I don't even know where to begin to unpack that post?
My father enlisted in the Marine Corps to get out of the trouble he was in while a teenager in a bad section of Brooklyn. By studying hard, he then qualified to go to officer candidate school. Through continued hard work he was able to get high test scores. With that, and having 20/15 vision, He was able to turn that into a slot in pilot school, where he was given an officer commission and transferred to the Navy, flying patrols over the Bering Straight during the Cold War. He then ended up flying off aircraft carriers as the Vietnam war started. He finished his career doing 5 years at the pentagon. He is my hero. (Happy Veterans Day Dad, I miss you!)
My father had nothing...but parents who were son/daughter of German and Polish immigrants that made their way here through Ellis Island. They had no money. His dad worked on trucks for a New York bread company and his mom packed bread at that same company until they laid them both off with no pension or severance. Luckily he was able to land a job working for a borough working on trucks.
I made my way through A&P School by cleaning the toilets, buffing the floors at the school at night, and working at the local fast food joint on weekends and holidays. After being in my aviation career for 10 years and seeing the airline bankruptcies coming, I decided to go back to college. I used the student loan programs to get my bachelor and graduate degrees. I will be paying off those loans for many years to come.
Me and my family are the American dream. I support many of the things Trump and Sanders talked about in the campaigns. I do not support any of his and Bannons anti-semite and alt-right rhetoric. I also don't support any the racist black panther and blm crap. They can be left out on the fringe where they belong. Let's help the middle class get back the losses of the 90's - 2000's.
By the way, the new software on this forum does not show anyone's posts that I have on ignore, and unlike before, it doesn't show the quotes, so you may be referring to something I don't see. I put a couple of the idiots on ignore here (fa la la ta da, insp4).
First, this new site sucks imo! But lets get to the point that proves that most suffer from Stockholm Syndrome either mild or severe.
I don't doubt your intelligence or your suffering to achieve your American Dream, God Bless you. Regardless what you did to get where you are, I find it insulting taking the side of a democratic liberal culture that aims to destroy America.
When I came to the USA, being a first generation immigrant(LEGAL), it no longer was an Ellis Island process, but a custom and INS process through port of entry NYC. We prospered and had the American dream but in the 70s my father decided to return to his country of origin and take me back with him and my mother to their little village in the mountains of Calabria, because he hated snow and preferred the simple life.
I was going through what you refer to as culture shock. I was taken from a modern USA life to an ancient 3rd world country life. And the people in my town were anti-American pro-Communist/Socialist ideology. Although I defended the American ideology, I was ridiculed by the anti-American sentiment and subject to ridicule and verbal and mental torture because I would not speak bad about America. In April of 1972 I went on a cruise that involved Tunisia. In Tunisia you sensed a hatred for Westerners and the occupants had a sense of hatred towards you. Hard to explain unless you experienced it. People would laugh at you like they knew something was up. Remember the Munich Olympics? Do you know that this was the start of the invasion?
In 1976 when I finally returned to the States, 3 years after the oil embargo the Saudis made a deal with European politicians to lower the price of oil IF they allowed Muslim immigration and find them jobs. Well look at the results in Europe!
Look around you today, and what I a LEGAL immigrant ran from is staring me in the face again. Back to my father. He wasn't the brave role model you would identify with. But inquiring and putting facts together in my town, I found that my father was a brave soul in his own right. The problem with America, yes I have to swallow my pride on this one, is that we really haven't been exposed to actual WAR.
Food was rare in war torn Europe. You can't eat money, yet my father crossed German lines to supply his family with something to eat. These are stories that were verified by countless villagers who actually were subjected to war.
So I am thankful for this country and I don't take it for granted. I had to suffer as a LEGAL immigrant being accused of stealing American jobs. I threw trash, loaded trucks, cleaned dishes, and currently I am a JANITOR who cleans toilets because I make more money than my AAS liberal arts degree can ever earn me.
I hope you understand why my political views are to stand for making America Great and watch Muslim invaders, so I can't understand why your views don't TRUMP mine!