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President Trump

Does it really matter how many illegal aliens murder American citizens? If we had zero illegal aliens in the U.S. no american citizens would be murdered by an illegal alien! Know it won't make sense to you though!
If we had no guns, no one would be murdered by guns, wouldn't make sense to you though.
I posted them for an earlier year before. Here are the numbers for 2014.


In 2014:
  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for 83% (29,418) of the estimated new HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 and older and 67% of the total estimated new diagnoses in the United States.
  • Gay and bisexual men aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 92% of new HIV diagnoses among all men in their age group and 27% of new diagnoses among all gay and bisexual men.
  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for an estimated 54% (11,277) of people diagnosed with AIDS. Of those men, 39% were African American, 32% were white, and 24% were Hispanic/Latino.
KCFlyer gays are what, 4 to 10 percent of the population? Yet they accounted for 67 percent of all newly diagnosed patients in 2014.

Those are epidemic numbers. However the PC crowd has chosen to ignore it for the sake of leftist "social engineering".

If gays really valued marriage as a whole they would not have such high infection rates. So I say again, gay marriage was never about marriage at all, it was an attempt at social engineering by the left.

Did you even watch the video?

Will you even admit that mass immigration, specifically Muslim immigration, has caused major problems in the EU?

Again what makes you think bringing Muslim "refugees" here will turn out any different?

This situation is no different than the HIV epidemic among gays. The left is ignoring the issue for the sake of "social engineering". They are going to push their multiculturalism agenda regardless of the consequences to the American citizens.
Do you think gay men have not deceived and used women simply to procreate? It happens.

It does? Is this how you started your family?

I will let Dog know you are after his job. You just need a bit more practice.

Should I take that as a "yes," then?

One day you are defending the gays the next you are using homosexuality in an attempt to insult me.

How very LEFT of you.
I thought you lefties were all for abortion.
No...you didn't think anything, but you ASSUMED a lot. Here are some common assumptions

ASSUMPTION: All liberals support abortion as a form of birth control
FACT: Most don't. But we don't believe that the government has a right to dictate what a woman can do with her body. And we understand that in many cases, abortion is the only solution - even if the person really really wanted that baby. This comes from experience - so it's the old "walk a mile in my shoes. When you get the government setting limits on what you can and cannot do with your own body - it gets really sticky. So the best idea is to keep government out of one's personal life.

ASSUMPTION: Liberals hate Christians
FACT: Many liberals ARE Christians. We just recognize that many Christian sects do not feel that OTHER Christian sects are Christian. Many Protestants, particularly the politically active evangelicals do not view Catholics or Mormons as Christian. So we just believe that if we can't agree what constitutes "Christian", maybe we shouldn't try to enact church law as the law of the land

ASSUMPTION: Liberal want to ban guns.
FACT: Many liberals own guns. Some liberals DO want to ban every gun...most don't. Most feel that SOME regulation might be a good thing. Yeah...gun ownership is a right - just like free speech is a right. But we have laws on libel and slander, and you can't yell "fire" in crowded theater. Those are called "regulations", and the country seems to run well with them. I can't figure out why guns are so different.

ASSUMPTION: Liberals want to redistribute my wealth.
FACT: We want to provide a helping hand to those in need. If you think that Liberals don't get pissed off by people who abuse the system, you'd be wrong. But not all of them abuse they system as we have been led to believe by the "welfare surfer" on Hannity. We think a basic quality of life is necessary for a country to be "first world".

ASSUMPTION: Liberals hate the rich
FACT: Since a LOT of rich people are liberal, there must be a lot of self hate among the group.
ASSUMPTION: All liberals support abortion as a form of birth control
FACT: Most don't. But we don't believe that the government has a right to dictate what a woman can do with her body. And we understand that in many cases, abortion is the only solution - even if the person really really wanted that baby. This comes from experience - so it's the old "walk a mile in my shoes. When you get the government setting limits on what you can and cannot do with your own body - it gets really sticky. So the best idea is to keep government out of one's personal life.
The government using tax dollars to pay for abortions is not keeping the government out of one's personal life. Paying for the consequences of your choices out of your own pocket is what keeps government out of your personal life.

My belief is tax dollars should not go toward negating personal consequences of behavior. If a woman chooses to have sex then she chooses the consequences of her actions. Period.
ASSUMPTION: Liberals hate Christians
FACT: Many liberals ARE Christians. We just recognize that many Christian sects do not feel that OTHER Christian sects are Christian. Many Protestants, particularly the politically active evangelicals do not view Catholics or Mormons as Christian. So we just believe that if we can't agree what constitutes "Christian", maybe we shouldn't try to enact church law as the law of the land
I don't see the left attacking Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Wiccan, Satanism, Taoism, or Hinduism. I never see the left criticize those religions.
ASSUMPTION: Liberal want to ban guns.
FACT: Many liberals own guns. Some liberals DO want to ban every gun...most don't. Most feel that SOME regulation might be a good thing. Yeah...gun ownership is a right - just like free speech is a right. But we have laws on libel and slander, and you can't yell "fire" in crowded theater. Those are called "regulations", and the country seems to run well with them. I can't figure out why guns are so different.
If you can't see the difference you need to look at what is going on in Germany. The government has committed treason against the citizens by allowing their culture to be decimated by Muslim "refugees". However the German government has little to fear from it's "well regulated" citizens. When it comes to protecting ones freedoms it is best to be on as even terms as possible.
ASSUMPTION: Liberals want to redistribute my wealth.
FACT: We want to provide a helping hand to those in need. If you think that Liberals don't get pissed off by people who abuse the system, you'd be wrong. But not all of them abuse they system as we have been led to believe by the "welfare surfer" on Hannity. We think a basic quality of life is necessary for a country to be "first world".
Then why does the left resist welfare reform that would eliminate some of these parasites?

According to the Social Security Administration website as of October we have 14,085,000 Americans under the age of 65 drawing Social Security, Disability, or both.


Our fifth most populated state (Illinois) as of July 1st 2015 was estimated to have only 12,859,995 people.


Do you think it is appropriate to have more people on welfare and disability under the age of 65 than our fifth most populated state?
ASSUMPTION: Liberals hate the rich
FACT: Since a LOT of rich people are liberal, there must be a lot of self hate among the group.
You have a lot of rich white liberals talking about income inequality, white racism, and white privilege.... yeah no self hate there.

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