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President Trump

The celebrities threatened to leave, but they won't. Now Commiefornia wants to secede from the union. Seriously, is that a threat because without the libtard nation we would really prosper?!

Let 'em secede......Edgar Cayce said it would take care of itself in due time.
George Soros has created BLM and the New Black Panthers movement. Expect unrest as they with the other anti-Trump movements carry on an agenda violence. They already are calling for Trump's assassination. The Saudis, his largest supporters, aren't pleased that Trump won and may interfere with their planned refugee invasion. So expect oil prices to rise to make Trump look like the villain. With rising unrest there is talk that One Bad A$$ Mistake America ma try to impose Martial Law to stay in office.

President Trump is facing many powerful obstacles on his path to the WH. I will e very VOCAL to stop the libtard movement of self-destruction. When I went to college it was an institution of higher learning. Now colleges are institutions of libtard brainwashing...but they still make you feel smart on their stupidity.

So expect the unexpected rom libtards that suffer from Stockholm Syndrome...yeah that is what libtards symptoms are! Go ahead and send in those soy consuming metrosexuals with boobs having an estrogen fit because HLLARY LOST!

Can you hear us now, losers!
I'm in NY the East Coast libtard nation! Just an observation, but I saw more Trump/Pence signs than any other Republican candidate in my area over my lifetime!
Yes, and Trump paid for most of them out of his own pocket! That's why a lot of people voted for him. He can't be bought! Can you say the same about the Clintons? Hell, they'd sell their Grandmother if it would make them a few dollars!
I'm in NY the East Coast libtard nation! Just an observation, but I saw more Trump/Pence signs than any other Republican candidate in my area over my lifetime!

Not me, there were/are numerous Clinton signs and STOP TRUMP signs in the short 5 miles I go to work. I have yet to see one Trump sign.
Yes, and Trump paid for most of them out of his own pocket! That's why a lot of people voted for him. He can't be bought! Can you say the same about the Clintons? Hell, they'd sell their Grandmother if it would make them a few dollars!
No, he didn't. I'm talking LAWN signs, btw. Usually it would be Democrat candidates, but this year Trump/Pence signs were up everywhere including black and Hispanics lawns.
Life must have been tough for you growing up in the ghetto with no father!

I don't even know where to begin to unpack that post?

My father enlisted in the Marine Corps to get out of the trouble he was in while a teenager in a bad section of Brooklyn. By studying hard, he then qualified to go to officer candidate school. Through continued hard work he was able to get high test scores. With that, and having 20/15 vision, He was able to turn that into a slot in pilot school, where he was given an officer commission and transferred to the Navy, flying patrols over the Bering Straight during the Cold War. He then ended up flying off aircraft carriers as the Vietnam war started. He finished his career doing 5 years at the pentagon. He is my hero. (Happy Veterans Day Dad, I miss you!)

My father had nothing...but parents who were son/daughter of German and Polish immigrants that made their way here through Ellis Island. They had no money. His dad worked on trucks for a New York bread company and his mom packed bread at that same company until they laid them both off with no pension or severance. Luckily he was able to land a job working for a borough working on trucks.

I made my way through A&P School by cleaning the toilets, buffing the floors at the school at night, and working at the local fast food joint on weekends and holidays. After being in my aviation career for 10 years and seeing the airline bankruptcies coming, I decided to go back to college. I used the student loan programs to get my bachelor and graduate degrees. I will be paying off those loans for many years to come.

Me and my family are the American dream. I support many of the things Trump and Sanders talked about in the campaigns. I do not support any of his and Bannons anti-semite and alt-right rhetoric. I also don't support any the racist black panther and blm crap. They can be left out on the fringe where they belong. Let's help the middle class get back the losses of the 90's - 2000's.

By the way, the new software on this forum does not show anyone's posts that I have on ignore, and unlike before, it doesn't show the quotes, so you may be referring to something I don't see. I put a couple of the idiots on ignore here (fa la la ta da, insp4).
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I don't even know where to begin to unpack that post?

My father enlisted in the Marine Corps to get out of the trouble he was in while a teenager in a bad section of Brooklyn. By studying hard, he then qualified to go to officer candidate school. Through continued hard work he was able to get high test scores. With that, and having 20/15 vision, He was able to turn that into a slot in pilot school, where he was given an officer commission and transferred to the Navy, flying patrols over the Bering Straight during the Cold War. He then ended up flying off aircraft carriers as the Vietnam war started. He finished his career doing 5 years at the pentagon. He is my hero. (Happy Veterans Day Dad, I miss you!)

My father had nothing...but parents who were son/daughter of German and Polish immigrants that made their way here through Ellis Island. They had no money. His dad worked on trucks for a New York bread company and his mom packed bread at that same company until they laid them both off with no pension or severance. Luckily he was able to land a job working for a borough working on trucks.

I made my way through A&P School by cleaning the toilets, buffing the floors at the school at night, and working at the local fast food joint on weekends and holidays. After being in my aviation career for 10 years and seeing the airline bankruptcies coming, I decided to go back to college. I used the student loan programs to get my bachelor and graduate degrees.

Me and my family are the American dream. I support many of the things Trump and Sanders talked about in the campaigns. I do not support any of his and Bannons anti-semite and alt-right rhetoric. I also don't support any the racist black panther and blm crap. They can be left out on the fringe where they belong. Let's help the middle class get back the losses of the 90's - 2000's.

By the way, the new software on this forum does not show anyone's posts that I have on ignore, and unlike before, it doesn't show the quotes, so you may be referring to something I don't see. I put a couple of the idiots on ignore here (fa la la ta da, insp4).

Don't take it personal.
I and a few others respect your opinions and insight.
If you remember, I endured much worse than you trying to get Trump supporters to think.
Hackman still gives me a red and I have not given him one.
That's how it rolls here.

Take Care,
😎 xUT
Ah, you do realize he makes money with public speeches and tours and so on? Quit using an argument that doesn't hold water to prove some stupid point that has nothing to do with, in your words, issues!

Okay...Obama made milions in speeches, and I'm sure Trump will too. But Trump stood to make a lot more with the Trump Network he won't be able to run.

And whenever I try discissing issues, I get called a snowflake or libtard. I asked if someone could define what "great again" means ? WHat to we do to make America "great again". I read one post with a reference to "flat tax/fair tax", which is something Steve Forbes ran on 20 years ago. It still hasn't gotten any footing. The few Trump programs that he has discussed in the campaign is wall building, exporting illegals, kicking the sh!t out of ISIS and ramping up the military, along with cutting taxes and repealing Obamacare and replacing it with "something great"...

So help me....what might be the "something great" that will replace Obamacare. How do we pay for wall building? How do we pay for ramping up the military? What do we do for the 3 or 4 years it will take for enough jobs to be created to cover the loss of revenues his tax cuts will bring (assuming that many jobs get created)?
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