim off.
Do you think it wise to go there?
I have family in Seoul and would be pretty pi$$ed if we started WW3.
My uncle was on the Chosin Reservoir in the Korean War.
Ran out of ammunition killing hopped up Chinese.
Do any of you people know history?
Do you seriously think these ID-10T's care about anyone in SK?
Trumper gonna stop the stream pollution bill so we can keep our $25/hr Kentucky coal mining jobs. Mitch is with us. We don't need no clean rivers, we need jobs.
Our damn water comes from the sink, not the river. Damn enviro nazis don't know jack.
This will not end well.
It is really bad when I am channeling Howard Stearn on how this Trump thing happened.
I told my wife that the only good thing about this is that 'merika needed him to jolt the nexgen awake.
Hopefully the power drunk congressional republicans will not allow our country to be franchised as USATrump.
Do you seriously think these ID-10T's care about anyone in SK?
Trumper gonna stop the stream pollution bill so we can keep our $25/hr Kentucky coal mining jobs. Mitch is with us. We don't need no clean rivers, we need jobs.
Our damn water comes from the sink, not the river. Damn enviro nazis don't know jack.