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If planned parenthood went away, there are plenty other entities out there to provide services. Planned parenthood only exists due to being a big favored donor.

Like I said...here in KC, the next largest provider of Title X services is the county health department.... and that's only on one side of the state line. The MIssouri side of the line doesn't provide those services because THEY don't have room in their facility. The county that does provide services is operating a max capacity already. In order to handle MORE, they need a new facility. That takes tax money. In these parts, people aren't too keen on spending their tax money. The other private entity that might be willing to take on title X patients (on top of the people they already serve) have minimal facilities. They don't have the money to acquire a new facility, and Title X money can't be spent on the facility.
What about the thousands of OTHER human lives that would be aborted somewhere else because PP wasn't providing contraceptive services? Defunding PP certainly wouldn't eliminate all abortions. But oddly enough, it would INCREASE them. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Yes...PP gets MEDICAID funding to pay for abortion services. That's it. But ending Medicaid payments isn't "defunding" planned parenthood...you want MORE.

Just a question, since I think I'm one of the few posting on the boards who actually had to face a decision to abort - ours was done at the University of Kansas Medical Center at the direction of the doctor. It was older than 20 weeks. Should we defund KU Med because they killed a baby?
Liston KC, if the UK Med center aborted your baby it was because of some medicating circumstance. Especially if it was older than 20 weeks! I can't believe they would do that purely at parents request! And if they did, than you'll have to live with the fact that you purposely took the life of your own child. And I'm not trying to be cruel here guy! I lost a son that was about the same age due to the fact my wife had a hard pregnancy.I still remember him. But we were blessed with two more, so God is good!
Liston KC, if the UK Med center aborted your baby it was because of some medicating circumstance. Especially if it was older than 20 weeks! I can't believe they would do that purely at parents request! And if they did, than you'll have to live with the fact that you purposely took the life of your own child. And I'm not trying to be cruel here guy! I lost a son that was about the same age due to the fact my wife had a hard pregnancy.I still remember him. But we were blessed with two more, so God is good!

You are almost there. Remember that proposed law that made abortion after 20 weeks illegal that everybody was bashing the baby killing liberals for voting against? IT would have made OUR circumstance illegal as well. FWIW, our circumstance - my ex was working for Sprint in 1991 and was opening a call center in Sacramento. She was out of town in Sacramento for several weeks and could not get into the sonogram appointments until she came home for a couple of weeks. It was after 20 weeks that we had a doctor look us square in the eye and say that the brain did not form and she recommended termination. BUT TODAY ..there are already 20 week bans in some places (Kansas among them) and the only exception is that the life of the mother is in danger. Well...mom's life or health wasn't in danger. Her MENTAL health was impacted pretty hard though. But the law doesn't address that - only the physical health of the mother. But....that's what you get when you start making laws. The right likes to toss out "baby killer" and "selling body parts" and all this other crap. A helluva lot of liberals don't view abortion as a form of birth control. But to keep it legal, someone is going to take advantage of it. And that's sad, but it happens.

You know, a guy took a nonautomatic semiautomic weapon and killed 60 people in Las Vegas, but we didn't ban guns. We accept that fact that we have them, and that some people will abuse them. Why not the same view on abortion?

A second part of that question, how many women who had a one night stand and found themselves pregnant would tend to wait 20 weeks before deciding to abort it.
You are almost there. Remember that proposed law that made abortion after 20 weeks illegal that everybody was bashing the baby killing liberals for voting against? IT would have made OUR circumstance illegal as well. FWIW, our circumstance - my ex was working for Sprint in 1991 and was opening a call center in Sacramento. She was out of town in Sacramento for several weeks and could not get into the sonogram appointments until she came home for a couple of weeks. It was after 20 weeks that we had a doctor look us square in the eye and say that the brain did not form and she recommended termination. BUT TODAY ..there are already 20 week bans in some places (Kansas among them) and the only exception is that the life of the mother is in danger. Well.. unborn .mom's life or health wasn't in danger. Her MENTAL health was impacted pretty hard though. But the law doesn't address that - only the physical health of the mother. But....that's what you get when you start making laws. The right likes to toss out "baby killer" and "selling body parts" and all this other crap. A helluva lot of liberals don't view abortion as a form of birth control. But to keep it legal, someone is going to take advantage of it. And that's sad, but it happens.

You know, a guy took a nonautomatic semiautomic weapon and killed 60 people in Las Vegas, but we didn't ban guns. We accept that fact that we have them, and that some people will abuse them. Why not the same view on abortion?

A second part of that question, how many women who had a one night stand and found themselves pregnant would tend to wait 20 weeks before deciding to abort it.
Liston KC, there is always exceptions to the rules. What you are guilty of is not getting your wife checked out prior to the 20 weeks. Although that may not have made any difference anyway. It sounds like the baby wouldn't have lived long after birth, but you really don't know that. And under those circumstances why put both of you through the torment of dealing with something like that? The Doctor, and you, made the right call. What I am against is all of the abortions of perfectly healthy unborn babies. And I understand that different States have different laws on this subject. Just out of curiosity, how does the law's differ from Kansas to Missouri? I understand you may live near the State line.
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If planned parenthood went away, there are plenty other entities out there to provide services. Planned parenthood only exists due to being a big favored donor.
Dell, do all of us a favor, and get reed of the picture of the Dog! It can be vary distracting........ Vary!!!

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