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The government using tax dollars to pay for abortions is not keeping the government out of one's personal life. Paying for the consequences of your choices out of your own pocket is what keeps government out of your personal life. My belief is tax dollars should not go toward negating personal consequences of behavior. If a woman chooses to have sex then she chooses the consequences of her actions. Period.
First....very VERY little tax dollars "pay for abortions". But here is a difference between not paying for abortions and banning abortions. After all these years, I did not realized that the REASON that it was important for a republican to appoint the next supreme court justice was so that they could say that it was unconstitutional for government money to pay for abortions. I thought it was to ban abortions. Thanks for clearing that up.

I don't see the left attacking Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Wiccan, Satanism, Taoism, or Hinduism. I never see the left criticize those religions.If you can't see the difference you need to look at what is going on in Germany. The government has committed treason against the citizens by allowing their culture to be decimated by Muslim "refugees". However the German government has little to fear from it's "well regulated" citizens. When it comes to protecting ones freedoms it is best to be on as even terms as possible.Then why does the left resist welfare reform that would eliminate some of these parasites?
Here's what liberals criticize about Christians - they want the laws of our land to be based on Christian principles. I don't see Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, or Satanists pushing to have our laws based on THEIR beliefs...however I HAVE seen laws proposed by Christians that want to ban Sharia law (as if that's a real problem). Seems that they don't want laws based on a religion. How the irony of their stance escapes them amazes me.

According to the Social Security Administration website as of October we have 14,085,000 Americans under the age of 65 drawing Social Security, Disability, or both.


Our fifth most populated state (Illinois) as of July 1st 2015 was estimated to have only 12,859,995 people.


Do you think it is appropriate to have more people on welfare and disability under the age of 65 than our fifth most populated state?You have a lot of rich white liberals talking about income inequality, white racism, and white privilege.... yeah no self hate there.

As I said...you ASSUME that liberals support abuse of the system. We tend to abhor the abusers as much as conservatives do. But...the right tends to want to abolish "entitlements", even when many families actually need them. We understand that some will abuse the system - many others don't. We don't want to leave them out in the cold. Compare this to the argument used against any gun regulations...say....if you have suffered clnical depression, you can't own a gun. The argument is that we CAN'T have such regulations because it might prevent a guy who went thru a divorce and was depressed from owning a gun....and we can't let that happen. m
That's because you are ignorant.
Nothing can fix you.😱
Your 'HATE' consumes you.
Man I don't know how you folks live like that.
You sound like a liberal that needs a safe place.

First....very VERY little tax dollars "pay for abortions".

You sure about that?


In most states, Medicaid will pay for your abortion if your pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or if your life would be endangered if you did not have an abortion. There are some states where abortion is covered in most elective cases.

States where Medicaid will pay for abortions under most circumstances are:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and West Virginia.
Ever notice the "Tolerant" Libtard left are usually the first to sling insults and incite violence!
You sure about that?


In most states, Medicaid will pay for your abortion if your pregnancy is the result of rape or incest or if your life would be endangered if you did not have an abortion. There are some states where abortion is covered in most elective cases.

States where Medicaid will pay for abortions under most circumstances are:
Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and West Virginia.

Now...I said that Medicaid pays for SOME abortions. Do you have the total number of abortions and the number paid for by Medicaid? I have no problem not using Medicaid to pay for an abortion. I would much prefer that it be used to pay for medical care for the baby once it is born. So tell me...is it possible to disallow Medicaid paying for aboritions WITHOUT overturning Roe v Wade?
Now...I said that Medicaid pays for SOME abortions. Do you have the total number of abortions and the number paid for by Medicaid? I have no problem not using Medicaid to pay for an abortion. I would much prefer that it be used to pay for medical care for the baby once it is born. So tell me...is it possible to disallow Medicaid paying for aboritions WITHOUT overturning Roe v Wade?

I can't tell you how many abortions are tax payer funded. I am sure the lack of data is purposeful. Estimates I have read tend to state 1 out of every 1000 abortions are tax payer funded. That is figured as a total national average with tax payer abortions only funded in 17 of 50 states. What I would like you to note is the article states elective cases and most circumstances yet, does not define what elective cases or most circumstances are.

Feel free to read this document. It covers the percentage increase of tax payer funded abortions in Minnesota.
Minnesotans are paying for 39 percent of all abortions performed in the state. Taxpayers have funded more than 73,000 abortions at a cost of $22.5 million, according to a justreleased report from the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS). Taxpayer-funded abortions numbered almost 4,000 in Minnesota in 2014; nearly all of those abortions were elective.

I find it funny you state you would rather medicaid be used to fund medical care for the baby once it is born because the liberal argument for tax funded abortion is it is cheaper than medical care for the baby.

Regarding your question about Roe v Wade my answer is yes. In this case the government is not denying the patient's right to seek an abortion they are simply denying access to tax payer money as a means to fund it.
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