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Predictions Are No Good

FA Mikey said:
I don't expect an intellectual conversation with you. Your child like repartee with the double A spelling shows you are incapable of having one. Sky naazie guess that's more of that intellectual cleverness again. No, I am AA and work for an airline who still pays its bills. We are living off government hand outs like U or waiting for the white night (AWA) like U. Just glad I am not U - Oh how clever was that, almost as cute as your little so called cleverness.

Clearly, you are incapable of an intellectual conversation. Why do you care so much about US Airways?
Why because I dont double up the letter A on everything like you? I can join in read post and discuss any where on this site, Fun isnt it?
USA320Pilot said:
and the new holding company has attracted at least $1.5 billion in equity.

Nope. "Approximately" $1.5 billion in additional liquidity, yes -- from loans, asset sales, and other financing transactions, as well as the transfer of cash from the restricted pile. The actual amount of committed equity is only $350 million, and US Airways already has $100 million of that in-hand from AWAC's subsidiary, so we're really taking about an additional $250 million.

The two companies continue to prove the analysts wrong, the carrier’s have received guaranteed loans over $1 billion,

This is in the past. I think most analysts expected AWA and UAIR to qualify for loan guarantees given the noises that came out of Washington in 2002-2003.

and the new business entity has multiple investors willing to invest another $1.5 billion.

Nope. They came up with another $225 million in investment above what AWAC had committed. Of the $1.5 billion you cite:

* $250 million comes from "aircraft-related financing and/or sales" -- NOT AN INVESTMENT
* $200-300 million in cash reserves are expected to be released (the movement of cash from the restricted pile to the unrestricted pile I spoke of) -- NOT AN INVESTMENT
* It is arguable that much or all of the $675 million in financing from partners and suppliers is not an "investment" since the company will carry this as debt.

The new investors have seen the business plan and want to invest in the new business enterprise. These investors are willing to put their mouth where the money is because they believe it's a good investment.

AWAC and Air Canada are buying themselves business relationships. The only "real" investors seem to be PAR and Peninsula.

Meanwhile, the analysts continue to criticize the companies with nothing at risk and continue to be proven wrong.

You might consider reading the Wall Street Journal's story today about mergers and how the picture painted by the execs seeking to sell those mergers is far more positive than the actual reality. The merger propaganda paints the combined company as having $10 billion in revenues, even though the combined revenue of US Airways Group and America West Holdings was $9.455 billion -- and this is before returning roughly 15% of the combined fleet of the two airlines.

If you want to believe that a combined airline which depends even more than before on regional jets as a part of their network is going to suddenly jump into profitability, well, I suppose that is your choice.
EyeInTheSky said:
Takes one to know one. You guys like to staple superior airline employees below you. WhAAt AAre you AAfraid of FAA Mikey?
What are U afraid of? I think yoU fear the remote, althoUgh very Unlikely, possibility that U may end Up like the TWA people. The TWA people were NOT entitled to oUr jobs at oUr bases. Don't forget U still has higher costs than AWA. Also don't forget that there may be other bidders for U's assets.
aafsc said:
What are U afraid of? I think yoU fear the remote, althoUgh very Unlikely, possibility that U may end Up like the TWA people. The TWA people were NOT entitled to oUr jobs at oUr bases. Don't forget U still has higher costs than AWA. Also don't forget that there may be other bidders for U's assets.

Wow, AAn AActual originAAl post! Sorry. But the TWA folks deserved better. Remember, whAAt goes AAround, comes AAround. There's nothing speciAAl in the AAir AAnymore.
EyeInTheSky said:
Wow, AAn AActual originAAl post! Sorry. But the TWA folks deserved better. Remember, whAAt goes AAround, comes AAround. There's nothing speciAAl in the AAir AAnymore.
The TWA folks may have deserved better but NEVER at the expense of long time AA employees. Just like you deserve better but NOT at the expense of long time HP employees.
EyeInTheSky said:
Wow, AAn AActual originAAl post! Sorry. But the TWA folks deserved better. Remember, whAAt goes AAround, comes AAround. There's nothing speciAAl in the AAir AAnymore.
Hey, I just came up with a great idea! Some criticize this US/HP deal because there is no hub in the center of the country. AA should sell STL, along with the MCI mx base and all the former TW people, to the "new USAIR". Then Mr. eye in the sky, you can let them all have their TW seniority in the "new US" system wide.
aafsc said:
The TWA folks may have deserved better but NEVER at the expense of long time AA employees. Just like you deserve better but NOT at the expense of long time HP employees.

Nobody deserves to be stapled aafsc - I just don't know how you people can justify that. I agree, no HP employee's job should be harmed by a more senior workforce. They didn't ask for this merger. But you know what, this is where US is way different from AA, US employees actually want to do the right thing.
EyeInTheSky said:
Nobody deserves to be stapled aafsc - I just don't know how you people can justify that. I agree, no HP employee's job should be harmed by a more senior workforce. They didn't ask for this merger. But you know what, this is where US is way different from AA, US employees actually want to do the right thing.
Of course you want to do what you call "the right thing" DOH, because it is to your benefit. I seriously doubt the HP people feel that DOH is "the right thing". Just like some of the former Ozark pilots say on another website that DOH worked very well for the TW pilots in the TW/OZ merger. From reading, I gather that TW F/Os had more time than the OZ captains. So naturally the TW F/Os "appropriated" the OZ captain's seat.
merge is unique to this industry. Most others do not merge seniority. Also not only AA but SWA offers only a interview to employees of companys it buys out. If hired you get DOA as your new seniority date.
aafsc said:
Of course you want to do what you call "the right thing" DOH, because it is to your benefit. I seriously doubt the HP people feel that DOH is "the right thing". Just like some of the former Ozark pilots say on another website that DOH worked very well for the TW pilots in the TW/OZ merger. From reading, I gather that TW F/Os had more time than the OZ captains. So naturally the TW F/Os "appropriated" the OZ captain's seat.

I didn't say DOH. Get real.
Flufdriver said:
Go figure an American employee....I bet by 2006 AA will be dumping pensions!!! Have no choice....to bad!!

And dumping pensions to the PBGC is bad HOW?
None of the legacy carriers can afford to keep
the generous defined benefit plans that were
negotiated long ago, so get over it and learn
to accept it.

401K plans and profit sharing are better in
the long run anyhow.
WO/drone said:
I am of the opinion that even more people will be let go from the rank and file and management of all levels, after all America West Holdings will be in charge, they are going to use the name and get the operation at a bargain, for eveyyone involved I hope it works out.


You are correct. There will be more layoffs.
And the sun will continue to rise each day, and
most, of not all, of those who are laid off will
find their calling with another airline, or outside
of the industry.

People on this forum really cast a dark shadow
over the prospect of being laid off. First of all,
it's not within your control, and when one door
closes, another one opens. Quit whining like a
little girl and get over it.

There WILL be layoffs, so now's the time to
polish up the resume and be proactive.
Flufdriver said:
Go figure an American employee....I bet by 2006 AA will be dumping pensions!!! Have no choice....to bad!!
Sounds like you are proud to be lowering the bar. What would you have called us ex-EAL people if we did what you just did? No one can any longer look down on the CO people with scorn as they have done since the early 1980s because everyone is now doing what they did; agree to work for half the compensation. Between U and UA, the pensions and other retirement benefits basically gone, big paycuts, more costly benefits and dramatic changes in work rules. Yes, the bar has been placed underground. AA just can't terminate the pensions. They can, however, freeze them. When U and UA are finished with the slaughter, AA will come out with a number and we will be allowed to "pick our poison". There are numerous scenarios that could happen. The different proposals will be costed out and a T/A will be reached. It is only a matter of time before the disease spreads to the remainder of the industry. I have prepared myself the best I can.
EyeInTheSky said:
We cAAn't go AAs low AAs you Sky NAAzis.

This seems to be the best US people can come up with. The HP people certainly do have something to be worried about.

Again, when intelligence and logic fail, resort to name-calling.

I can't wait to see you people fighting when the REAL seniority decisions are made. My empathy goes out to the HP employees.

The US people on this board seem to think that DOH is a done deal. I am sure that there will be many twists in the road before the fat lady sings.

Good luck, HP. You will need it.

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