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President Trump

Little known fact, Trumps Airline industry connection. .......... Donald's older brother Fred ( Freddy) Trump Jr., was an Airline Pilot in the 70's. Worked for TWA. Married a Flight Attendant. Died of alcoholism in 1981 at the age of 42. Working for TWA at that period of time, I can understand that.They say that is the reason Donald don't drink.
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Yep, get rid of guns, then all the thugs, gangs, terrorists and illegal aliens will join hands, sing Kumbaya while searching the sky for rainbows and unicorns!
Because we all know violence is the guns fault!
Yep, get rid of guns, then all the thugs, gangs, terrorists and illegal aliens will join hands, sing Kumbaya while searching the sky for rainbows and unicorns!
Because we all know violence is the guns fault!
You can teach them the words.
If we had no guns, no one would be murdered by guns, wouldn't make sense to you though.
Brilliant! Look at Great Britain and France where they are using meat cleavers, butcher knives and semis! No one gets murdered by guns, unless terrorists and the inhabitants of Chicago get a hold of them illegally.
Ever notice the "Tolerant" Libtard left are usually the first to sling insults and incite violence!
Now don't blind the educated snowflakes with a lemming mentality with logic because they think conservatives are redneck idiots. Yes they really do think that they are brainiacs as they seek safe spaces, play doh and crayons!
That was deep in your playbill? That was logic, if you wait awhile I'll condescend to your, a-hem, level!

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