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President Trump

Why not just abolish college altogether? We can just add a few conservative classes in high school..."beginning tard", "intermediate tard" and "advance placement tard".

WI senator Ron Johnson proposed doing just that, and replacing it with videos instead...
Now for a dose of reality. You paid $15 per month before Obamacare. Do you have any idea how much your employer (even if it was the government) was paying towards that premium? My employer sends me a packet annually about what they REALLY pay me (above and beyond salary). They've done is since before Obama. Before Obama, I 'paid about $100 a month for health insurance for my family. My employer paid an additional $900 per month. WE had a $20 copay. Today I have a high deductible plan for health insurance for me and my 23 year old daughter. I pay $30 per month. My employer pays $900 per month. That's for a high deductible plan. So there is no copay. But I DO get to use the contract price, so a doctors visit that cost $100 is negotiated down to $64.

Now...when we roll back Obamacare -my 23 year old daughter will have to get her own health insurance. Maybe her employer will pay part of it - but if she goes to grad school and borrows the $100,000 to go...odds are, she won't be able to get an employer sponsored health insurance plan for working a part time job. So she'll be on the hook for insurance coverage. Considering most Americans have had their health insurance premium subsidized by their employer, and she won't...she'll most likely be looking at $800 or so per month for a plan that will have a $6,000 deductible. How do you convince her that Obamacare sucked? What 'really great' plan do you think will be proposed that will allow her to afford health insurance coverage while going to school and accumulating over $100k in student loan debt? I know...she's young and they don't sick that often. But last year, she was riding her bike to class when she was hit by a car. Emergency room visit. We got to pay the negotiated rate, but if she goes without - well...there's another debt hole being dug. So I'm all for something "really great". I can hardly wait to see what it is.,

And while I'm divorced, I still care about the mother of my child. A person who had something called a "preexisting condition" (rheumatoid arthritis). Under Obamacare she was able to purchase a high deductible, albeit expensive plan. But that plan would cover things like breast or cervical cancer should she get them. After we repeal Obamacare, she once again won't be able to purchase insurance at any price to protect her. So I'm hoping something "really great" will cover her too.

The wall was most certainly NOT a metaphor in the election. The chants were "build that wall"....not "build that metaphorical wall", You might understand that, but you might need to splain it to a LOT of Trump supporters who don't understand what "metaphorical" is.

I'll bet I work harder than you do for a living, and I am not willing to pay more to ramp up our military. Especially when it's being used as an offensive weapon. By a guy who questions why we just don't use a nuke. What social programs do you cut that will A) allow you to ramp up the military while B) lowering the debt that is ruining this country? You DO realize that most of the right wing noise machines consider Social Security and Medicare to be "entitlement" programs...just like food stamps...don't you?

But I guess the bottom line is that the 8 years I heard the right screaming about the debt was them just blowing smoke out their azz....they don't give a rats patoot about the debt...it just sounded great. They are willing to watch it skyrocket, just so long as we don't spend it on "welfare queens".

Final note...in the 2012 election, the righties were hitting hard about "the 47% of Americans who paid nothing in taxes". To them, that statement was all about welfare cheats and lazy azz people who just wouldn't get out to work. Don't look now, but the guy you just elected president has paid nothing in taxes for over a decade....you elected one of the 47%.
First how many jobs have you created and how many people do you employ? Ahh so you're a leech like the rest of us who work for the man.
I'll be brief, the guy responsible for Obamacare claimed that people are too stupid to see the outcome. In case you missed it, major insurance companies have either gone bankrupt or gotten rid of O-care. Healthy individuals aren't going to buy insurance which is what Obama was counting on. Under the current plan premiums will triple by 2018.

Keep blaming the right for all your woes and enjoy your blinders!
Okay...Obama made milions in speeches, and I'm sure Trump will too. But Trump stood to make a lot more with the Trump Network he won't be able to run.

And whenever I try discissing issues, I get called a snowflake or libtard. I asked if someone could define what "great again" means ? WHat to we do to make America "great again". I read one post with a reference to "flat tax/fair tax", which is something Steve Forbes ran on 20 years ago. It still hasn't gotten any footing. The few Trump programs that he has discussed in the campaign is wall building, exporting illegals, kicking the sh!t out of ISIS and ramping up the military, along with cutting taxes and repealing Obamacare and replacing it with "something great"...

So help me....what might be the "something great" that will replace Obamacare. How do we pay for wall building? How do we pay for ramping up the military? What do we do for the 3 or 4 years it will take for enough jobs to be created to cover the loss of revenues his tax cuts will bring (assuming that many jobs get created)?

You trying to discuss issues is just a libtard deflection. Doesn't matter the answer, you blame the Republicans and give pseudo-figures to prove your point. Trump isn't even in the WH and already you want to discuss issues...well if we wanted to discuss issue with Odumba we were called racist....unlike you btw!

Trump has Carson looking into making Obamacare more efficient and affordable, so STFU about that point.

We will build a wall and the Mexicans will pay for it...the Mexican cartel that is, with the billions we confiscated from them...again STFU!

If we have to cut failed Obama policies we will use any means necessary to make our military great again...STFU!

American companies will think twice before moving elsewhere if there is a tariff imposed on their goods coming in. So they'll think twice and build actual American made goods. STFU!
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My father had nothing...but parents who were son/daughter of German and Polish immigrants that made their way here through Ellis Island. They had no money. His dad worked on trucks for a New York bread company and his mom packed bread at that same company until they laid them both off with no pension or severance. Luckily he was able to land a job working for a borough working on trucks.

That was then. Today immigrants migrate here, pop out an anchor baby, then go sign up for welfare. Then demand Americans change their culture to suite them because they find us so "offensive"

Call it libtard progressive socialism.
Why not just abolish college altogether? We can just add a few conservative classes in high school..."beginning tard", "intermediate tard" and "advance placement tard".
Did your daughter take a "gender studies" class?
Why not just abolish college altogether? We can just add a few conservative classes in high school..."beginning tard", "intermediate tard" and "advance placement tard".
You always have a nice spin on things, but here's a thought...why not have the teachers teach their field of expertise instead of indoctrinating students to your leftist views???

If you're going to argue, maybe you should ask the wizard for a brain!

Foul language, but real talk.

You mean how liberals shout racist, homophobe, islamaphobe, and fascist at the top of their lungs and use bullying tactics in an effort to censor people instead of admitting we have problems, then act like a bunch of destructive spoiled children when they don't get their way?

Yes, I agree.
You always have a nice spin on things, but here's a thought...why not have the teachers teach their field of expertise instead of indoctrinating students to your leftist views???

If you're going to argue, maybe you should ask the wizard for a brain!


If you're going to argue, perhaps you should lose the "tard". Since it's used so often by the right, perhaps it's an acronym...

If you're going to argue, perhaps you should lose the "tard". Since it's used so often by the right, perhaps it's an acronym...

Hey, this sounds like a game. OK my turn

Hey, this sounds like a game. OK my turn


Who talks against it? Damn...we can try to offer up facts and data and are met with "tard". It would be nice if "tard" wasn't introduced just after the other side has made a point.
If you're going to argue, perhaps you should lose the "tard". Since it's used so often by the right, perhaps it's an acronym...


OK, that was actually pretty funny.
Who talks against it? Damn...we can try to offer up facts and data and are met with "tard". It would be nice if "tard" wasn't introduced just after the other side has made a point.
Wow...... really?

I have posted factual data on this site plenty of times (on 3 separate occasions right from the CDC website for instance) only to have it totally ignored, have a liberal dismiss it with one of their many labels , or in the case of Dog Wonder make some stupid asinine comment.

I have seen very few facts offered up by liberals on this site but I have seen many liberals turn a blind eye to them.

By the way, many "facts" I see posted on this site from liberals are from left wing rags pushing a political agenda or Facebook. 700UW was famous for the latter.

If you liberals want respect then quit trying to censor and bully anyone that does not agree with you with your PC crap. That would be a good place to start.

Why, for instance, should I show a liberal respect when I voice legitimate concerns about the impact of illegal immigration only to have them dismiss it by calling me a racist (even though immigrants are of ALL races).
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Wow...... really?

I have posted factual data on this site plenty of times (on 3 separate occasions right from the CDC website for instance) only to have it totally ignored, have a liberal dismiss it with one of their many labels , or in the case of Dog Wonder make some stupid asinine comment.

I have seen very few facts offered up by liberals on this site but I have seen many liberals turn a blind eye to them.

By the way, many "facts" I see posted on this site from liberals are from left wing rags pushing a political agenda or Facebook. 700UW was famous for the latter.

If you liberals want respect then quit trying to censor and bully anyone that does not agree with you with your PC crap. That would be a good place to start.

Why, for instance, should I show a liberal respect when I voice legitimate concerns about the impact of illegal immigration only to have them dismiss it by calling me a racist (even though immigrants are of ALL races).

Just curious, but what did you post from the CDC...My work involves working with them fairly often.

And I'll say again....why is something from Mother Jones a 'left wing rag", but something from Brietbard indisputable proof?

I've been called a racist here by several folks. And I haven't said anything differently from what they were thinking. But illegal immigration. I don't know of anybody who lost their job to an illegal immigrant. But way back in the 80's, I used to work at a bank in Dallas. It was in an area called "Las Colinas"....very upscale business development. They had a lot of illegal labor working in landscaping. Back then, in Texas, they called them "wetbacks". And every Friday they would line up at the teller windows to cash their paycheck. A paycheck that had Federal taxes withheld. A paycheck that had FICA taxes withheld. A paycheck that had Medicare taxes withheld. They didn't make a lot, but they had taxes withheld from their paycheck. At the end of the year, they got W2's....and didn't file taxes to get any refund. Every dime they paid in taxes was kept by the federal government. Can you say the same thing? Heck...they may well have paid in MORE than most people complaining about them. And sure....they used YOUR (and their) tax money to send their kids to school here. Some (not all) used YOUR (and their) tax money for food assistance.

I've had that argument with conservatives on other boards. They rail on about illegals, but when they needed a new patio poured, they went with the low bid....a bid made possible by...illegal labor. When I suggest that we fine companies big or small with super hefty fines for hiring illegals, I am told that this would be "anti business". Let the business owner slide and send the illegal home. Then the business owner hires another illegal.
How many traffic jams, caused by protesters, took place after BaRack got elected? What I thought! Libtards are tolerant only when it fits their agenda!

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