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President Trump

How many traffic jams, caused by protesters, took place after BaRack got elected? What I thought! Libtards are tolerant only when it fits their agenda!
Just like they disrupted Trump rallies and used violence against Trump supporters before and after the election. They (Democrats/the left) are the new brown shirts and they don't even know it.
Just curious, but what did you post from the CDC...My work involves working with them fairly often.

And I'll say again....why is something from Mother Jones a 'left wing rag", but something from Brietbard indisputable proof?

I've been called a racist here by several folks. And I haven't said anything differently from what they were thinking. But illegal immigration. I don't know of anybody who lost their job to an illegal immigrant. But way back in the 80's, I used to work at a bank in Dallas. It was in an area called "Las Colinas"....very upscale business development. They had a lot of illegal labor working in landscaping. Back then, in Texas, they called them "wetbacks". And every Friday they would line up at the teller windows to cash their paycheck. A paycheck that had Federal taxes withheld. A paycheck that had FICA taxes withheld. A paycheck that had Medicare taxes withheld. They didn't make a lot, but they had taxes withheld from their paycheck. At the end of the year, they got W2's....and didn't file taxes to get any refund. Every dime they paid in taxes was kept by the federal government. Can you say the same thing? Heck...they may well have paid in MORE than most people complaining about them. And sure....they used YOUR (and their) tax money to send their kids to school here. Some (not all) used YOUR (and their) tax money for food assistance.

I've had that argument with conservatives on other boards. They rail on about illegals, but when they needed a new patio poured, they went with the low bid....a bid made possible by...illegal labor. When I suggest that we fine companies big or small with super hefty fines for hiring illegals, I am told that this would be "anti business". Let the business owner slide and send the illegal home. Then the business owner hires another illegal.

That was then and this is now, 9/11 changed the rules. The word illegal should clue you in on the lawlessness of the situation. Look up how many people are killed every year by illegals crossing the boarder and you might not care who loses their jobs. And it's always the conservatives that are doing you wrong. You're right you're not a racist, you're a conservaphobe! All your problems come from some right-wing ghost.
How many traffic jams, caused by protesters, took place after BaRack got elected? What I thought! Libtards are tolerant only when it fits their agenda!
None. But something called a "tea party" was formed before he ever took office. Supposedly it meant "taxed enough already", but he hadn't enacted a single tax at that time. I think it should have been called the "black pekoe tea" party.
None. But something called a "tea party" was formed before he ever took office. Supposedly it meant "taxed enough already", but he hadn't enacted a single tax at that time. I think it should have been called the "black pekoe tea" party.
Hmmm, and didn't Occupy Wall Street come out about that time? Remember the privileged rich kids that protested the rich capitalists?

This is what I mean about you, you only give one side to the equation and think that it is the only ideology. You truly are a conservaphobe.
That was then and this is now, 9/11 changed the rules. The word illegal should clue you in on the lawlessness of the situation. Look up how many people are killed every year by illegals crossing the boarder and you might not care who loses their jobs. And it's always the conservatives that are doing you wrong. You're right you're not a racist, you're a conservaphobe! All your problems come from some right-wing ghost.

Mexicans were responsible for 9/11????

Guess what - every person who crosses the border illegally does not murder somebody. There are 11 million illegals here. How many of them are murderers and rapists? 10%? 25%? As an informed conservative, can you point me to site that shows me what percentage of illegals is murdering someone?

I looked at WND, which is a far right wing site and they say that illegals murder 12 Americans per day. While they admit that statistics aren't readily available, most of their "guestimates" came up with the 12 Americans per day. They didn't give a TOTAL death rate number because I'm assuming that they are killing some of their own and not just Americans. But according to some OTHER statistices, there are 36 more Americans dying every day at the hands of other real Americans.
Hmmm, and didn't Occupy Wall Street come out about that time? Remember the privileged rich kids that protested the rich capitalists?

This is what I mean about you, you only give one side to the equation and think that it is the only ideology. You truly are a conservaphobe.

YOu know my real problem with conservatives? It's their "I've got mine" attitude. You know why I want single payor health care? Because years ago I was coming home from the grocery store and passed a house that was holding a BAKE SALE to try and raise money for their dad's cancer treatments. You have to sell a helluva lot of brownies to get even one chemo treatment. When I posted this on another board, the immediate response was the "personal responsibility" argument...did he NEED that fancy car and big boat and fancy house". I guess he didn't. His car was a 6 year old Honda Accord...he didn't have a big boat....and his house was in MY neighborhood - which wasn't flashy.

He lost his job at Sprint because of layoffs to improve "shareholder value" (which conservatives seem to value more than life itself). He was faced with paying COBRA or feeding his family. He fed his family. Then he got cancer before he got another job. So help me here....what is the conservative solution to this problem? I hate Obamacare....I think it should be single payor. Tell me what would have been better. Oh yeah....for the record - he passed away.
I have posted factual data on this site plenty of times (on 3 separate occasions right from the CDC website for instance) only to have it totally ignored...

Did you consider the source?

So help me here....what is the conservative solution to this problem? I hate Obamacare....I think it should be single payor. Tell me what would have been better. Oh yeah....for the record - he passed away.

Single Payer is where it's at!
Just curious, but what did you post from the CDC...My work involves working with them fairly often.

I posted them for an earlier year before. Here are the numbers for 2014.


In 2014:
  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for 83% (29,418) of the estimated new HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 and older and 67% of the total estimated new diagnoses in the United States.
  • Gay and bisexual men aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 92% of new HIV diagnoses among all men in their age group and 27% of new diagnoses among all gay and bisexual men.
  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for an estimated 54% (11,277) of people diagnosed with AIDS. Of those men, 39% were African American, 32% were white, and 24% were Hispanic/Latino.
Of course the liberals on here did not want to hear these facts because the libs were pushing gay marriage. They wanted government validation of homosexual relationships, damn the social and public health concerns of "normalizing" sexual behavior that has been proven to rapidly spread disease. That is not just an opinion, that is a fact backed by CDC data.

One would also ask if so many gays value the tradition of marriage as it is culturally defined in the United States then why are they spreading disease at such a rapid rate. Seeing how they are such a small percentage of the population in the United States doesn't the frequency of infection suggest a lot of casual sexual partners? Which is why I don't think gay marriage was about marriage at all. It was an act of manipulation by the left to destroy the idea of the nuclear family. However that is a topic for another day.

And I'll say again....why is something from Mother Jones a 'left wing rag", but something from Brietbard indisputable proof?

Which is why I attempt to fact check stories regardless of the source. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, these were both false narratives perpetuated by the media and are still having negative consequences for our country. The media caused a lot of social and property damage over a lie. Journalistic integrity has been dead for a long time. Journalism now is more about public manipulation than presenting news and facts.

About your opinion of illegals not taking jobs, if they are being targeted for employment because they work cheap (below fair market value) then yes they are costing citizens jobs and driving down wages. We have several factories here using temp services to provide illegal labor. Those factories should be employing American citizens.

The problem with uncontrolled (noticed I did not say illegal) immigration is if you don't control your border you cease to have a country. If you don't think that is true you need to take a good long hard look at what is happening in Germany, Sweden, France, and Spain. Muslim "refugees" are assaulting, raping, and murdering the native citizens of those countries. Yet the left has totally ignored and dismissed it, here and there. This is just another example of the left ignoring a serious problem while pushing their PC crap.

The tragedy going on in these countries is the result of disarmed citizens, welfare, and open borders. I have asked the libs on here to say why it would turn out any different in America. They have chosen to ignore the question.

The videos above are what happens when you don't control your borders. This is what happens when you extend welfare to non citizens. But please, feel free to go on ignoring it. Given the past behavior of the libs on this site I really don't even expect you to respond.

However, if you really want to have a serious debate watch at least the first video through. Tell me why you think we should follow EU's self destructive path of socialism and open borders. How do you see it turning out any different here?

Brexit was an act by the UK of self preservation to save themselves from the EU's failed socialist experiment and from a Muslim invading army claiming they are refugees. The news is not saying it but, make no mistake, that is exactly what is happening.

If you really love your country how can you support a party that wants to use your tax dollars to support non citizens, disarm you, and open your borders to unlimited immigration when it has gone so horribly wrong in the EU? Why would you invite that?

If you are serious about wanting to have a debate I await your answer.
How many traffic jams, caused by protesters, took place after BaRack got elected? What I thought! Libtards are tolerant only when it fits their agenda!

Otherwise your a fascist, racist, islamaphone, homophobe, xenophobe, or whatever other name they can think to call you.
YOu know my real problem with conservatives? It's their "I've got mine" attitude. He lost his job at Sprint because of layoffs to improve "shareholder value" (which conservatives seem to value more than life itself).
Don't confuse conservative with corporate America. Most conservatives go to work and raise kids and make house and car payments just like you. They "got theirs" because they WORKED for it.

You know why I want single payor health care? Because years ago I was coming home from the grocery store and passed a house that was holding a BAKE SALE to try and raise money for their dad's cancer treatments. You have to sell a helluva lot of brownies to get even one chemo treatment. When I posted this on another board, the immediate response was the "personal responsibility" argument...did he NEED that fancy car and big boat and fancy house". I guess he didn't. His car was a 6 year old Honda Accord...he didn't have a big boat....and his house was in MY neighborhood - which wasn't flashy.

He lost his job at Sprint because of layoffs to improve "shareholder value" He was faced with paying COBRA or feeding his family. He fed his family. Then he got cancer before he got another job. So help me here....what is the conservative solution to this problem? I hate Obamacare....I think it should be single payor. Tell me what would have been better. Oh yeah....for the record - he passed away.[/QUOTE]

With our government's history of mismanaging our tax dollars what makes you think this would be a good system?

Do you think the VA is a good system?
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I posted them for an earlier year before. Here are the numbers for 2014.


In 2014:
  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for 83% (29,418) of the estimated new HIV diagnoses among all males aged 13 and older and 67% of the total estimated new diagnoses in the United States.
  • Gay and bisexual men aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 92% of new HIV diagnoses among all men in their age group and 27% of new diagnoses among all gay and bisexual men.
  • Gay and bisexual men accounted for an estimated 54% (11,277) of people diagnosed with AIDS. Of those men, 39% were African American, 32% were white, and 24% were Hispanic/Latino.
Of course the liberals on here did not want to hear these facts because the libs were pushing gay marriage. They wanted government validation of homosexual relationships, damn the social and public health concerns of "normalizing" sexual behavior that has been proven to rapidly spread disease. That is not just an opinion, that is a fact backed by CDC data.
Unless one was planning to have an affair with a gay man, why should this concern heterosexual men or women? I've known gay couples who have been monogamous and whose relationship has lasted longer than my heterosexual marriage. I do not see this as any kind of argument AGAINST gay marriage. If AIDS is going to spread among gay men, it's going to spread whether they are gay or not. Chlamydia is rampant among heterosexual couples....I know - that's the line of work I'm in.

Which is why I attempt to fact check stories regardless of the source. Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, these were both false narratives perpetuated by the media and are still having negative consequences for our country. The media caused a lot of social and property damage over a lie. Journalistic integrity has been dead for a long time. Journalism now is more about public manipulation than presenting news and facts.
You mujst be the exception. Most will claim Mother JOnes or the "Clinton News Network" is highly biased, but did you notice that something called "wikileaks" was God's own truth in the last weeks of the campaign? does the fact it has "wiki" in it somehow legitimize it?

About your opinion of illegals not taking jobs, if they are being targeted for employment because they work cheap (below fair market value) then yes they are costing citizens jobs and driving down wages. We have several factories here using temp services to provide illegal labor. Those factories should be employing American citizens.

Yep...KC used to be a "cow town", but there are no more meat packing plants here...they are in rural Kansas. Less chance of being busted, and most use illegal labor. So are we all for getting rid of them and instead. of paying $7 for a Hormel Cure 81 ham, we pay $10? It seems to me that conservatives kind of want it both ways...they LIKE the lower prices. But here's my solution - don't make it attractive to hire illegal labor. If you are a business...a big one like Hormel or a little one like "Bob's Patio Builders"...if they hire illegals, they get a fine that could threaten their very existence. A fine so high it could put them out of business. If they knew that this was the consequence, odds are they would not hire illegals. If they don't hire illegals - word gets out and illegals don't come here. BUT...when I mention that, it's considered "anti business" or "government intrusion".

The rest of your post went off in 20 different directions....socialism, gun rights, muslims, political correctness. I am sure we can find problems everywhere. I think there are some gun owning Christians that I fear about as much as a muslim.

I also think that there as many aspects of socialism that are GOOD - a healthy, educated society is a strong society. Conservatives feel that it isn't. I am almost 60 years old. I got a public education. My kid attends a state university. Conservatives have told me how public education sucks....and to prove their point - throw a "tard" in there to show that it DIDN'T work for them.
Don't confuse conservative with corporate America. Most conservatives go to work and raise kids and make house and car payments just like you. They "got theirs" because they WORKED for it.

So did most liberals. But conservatives fiercely defend corporate America. Not that long ago, Some guy named Steven Wolfe ran US Air. His pay was more than the next 4 airline CEO's COMBINED. But many conservatives feel he "earned" it. And defended it.

Do you think the VA is a good system?

I wouldn't know, I'm not a vet....are you?
If the shoe fits...
Another pointless, lame post by Kev........

Another fine example of libtard behavior.

I bet you are really proud of yourself to. I bet you are just patting yourself on the back reminiscing over how you "stuck it to me" with your clever quip.

I can only assume from your infantile remark you are a child.

Why don't you go sit with Dog Wonder at the kiddie table and let the adults have a conversation?

You two can share one liners and just laugh yourself stupid....... well, more stupid.

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