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Predictions Are No Good

StraaightTaalk said:
This seems to be the best US people can come up with. The HP people certainly do have something to be worried about.
Again, when intelligence and logic fail, resort to name-calling.

I can't wait to see you people fighting when the REAL seniority decisions are made. My empathy goes out to the HP employees.

The US people on this board seem to think that DOH is a done deal. I am sure that there will be many twists in the road before the fat lady sings.
Good luck, HP. You will need it.

Empathy? Coming from an airline whose employees idea of protection is the stapler? Give me a break! As for the Sky NAAzi comments; hey its you guys coming on here talking trAAsh. Believe me, the evil empire is alive and well from reading AA employees postings on the US board.
EyeInTheSky said:
Empathy? Coming from an airline whose employees idea of protection is the stapler? Give me a break! As for the Sky NAAzi comments; hey its you guys coming on here talking trAAsh. Believe me, the evil empire is alive and well from reading AA employees postings on the US board.

You keep proving my point. Keep it up.
StraaightTaalk said:
You keep proving my point. Keep it up.

Why do you care so much? The sheer amount of posts from the AA employees on the US Airways board keeps proving a certain point: You guys are pissed this company is still alive. Now, leave us alone.
EyeInTheSky said:
Why do you care so much? The sheer amount of posts from the AA employees on the US Airways board keeps proving a certain point: You guys are pissed this company is still alive. Now, leave us alone.
Eye...if the tables were turned...if AA was the one in bankruptcy TWICE in as many years...if US was the one who might have come close to filing, but didn't - who now has to compete with not one, but TWO airlines in bankruptcy, would you feel the warm fuzzies about trying to keep the beast alive? Especially when the bankrupt airlines are dragging the entire industry down?
KCFlyer said:
Eye...if the tables were turned...if AA was the one in bankruptcy TWICE in as many years...if US was the one who might have come close to filing, but didn't - who now has to compete with not one, but TWO airlines in bankruptcy, would you feel the warm fuzzies about trying to keep the beast alive?  Especially when the bankrupt airlines are dragging the entire industry down?

It goes both ways KCFlyer. Nobody complained all those years we had industry leading contracts. Whose contract did everyone hold up and say "we want what they got" when negotiations came up! When CO was in bankruptcy, I never once thought ill will of them. If AA were in bankruptcy I wouldn't be over on their board spewing the garbage that's been posted here by AA employees. The employees of US have been through so much and have had to make very tough personal sacrifices. It's bad enough watching your career evaporate before your eyes. People have families to feed man. You're right, it takes a certain kind of "beast" to wish people out of work. Sorry, I've got ethics and morals and wouldn't wish this on anyone.
EyeInTheSky said:
It goes both ways KCFlyer. Nobody complained all those years we had industry leading contracts. Whose contract did everyone hold up and say "we want what they got" when negotiations came up! When CO was in bankruptcy, I never once thought ill will of them. If AA were in bankruptcy I wouldn't be over on their board spewing the garbage that's been posted here by AA employees. The employees of US have been through so much and have had to make very tough personal sacrifices. It's bad enough watching your career evaporate before your eyes. People have families to feed man. You're right, it takes a certain kind of "beast" to wish people out of work. Sorry, I've got ethics and morals and wouldn't wish this on anyone.

Back in the 90's, when there was rumor of AA and US merging, US employees filled boards like these with tripe about US having more cash than AA and that US would be the acquiring carrier. They gleefully spread nonsense about AA being essentially liquidated to help US. And in the early 90's, when US and BA hooked up, US employees were filling message boards on Prodigy and AOL, etc. about how AA was heading off into oblivion and US was the future.

You complain about AA employees posting nastiness and ugliness. From where I sit, US employees have done plenty of that themselves. :down:
EyeInTheSky said:
It goes both ways KCFlyer. Nobody complained all those years we had industry leading contracts. Whose contract did everyone hold up and say "we want what they got" when negotiations came up! When CO was in bankruptcy, I never once thought ill will of them. If AA were in bankruptcy I wouldn't be over on their board spewing the garbage that's been posted here by AA employees. The employees of US have been through so much and have had to make very tough personal sacrifices. It's bad enough watching your career evaporate before your eyes. People have families to feed man. You're right, it takes a certain kind of "beast" to wish people out of work. Sorry, I've got ethics and morals and wouldn't wish this on anyone.

But you seem pretty quick to criticize AA employees for "stapling" TWA employees, when this issue hasn't really been resolved in your own case. A stapler may well lie in your future. This merger might keep the US Airways name, but the bottom line is that AWA is the buyer of a very distressed airline.

Everybody wants what is "fair", but if US had bought TWA, would you have happily integrated their more senior employees into your workforce, even if it meant some of your own were displaced downward...or outward? Because even though AWA has a significantly more "junior" workforce, I don't really see them willing to take a backseat to ANYBODY, regardless of how many years they have been in this industry.
StraaightTaalk said:
Back in the 90's, when there was rumor of AA and US merging, US employees filled boards like these with tripe about US having more cash than AA and that US would be the acquiring carrier. They gleefully spread nonsense about AA being essentially liquidated to help US. And in the early 90's, when US and BA hooked up, US employees were filling message boards on Prodigy and AOL, etc. about how AA was heading off into oblivion and US was the future.

You complain about AA employees posting nastiness and ugliness. From where I sit, US employees have done plenty of that themselves. :down:

Early 90's I had CompuServe and Prodigy and didn't see any of that crap and if I did I wouldn't think it to be too smart. So, what you're saying now is it's payback time? Gee, what is this Junior High?
KCFlyer said:
But you seem pretty quick to criticize AA employees for "stapling" TWA employees, when this issue hasn't really been resolved in your own case.  A stapler may well lie in your future.  This merger might keep the US Airways name, but the bottom line is that AWA is the buyer of a very distressed airline. 

Everybody wants what is "fair", but if US had bought TWA, would you have happily integrated their more senior  employees into your workforce, even if it meant some of your own were displaced downward...or outward?  Because even though AWA has a significantly more "junior" workforce, I don't really see them willing to take a backseat to ANYBODY, regardless of how many years they have been in this industry.

KCFlyer, you seem to forget that most of the employees of US have been through three (or more) mergers. I never had a problem with DOH. As for HP, the majority of US employees I speak to clearly want it to be fair, which probably means a lot of people on both sides won't be happy, but that's life. Nobody should get a windfall and nobody should lose their job. Now, as for me being harsh about the TWA stapling, you bet I am. I find it immoral that employees with a few months senority were kept and those with decades of experience who were stapled to the bottom and let go. Doug Parker put out a statement stating: "...we expect our unions will recognize a solution that simply “staplesâ€￾ all employees of one airline to the bottom of the other’s seniority list as unacceptable and unconscionable..." I can tell you right now everyone agrees with that. Sorry but the American Airlines way of merging airlines won't happen here.
EyeInTheSky said:
Early 90's I had CompuServe and Prodigy and didn't see any of that crap and if I did I wouldn't think it to be too smart. So, what you're saying now is it's payback time? Gee, what is this Junior High?

If you don't remember that, then either your memory is faulty or your interests lay in a different direction at that time.

Payback time? Hardly. Your portrayal of US employees as benevolent Mother Teresas is not accurate.
StraaightTaalk said:
If you don't remember that, then either your memory is faulty or your interests lay in a different direction at that time.

Payback time? Hardly. Your portrayal of US employees as benevolent Mother Teresas is not accurate.

I believe my interests were more off the computer than on. 😛 Anyway, you're right US Airways is not full of "Mother Theresas." Every company has their share of morons. Which brings me back to my original question: Why do you guys give a crap what US or HP does? Do you really have a dog in this hunt?
Why do you guys give a crap what US or HP does? Do you really have a dog in this hunt?

They do give a crap, because somewhere deep inside they know what they did to the TW folks was wrong. But it only truly feels wrong when you're on the receiving side. My brother was a TWA fa that came over from Ozark, and yeah he was pretty pissed off when he got furloughed while a 1-year f/a at AA took his job. But you know what, he's a real estate agent in West Palm Beach right now, looking at over a half-million dollar year this year. True, he bad mouths AA and only will fly Delta when he travels, but I usually remind him that AA was the catalyst to his life's true success.

I agree with the earlier post that is every closed door brings open a new one. All this rhetoric about who has the better AAirline and who can't bring themselves out of BK... I mean come on. You're both legacies. Look at the big picture.

I hope that the US/HP merger makes lives better for the U employees, and as a result makes the industry stronger. But if it doesn't, always know that something better could always be lurking around the corner.
USAir757 said:
They do give a crap, because somewhere deep inside they know what they did to the TW folks was wrong. But it only truly feels wrong when you're on the receiving side. My brother was a TWA fa that came over from Ozark, and yeah he was pretty pissed off when he got furloughed while a 1-year f/a at AA took his job. But you know what, he's a real estate agent in West Palm Beach right now, looking at over a half-million dollar year this year. True, he bad mouths AA and only will fly Delta when he travels, but I usually remind him that AA was the catalyst to his life's true success.

I agree with the earlier post that is every closed door brings open a new one. All this rhetoric about who has the better AAirline and who can't bring themselves out of BK... I mean come on. You're both legacies. Look at the big picture.

I hope that the US/HP merger makes lives better for the U employees, and as a result makes the industry stronger. But if it doesn't, always know that something better could always be lurking around the corner.

I am happy for your brother. However, if he is so happy doing what he is doing, and is doing so well at it, then why is he still so bitter about AA? If I were doing that well, after being furloughed, I would be thanking God that the situation turned out the way he did. IF he were really so happy, he would no longer be angry or bitter.
StraaightTaalk said:
I am happy for your brother. However, if he is so happy doing what he is doing, and is doing so well at it, then why is he still so bitter about AA? If I were doing that well, after being furloughed, I would be thanking God that the situation turned out the way he did. IF he were really so happy, he would no longer be angry or bitter.

Wow, that's twisted thinking. So, I'll spin this for ya: If you are really so happy at AA why are YOU so bitter about US Airways? Why waste your time on here with us? I mean you too could be a real estate wiz in Lubbock or some place like that.
EyeInTheSky said:
Wow, that's twisted thinking. So, I'll spin this for ya: If you are really so happy at AA why are YOU so bitter about US Airways? Why waste your time on here with us? I mean you too could be a real estate wiz in Lubbock or some place like that.

EyeInTheSky said:
Wow, that's twisted thinking. So, I'll spin this for ya: If you are really so happy at AA why are YOU so bitter about US Airways? Why waste your time on here with us? I mean you too could be a real estate wiz in Lubbock or some place like that.

Actually, not bitter at all. I could really care less what happens to US, except for the fact that you have set new lows for the industry, and you have made it harder for the remaining carriers to hold on to what we have.

I predict MAJOR battles ahead for you guys on the seniority front. If you believe that the HP people are just going to let the employees of a bankrupt carrier walk in and take what they have worked so hard for, and if you think that you are going to go in and dictate to HP how the new company is going to be run, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you (and maybe your brother, the successful real estate agent, can handle the transaction).

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