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President Trump

The employment section of the Sunday KC Star is 4 pages...the front page story, a half page of the NYT Crossword puzzle, another half page for the answers to the puzzle and one and a half pages of "help wanted" ads, as well as items for sale.
The point is no attempt was made to secure employment because he CHOSE not to make an attempt due to generous welfare benefits with no accountability.
Missed the point. After the merger UAL service levels dropped horribly. Way behind the other airlines. They company had two billion dollars on hand, but they didn't feel the need to use any of it to create jobs....they did a stock buyback. How will a tax cut make them create jobs?
No YOU are the one that missed the point. The point is to have policies that encourage private sector growth not assure it.
You either fly on one of their routes, or you fly on one of American, Delta, Southwest, Frontier, or other airline that happens to be flying the same routes. Want an example of how more people would help? How about the "voice automated phone reservation line"? My brother couldn't stand it...he had a fart machine and used it on that thing and ended up with it giving him a trip from Omaha to Bejing. But....if United, or any other company doesn't need any more employees....where will the tax cut go to help create any jobs? If a company doesn't need workers, a tax cut for the wealthy isn't going to create any....despite what Laugher says.
At the end of the day all most people care about is price. If your only defense is they use a voice automated phone reservation system then that is pretty weak. Most large companies today use a self automated phone system. I mean honestly, when you use an example like that it is hard to take anything you say seriously.
That would be a tax increase for me. A pretty significant one too, since most "flat tax" plans call for eliminating deductions such as home mortgage interest. My effective tax rate today is about 17%..and that's AFTER claiming all my "loopholes".
Maybe. Maybe not. With a flat tax there would be no sales tax and no property tax. No taxes of any kind except the 20 percent the government takes from your income.

I am glad to see you are enjoying those loopholes you hate so much.
It's not so much a problem as a philosophy. To the right, nothing works as well as a tax cut. Need to go to war? Let's cut taxes. Want to rebuild the infrastructure? Then let's bring those tax cuts down. Want to cure AIDS? A tax cut is just what you need. Problems with hemorrhoids? A soothing tax cut will help.
Come back to reality please. You are being very much a libtard right now.
You ALMOST had a valid debate going...but then came the tard. I guess it's just to prove you are a conservative.
That does not change the fact that the left points the finger at wealthy conservatives using tax loops while doing it themselves. Kind of like.... well..... you for instance. Oh yeah and the Clinton's.
Love the Dr Who avatar. Is that David Tennant?

For me it was option 3. Started a new career. No regrets.
Yes that is Tenant.

Same here but looking at getting back into it. A guy needs a hole cut in the bottom of two Cessna 310's for cameras. Thought I'd do that just to get my feet wet again.
Yes that is Tenant.

Same here but looking at getting back into it. A guy needs a hole cut in the bottom of two Cessna 310's for cameras. Thought I'd do that just to get my feet wet again.
Enjoy the work. I think most surveying and spotting will be done by drones in a few years.

I saw a drone at best buy just last week that streamed HD and took 4K video as well as still photos.

That is actually low end compared to some of the drone tech I have seen. Some of the drones farmers are using are miles ahead of what Best Buy offers. Of course that have that miles ahead price to.


Take a look at the site. You might be amazed.

Right now battery life is a problem but I think with future demand that will be remedied to an extent.
Enjoy the work. I think most surveying and spotting will be done by drones in a few years.

I saw a drone at best buy just last week that streamed HD and took 4K video as well as still photos.

That is actually low end compared to some of the drone tech I have seen. Some of the drones farmers are using are miles ahead of what Best Buy offers. Of course that have that miles ahead price to.


Take a look at the site. You might be amazed.

Right now battery life is a problem but I think with future demand that will be remedied to an extent.
Drones are indeed the way of the very near future. As they get bigger and more complicated they will need servicing just like any other piece of machinery. Doubt an A&P will be required. I guess there will be a legitimate place for an AMT. Or would that be DMT? Poor Ken.

Immigrants once came here because they wanted to become part of America. Now they just come here to use and disrespect America.
Does one Democrat flipping off a Trump supporter make all Republicans cellar-dwelling socially inept trolls?
Not really. It's not that they are "cellar-dwelling socially inept trolls" they just want to do their jobs and raise their families. Which in itself is pretty time consuming. So when he is at home tending to his own business the last thing he wants is a bleeding heart liberal flipping out on him. The real men of this country has had enough of tiptoeing around the soft ingnirant snowflakes that make up the liberal left.
Illiterate real men tiptoe around snowflakes, that takes you off the list.
They really have been. This past Christmas people said, "Merry Christmas" not caring what snowflake was going to get offended. One woman said, "can we say that on TV now?" That is how far the left has pushed things. With all the problems going on in the world for three months all the Dems could argue about is who should be able to use what restroom. I do not want a man that is so mentally disturbed that he doesn't even know what his penis is used for in the same bathroom with my daughter. I do not want to go that far into political correctness you ignorant liberals is willing to jump head first into issues like that because you don't want to offend someone. I could careless about your soft feelings.
They really have been. This past Christmas people said, "Merry Christmas" not caring what snowflake was going to get offended. One woman said, "can we say that on TV now?" That is how far the left has pushed things. With all the problems going on in the world for three months all the Dems could argue about is who should be able to use what restroom. I do not want a man that is so mentally disturbed that he doesn't even know what his penis is used for in the same bathroom with my daughter. I do not want to go that far into political correctness you ignorant liberals is willing to jump head first into issues like that because you don't want to offend someone. I could careless about your soft feelings.
You know, I voted for a candidate based on their stance on more issues than bathrooms and Christmas. But we got the bathroom and Christmas president elected. Mentally unstable though he is.
You know, I voted for a candidate based on their stance on more issues than bathrooms and Christmas. But we got the bathroom and Christmas president elected. Mentally unstable though he is.
Really? What candidate might that be? Just to let you know there wasn't one as you describe on the liberal side.

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