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Negative Employees

Our only goal now is to work very hard to shut this place down and take you with us, Just sit back and watch. 😛
They have forced you to do what you have to do. Best of luck to you and all of your colleagues.
You are correct. I guess by starting this topic I saw how many negetive people there are on here. I would estimate 80% negetive.

I own a home and I have insurance..if that is what U calls it...but I do have it. I am struggling right now. As everyone at U is. But, I am not negetive. So, I hope we survive. That is all I have to say about this now.
xoxo said:
You are correct. I guess by starting this topic I saw how many negetive people there are on here. I would estimate 80% negetive.

I own a home and I have insurance..if that is what U calls it...but I do have it. I am struggling right now. As everyone at U is. But, I am not negetive. So, I hope we survive. That is all I have to say about this now.

xoxo said:
But, I am not negetive. So, I hope we survive.

I guess it depends on the difinition of "negative".

Would I like to see U survive - yes. Does that make me positive?

Do I think U will survive - no. Does that make me negative?

Do I like making concession after concession - no. Does that make me negative?

Do I endure concession after concession - yes. Does that make me positive?

Do I bi*ch and moan about the futility of concession after concession - yes. Does that make me negative?

Do I carry that attitude onto the job and subject the customers and coworkers to it - no. Does that make me positive?

PITGUY! Case in point! Hey thanks Pitguy, for the compliment. Hey why did you feel the need to respond? Surely, you didn't think someone was referring to you and your positive self did you??
FlyUs said:
I think it's time to start venting some of our anger towards the competition. They're the ones who are just waiting to take over our gates, routes and our JOBS! :angry:

Not really. Where I work people are quitting and going elsewhere.

Even our station manager recently quit and went to DHL as a mechanic.

I'm stuck here for at least a few more years while my wife is in school. The fact is that if you go over to those airlines where you think that they are waiting in anticipation of U's failure you may find that they are not too happy either, take a tour of these boards and you can see for yourself.
PineyBob said:

There are some people in this world that could fully explain the negative impact of winning the Powerball Jackpot. This is human nature. Many of them are posters here.

Well, you know the guy in WV who won the single largest jackpot ever has had a string of trouble, including his wife left him, his kid became a drug addict, and he had several people breaking into his house and cars and stealing cash... all according to published reports... 😛

I am sure lots of US Airways employees are making the best of a bad situation. But I have to imagine that if you are still working for US Airways, you have to have some level of concern about current events. With the exception of those with Golden Parachutes, I am not sure how you couldn't be concerned.

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