President Trump

Hey, where am I going to go? :D

To Cascadia, of course!

Don't take it personal.
I and a few others respect your opinions and insight.
If you remember, I endured much worse than you trying to get Trump supporters to think.
Hackman still gives me a red and I have not given him one.
That's how it rolls here.

Take Care,
:cool: xUT
Its just a joke for me Hypocritical X. When you cry about your "profile" and red X count. Hilarious really, you act like your girlfriend in high school might see it. I guess its a Commiefornia libtard snowflake thing, profiles, what car you drive, what clothes you have on. I hope Calexit comes, good riddance.
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In NOvember 2008 on another message board, some posters were hoping that Obama might get "MLK'ed" before the inauguration. Once he said "so help me God", conservatives said their number one priortity was insuring that he would be a one term president. And back then, a guy who was at the peak of his radio ratings (el Rushbo) said "I hope he fails". Then...just 6 months into his first term, in a speech on the floor of Congress, a republican shouted "you lie". Is THAT the kind of respect we should offer our new president elect? Is THAT how we should "unite around him"?
Not exactly riots. You compare that to the morons taking to the streets protesting Trump? When George W Bush was president (who I despised for the record but like him or not he was the President) the constant derision from the media and celebrities was just disgusting.President chimp, hes an idiot, etc.Day after day the constant barrage of insults was relentless. Its going to be 1000x worse when Trump takes office. So much for get behind him for the good of the country from the (now thoroughly removed from power) Democrats.
Not exactly riots. You compare that to the morons taking to the streets protesting Trump? When George W Bush was president (who I despised for the record but like him or not he was the President) the constant derision from the media and celebrities was just disgusting.President chimp, hes an idiot, etc.Day after day the constant barrage of insults was relentless. Its going to be 1000x worse when Trump takes office. So much for get behind him for the good of the country from the (now thoroughly removed from power) Democrats.
Couple of things...first, the only source I saw or heard references from the major media outlets of "chimp" was NHBB and el chimpo. NHBB is a nice guy, but he's not all over the airwaves as Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Fox News are. Then their are the "second tier"....Infowars, Brietbart, etc. There might have been an insult a day against Bush....but the right wing media had a 24/7...365 days per year onslaught of insults against Obama since the day he was sworn in back in 2009.

And speaking of "monkeyshines" this respectful? Did the media or posters on this board go after Laura Bush? I'll admit, some outlets attempted to say things about the Bush twins. They were out of line. But "Moochelle" Obama has also been a target of right wing "respect".


One final're right...those damn democrats are no longer in power, so it's going to be republican nirvana for the next 4 years. You know...there has already been an ongoing experiment in this...championed by Art Laugher himself - it's called Kansas. Might check out how well we've done since republican and TEA PARTY policies have been enacted in my state. Hint - it's not real great. And...if this "experiment" holds true for the rest of the country....our governor, Sam Brownback, has the lowest approval rating of any governor in the country, this past election saw democrats and moderate republicans (read that as "establishment") were elected. NOt to worry though - word is that Brownstain might be getting a cabinet position in the Trump administration. God help this country.
How do we create new jobs? I have had LOTS of righties tell me that it's not a corporations duty to create jobs....their duty is to the shareholder, and that usually means REDUCING jobs - so how do we create jobs? I agree...we need to create jobs. The question is...HOW? OUr military is the largest in the world. BIgger than the next 8 combined. Should we abolish social security and medicare? It would suck for me since I'm close to retirement, but it wouldn't impact my mom and dad, since they died 10 years ago. But if YOU want to cut YOUR mom and dads benefits....more power to you.

I just finished putting a kid thru college..she got a bachelors degree in health promotion. She wants to become a physical therapist...that's a high paying, college educated jobs that requires a doctorate AND will cost just over $100,000. Daddy can't help her with that - should we make college more affordable? I was 35 before I had a loan over $100,000...and that was to buy a house. If my kid gets that doctorate in physical therapy....she'll basically have a mortgage without a house and she'll get a job starting her at about $50k per year. Good money, but she'll need to pay rent (about $1,000 per month), groceries, utilities and gas (about $500 per month), a student loan payment (about a grand per month), and start saving for her retirement. She'll most likely never own a home.

So how do we create all these great jobs? Creating jobs sounds's the HOW that gets a bit trickier. I do have to grin a bit at your comment about spending tax dollars to build a wall. That is ONE way to create jobs, but it just sounds odd as hell coming from a right wing conservative.

By contrast, a major factor driving increasing costs is the constant expansion of university administration. According to the Department of Education data, administrative positions at colleges and universities grew by 60 percent between 1993 and 2009, which Bloomberg reported was 10 times the rate of growth of tenured faculty positions.
Colleges are doing the same as gov't.....ever expanding costing you and me.

The corporate tax rate being lowered will create an incentive for investment which will attract new companies.
It won't happen over night either.
Trump Transition Team Members Will Have to Disclose Finances, While President-Elect Refuses to Release Taxes

"Financial holdings and sources of income must be disclosed. Any conflicts must be remedied by divestiture, the creation of special trusts, and other actions," the post on the site reads.

And the requirements section also notes: "Many appointees’ dealings with the Federal government both during and for a period of time after their service will be significantly restricted to prevent possible conflicts of interest."

For good measure, the requirement is repeated after a link to the application.

"You will be asked about possible conflicts of interest deriving from your sources of income; all aspects of your personal and professional life, including organization which you belong or once belonged; speeches you may have given and books, articles and editorials you may have written; legal, administrative and regulatory proceedings to which you may have been a party; in short, anything that might embarrass the President or you if he should choose you for a position in his administration," the site says.
Maybe all those Libtard professors, in our colleges, need to take a pay cut in order to lower tuition fees!
Maybe all those Libtard professors, in our colleges, need to take a pay cut in order to lower tuition fees!

Why not just abolish college altogether? We can just add a few conservative classes in high school..."beginning tard", "intermediate tard" and "advance placement tard".
Yep, guess I'm one of the "Deplorable, White, Rednecks" that came out of the woodwork, that the Demorats didn't count on.
Time to take my country back!

You are one of 27% who voted for Trump. This is not "your country". It is the country of you and the other 73%.

You would do well to understand that. I do know that math is hard, and education is overrated in "your country"
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Knew that post would rile up the Libtard left......mission accomplished! Have a great day!
Knew that post would rile up the Libtard left......mission accomplished! Have a great day!

I already have.

I am celebrating and honoring our Veterans. I volunteered and worked for my favorite charity today that honors them. I was with some great folks doing some very important work trying to reduce suicides among our vets.

They fight/fought for "our country", so I will fight for them now and when they come back from deployments.

What did you do today?

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