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Negative Employees

FlyUs said:
I think it's time to start venting some of our anger towards the competition. They're the ones who are just waiting to take over our gates, routes and our JOBS! :angry:

Can you start off please tell what to vent about and what to do and why it isn't already to late for that.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Can you start off please tell what to vent about and what to do and why it isn't already to late for that.
I think indigo girl who always looks and never posts may have the answers....what-da think?
deano said:
I think indigo girl who always looks and never posts may have the answers....what-da think?
I think I like that name a hellava lot more than SpongeBob.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Who is that mysterious girl? IT is kinda scary all the lurkers
Only know that person lurks all the time and never posts, maybe a wife of an U employee whose life is miserable, no wait, in that case there would be thousands of them lurking...must just be morbid curiosity.
deano said:
Only know that person lurks all the time and never posts, maybe a wife of an U employee whose life is miserable, no wait, in that case there would be thousands of them lurking...must just be morbid curiosity.

Looks like we scared her away or undercover.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Looks like we scared her away or undercover.
I think we scare many to the point they are afraid to post least they get flamed like it was a death sentence, when in reality, it's only in ones mind.
deano said:
I think we scare many to the point they are afraid to post least they get flamed like it was a death sentence, when in reality, it's only in ones mind.

You may be right but theres only one I would like to see scared to post (no not 700) speaking of where is he haven't seen him in days?
FlyUs said:
I think it's time to start venting some of our anger towards the competition. They're the ones who are just waiting to take over our gates, routes and our JOBS! :angry:

The buzzards are circling!
xoxo said:
I still have not figured out why everyone on this web site is so negetive..but then I go to work and everyone is so positive. If U goes under there will be thousands of people with family's, morgages, and all kinds of other types of bills that will basically be screwed and be on unemplyment ..wellfare..etc.. Why do you negetive people that are employed at U want that to happen? Yes, U has screwed up in alot of ways, but, I for one did not like being unemployed. Let me tell you first hand, I was embaressed. It was not a good situation. Unemployment is not all that much money and you can not support a family on it. Everyone on here that posts and talks negative should be ashamed of themselves and if U should go under you will then think about what I am saying. I have a morgage and family and I am struggling now. I do not have a college degree nor can I just run out and find a job in a month to support myself...that is all I have to say. I love this job, and I love working for U. I hope and pray we survive. For those that do not..quit and find another job. You are bringing this company down. :angry:

Sounds to me like you are a coward with absolutely no options. You put yourself in your situation by not preparing yourself for the demise of US Airways, and life in general. You apparently are willing to allow the pathetic management of this company to dictate your future and ultimately your entire life. I'm sure you know the story of the line of lemmings walking over a cliff.......
FlyUs said:
I think it's time to start venting some of our anger towards the competition. They're the ones who are just waiting to take over our gates, routes and our JOBS! :angry:

I think you are right. Its time to take it out on Southwest, JetBlue, AirTran, Spirit and USA3000. Its their fault.. They saw that the consumer was getting boned by the airlines so they came in and offered what the consumer wants.

US Airways on the other had came in said "No they want higher fares, first class, galleys, IFE (that sucks) and multiple fleet types because passengers like choice.

I think US Airways should expand first class, add an additional two galleys on all the aircraft and put 500 channels of IFE on the entire fleet.

How can you even wonder why all the negativity? Just look at every work group's contracts and what has been done to this company and its employees over the past years. Then go and talk to some of the employees who got the biggest cuts jammed down their throats and let them tell you how they are losing their homes and can no longer pay bills and are struggling with medical insurance payments. Then go talk to their children and let them tell you how their mothers or fathers are depressed and miserable at home because they are losing their homes, cars, not having money for Christmas, no money for extracurricular activities for them, no lunch money, no fieldtrip money etc. What has been done to the employees at US is utterly disgusting. You must not live on your own and/ or have children or your opinion would be much different.

There is no longer one positive thing about US and don't say having a job is positive. It is no longer a positive thing to work for US. Don't say then quit because that is a really stupid thing to say. Most are hoping to leave with something after all the years of hard work so, they are going to stick it out for now.

Don't preach about negativity. It's here and it's here to stay and the employees have a right to be negative after what management has done to US and what has been taken from its employees. Get used to it, it's not likely to change in the near future.
RedOne said:
I must say...I disagree. The people who should be ashamed of themselves are the CEO's (past and present) and Board Of Directors who have taken or who have given away to CEO's and the like, millions.

The above statement is right on the money. If you can believe the accounts of my co-workers and evals I do a very good job and go above and beyond. BUT, if you refuse to hold the "management" figures accountable they will continue on just as they have previously. I refuse to blame out situation on "fundamentals and the internet" (USA320), and, I refuse to stay silent like you do, hoping it will go away.
xoxo, Ive said this very thing before. The majority of people on these boards are negative and do not represent the majority of us employees. Thats why the votes that continue to pass, when most on here say they wont, are the people who are on the front lines, and not lurking on here.
Your just a poor person who can not spell.

--Need a few bucks? Hold out your cup.

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