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Predictions Are No Good

FA Mikey said:
Fear ? No its life when you work for a company with 3 billion in cash and a workable business plan for the future.

What was the U plan? Pray to god someone pitys and buys you up. Lucky day might just come to pass. Then again you might be in for the giant AWA screw job. Time will tell.
You Sky NAAzis wrote the book on screw jobs. As Light Years would say, "FAAk off!"
Sorry for your BK. But I don't give a damn about YOUR job...when you are hoping that we lose OURS. "The tone has been set for this industryand U and UA are just the Poster Children" You act as if that is some kind of an accomplishment? Remeber those words when both are written off into the history pages.

Well stand up to your managment and just say no when they come to you for more. We tried and failed so now you can show us how its done. You act like we are glad this happend. We fought and fought begged and pleaded and voted to go on strike. We remortgaged our homes (twice) took out a 2nd morgage just in case I had to live off it for a while. I have earned the right to my job and I accept it the way it is (because I have no choice if I want to work in this industry). So if you can fix this mess more power to you. Good luck.
EyeInTheSky said:
You Sky NAAzis wrote the book on screw jobs. As Light Years would say, "FAAk off!"
How many times can you repeat it before its no longer funny? Never mind already surpassed it.
FA Mikey said:
How much lower you people will sink the industry.
you know, you really are a retard. :down:
sure you can drop your pay a couple times drop your pension lose the work rules. You guys all set the bar not lower, you put it on the ground.
FA Mikey said:
sure you can drop your pay a couple times drop your pension lose the work rules. You guys all set the bar not lower, you put it on the ground.
keep tAAlking crAAP. your dAAy will come. 😉
FA Mikey said:
sure you can drop your pay a couple times drop your pension lose the work rules. You guys all set the bar not lower, you put it on the ground.

Takes one to know one. You guys like to staple superior airline employees below you. WhAAt AAre you AAfraid of FAA Mikey?
You have to bring up something off subject because you can face the one at hand. Maybe some more words where you can add extra "A's " will make you look cool to your friends.

When you get a chance how about getting back to the discussion
FA Mikey said:
You have to bring up something off subject because you can face the one at hand. Maybe some more words where you can add extra "A's " will make you look cool to your friends.

When you get a chance how about getting back to the discussion

Hey, it's you that brought up the 'screw job' comments. Be that as it may, I find it just fascinating that an American Airlines stew has his panties in a wad over the America West/US Airways merger. You come on this board and spew a bunch of crap (crAAp) putting the US employees down and expect to have an intellectual conversation? The fact is, this merger is going to work and people like you are going to have to accept that. There's a lot we don't know yet, a lot ahead of us, a lot of work to do, a lot more changes in the works, but in the end if it pisses off the Sky NAAzis then we've done our job. C'yAA.
I don't expect an intellectual conversation with you. Your child like repartee with the double A spelling shows you are incapable of having one. Sky naazie guess that's more of that intellectual cleverness again. No, I am AA and work for an airline who still pays its bills. We are living off government hand outs like U or waiting for the white night (AWA) like U. Just glad I am not U - Oh how clever was that, almost as cute as your little so called cleverness.
FA Mikey said:
Fear ? No its life when you work for a company with 3 billion in cash and a workable business plan for the future.

What was the U plan? Pray to god someone pitys and buys you up. Lucky day might just come to pass. Then again you might be in for the giant AWA screw job. Time will tell.


Your arrogance and insensitivity is exceeded only by your need for some perverse kind of recognition.

Why don't you simply retire to your "own" boards and stop stirring the pot for no good reason?

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