There are more ways to get infected than intimate encounters. Intravenous drug use for instance.
Do you think gay men have not deceived and used women simply to procreate? It happens.
If gays value what American culture defines as marriage (a lifelong monogamous relationship) then why is their infection rate so high? I mean apparently this was such a big deal civil rights issue the libs took it upon themselves after 200 plus years to redefine marriage. Was it really the gays pushing for this or liberals seeking to destroy the concept of a nuclear family?
When you know a behavior is creating a negative situation you don't encourage it by endorsing it.
Logic 101.If you don't think media is biased maybe I should send you some quotes made by some of these so called "journalist" at the end of their articles. One I remember very well made some rather nasty comments about Trump. Very unprofessional for a journalist but then again they are not in the business of presenting facts anymore, only a narrative.
Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown were not "biased" they were outright lies.
Once you get caught in a lie it ruins your credibility. The news media got caught multiple times.
When people see that they seek information from elsewhere.We DO have laws that fine and possibly jail employers of illegal immigrants. Obama all but put a stop to that while seeking amnesty for the illegals.
See the link below if you want to research it for yourself.
Laws that are not enforced are worthless.That's because they are all related. All of those have to do with the left pushing socialism and multiculturalism. If you watched the video you saw the result of that agenda.If the American education system is so great then why are we, the wealthiest nation in the world, being surpassed by third world countries? I have NEVER met a conservative that did not think education was important. For you to claim conservatives don't value education is ridiculous., I don't know many gays who procreated with women in order to have a child. Those that did might have done so because the right did not feel that a homosexual couple was fit to adopt an unwanted child from a heterosexual encounter, so they put up road block after road block. If the laws are going to be enacted to "prevent your lifestyle", then they don't have much option but to 'deceive and use women". Possibly exposing them to a disease.
Where did I ever say that media was NOT biased? The point I am trying to make is that we have the "liberal media", which is twisting to facts and highly biased and is not to be believed, then we have Fox News which does the exact same thing for the conservative view, yet one is considered "fair and balanced" because they say "we report, you decided". But if you step back - CNN and rest of the "liberal media" could say the same thing...we report, you decide'..Both CNN and Fox have a bias, but the right has trouble with that. Then there are sites like Brietbart and Infowars which have completely made up stories based on innuendo or lies - yet they are taken as "fact" over Mother Jones - which actually DOES investigate and report both sides.
Your bias is showing on Trayvon Martin. This was a 17 year old being confronted by a man who should have known better and in fact was asked by a dispatcher not to follow. Do you know many 17 year olds? I know some - they aren't exactly "Eddie Haskell" types..."gee Mrs Cleaver, you are looking nice today". He was behaving like a 17 year old with an attitude. And you base YOUR decisions based on what George Zimmerman said....he kind of painted himself as approaching Trayvon Martin in a very polite and friendly manner, then this animal attacked him and he had no choice but to shoot. And in looking back, at how Zimmerman treated people he supposedly loved and cared about, I kind of think he might have had a little "attitude" of his own. One was 17 and a punk kid....the other one was a grown man who should have known better. You seem to be blinded by that. Forget about MIchael Brown - I'd prefer that you defend the treatment of Eric Garner....a man who was killed selling loose cigarettes. An unarmed man selling loose cigarettes. 5 cops put him in a choke hold, killing him. The response from the conservatives? If he had only done what the cop asked, this would never have happened. REmember that if liberals gain control and want to abolish the second amendment (none have wanted to abolish it BTW). If you just do what they problems will occur.
Then there is this typical quote from southwind:
Does it really matter how many illegal aliens murder American citizens? If we had zero illegal aliens in the U.S. no american citizens would be murdered by an illegal alien! Know it won't make sense to you though!
And that is a perfectly accurate, 100% true statement. Here's another perfectly accurate 100% true statement - if we banned all guns, no American citizens would be murdered by a person with a gun. That statement makes about as much sense as southwinds statement, but I sure it won't make sense to them.
But back to illegals - The fines for hiring illegals are not stiff enough not because of Obama but because big money donors (to both parties) such as Swift and Tyson wanting to keep it more attractive to hire illegals. You should go to central Kansas and tour a meatpacking facility - but you'd better bone up on your Spanish.
And true...conservatives have never disliked education...they dislike PUBLIC education. And what cracks me up is that about 98% of them went thru PUBLIC schools and universities. They are against "teachers unions"....that's the bogeyman they needed. I know a couple of teachers who gave it up because conservatives pushed issues like "no child left behind", but they don't want to pay teachers who belong to those damn unions, so they want proof that "our children is learning" So they do more paperwork and administrative work that has been required by CONSERVATIVES that teachers ended up teaching to the tests and not teaching. My friends had enough. God forbid a high school kid actually be taught to THINK and read and conclude that maybe there ARE some good features about socialism. We are educating test takers. But it's the unions you all don't like - so there is talk of "vouchers". If those vouchers are your tax dollars - how will you 'prove' that they are being used wisely? Continue teaching to tests? The public education system that I (and most likely you) came from allowed younger students do so "research papers". In that "reasearch" a student might have questioned. A student might have formed a liberal view...against what their daddy believed. And that was wrong. There is no comment about a student who read, reported and believed what they read in "Atlas Shrugged". But in the "old" public school system, they could have - hell, the "old" system produced about equal amounts of liberals and conservatives. Now we have silliness of a certain group (conservatives) that want OUR tax money spend teaching creationism over evolution...we want OUR tax money teaching "abstinence only" sex education. And those damn liberals and their sex education....THEY are responsible for the rise in teenage pregnancy and abortion because they are making it seem like it's okay to have sex. Sex education should be left up to the parents. YOu it was for OUR generation. Don't know about you - but my education was from pilfered copies of Playboy. But we were all virginal, pure youths who didn't have sex until we were married....right?
Finally - it seems conservatives only understand "all" or "nothing". Take guns. I've been accused of wanting to ban guns - but I would challenge anyone to find a post where I said "ban guns". I do not see where the average citizen needs an assault weapon, so I think THOSE might need to be restricted to he military. And I don't oppose someone with concealed carry...but I think that I have the RIGHT to know that the person who is legally carrying next to me has been thru training on how to safely use a handgun - especially in a "public" situation. Kansas (and now MIssouri) allow anyone to buy and carry any kind of weapon they want without one single training session on how to use it. But when I say I think training should be required to carry in public, I apparently want to ban guns.
So it cuts both ways. You've said a lot of things I disagree with, but I didn't use a "tard" in response...and to your credit you didn't in this post I am replying to. But there are an awful lot who get tired or reading words and just toss out a "tard" because they are incapable of trying to discuss any issue.