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Pittsburgh Crew Base Closure

You are obviously FILLED with hatred for the city of Pittsburgh and it's people. How dare you share facts such as this. 🙄

That you continue to demonstrate a complete lack of ability to respond with a coherent argument emphasizes what I and others have said on thread. Thanks for the stereotype--now mix my drink.
PIT Council 40 Union Meeting

OCTOBER 5, 2007


11 AM TIL 2 PM

Guest JOHN PETRONZI, Mgr. of Flight attendant crew scheduling will answer
questions along with ETB specialist WAYNE SOUFANT and WANDA SWIFT.

President MARK GENTILE will review the following:
-Fact and fiction about PIT
-Cornstock/WIlson Center F/A survey
-Defined Contribution for 2008 (Employer Contribution 3%)
-MEC and Board of Directors meeting in PHX





(Open to ALL Members in Good Standing---not just PIT F/As & Bring I.D.'s)

We will be having a local union meeting on October 5th. This meeting precedes the MEC meeting on October 13th, 14th, 15th and Board of Directors meeting October 16th, 17th, 18th in Phoenix. There is much to review at this local union meeting. I know that many of you may have to fly or have other obligations and will not be able to attend, so I will be in the crew room on Wednesday, October 3rd at 0600 - 0900 and Tuesday, October 9th at 0600 - 0900 to answer questions. John Petronzi, Manager of f/a crew scheduling, will attend our meeting to answer questions. He suggested any questions that may require some research should be submitted in advance so he can fully answer the question during the meeting. You can submit your questions to my email address at mgentile@afausairways.org and I will forward them onto John. See you at the meeting. Please call the office should you need directions at 412-245-1214.

Mark Gentile
LECP - Council 40
That you continue to demonstrate a complete lack of ability to respond with a coherent argument emphasizes what I and others have said on thread. Thanks for the stereotype--now mix my drink.

What's the argument?

-PIT domicile likely to close

-Mainline presence nearly non-existent

-If base closure occurs, 350 F/As will be displaced like thier 2500 PIT co-workers previously were, and everyone else from any other closed base was. Flying will also go to other bases

-EMBFA thinks this is sad for them but cares as much/little as they do/did when others were in the situation

-EMBFA has nothing against the city of Pittsburgh, but like US Airways (and every other airline in the nation apparently), does not feel that sentiment, architecture, employee location, and hometown pride are the ingredients for a profitable hub

-EMBFA isn't afraid to share opinions, especially ones shared by a number of F/As, and fortunately is undeterred by keyboard insults leveled at internet alter ego.

Where's the argument? Come on now, have a swing at me if you think I insulted your city- which I didn't- you would know if I did- but don't excuse your bashing by calling it an argument. Define the argument or debate, trust me, I'll happily participate. Otherwise you're all simply upset because I'm not agreeing that PIT should be a major hub and crew base, and that the possible displacement of the remaining three hundred F/As is a major traumatic event for US Airways flight attendants.
You are obviously FILLED with hatred for the city of Pittsburgh and it's people. How dare you share facts such as this. 🙄
Wow...I see you found a picture that matches your personality. Nice job !!!!

I see you still have an entitled sense of self worth to take pop shots at the job of a flight attendant. Mix your drink? EMB could mix more than that on you. I can only hope at night that you are never in need of assistance in an emergency. But then again....karma always comes to bite you in the ass now doesn't it? 😉
Well I'm not one to usually pass on a rumor but I just got a call from a friend of mine about an hour ago that Wednesday should prove to be QUITE interesting. PIT base will be closing as of sometime in January of 2008. Disregard after Wednesday if nothing is mentioned, but has anyone else heard this?
Well I'm not one to usually pass on a rumor but I just got a call from a friend of mine about an hour ago that Wednesday should prove to be QUITE interesting. PIT base will be closing as of sometime in January of 2008. Disregard after Wednesday if nothing is mentioned, but has anyone else heard this?

Did your friend mention their source?
Well I'm not one to usually pass on a rumor but I just got a call from a friend of mine about an hour ago that Wednesday should prove to be QUITE interesting. PIT base will be closing as of sometime in January of 2008. Disregard after Wednesday if nothing is mentioned, but has anyone else heard this?
Is Pittsburgh still a base? :blink:
Well I'm not one to usually pass on a rumor but I just got a call from a friend of mine about an hour ago that Wednesday should prove to be QUITE interesting. PIT base will be closing as of sometime in January of 2008. Disregard after Wednesday if nothing is mentioned, but has anyone else heard this?

I just heard the same thingl this morning from someone that has "the know".

We know it is coming, so let's just get it over with.
Did your friend mention their source?
I asked who the source was and was told they swore they wouldn't tell. Besides I don't want to out them on here if they do in fact have reliable information. If this comes to pass at least I know they had good info. If this turns out to not be true sorry. We all know it's inevitable anyway. In fact Doug himself during the 9/20 crew news session in CLT said that with the small amount of mainline it's hard to justify the money to keep it up and running as a base. They weren't in those exact words but pretty darn close. They are really struggling to make a decision. Like we don't ALL know what that will be. Hmmmm.... Like I had to do in June of 2003, get your quotes on moving trucks. Oh yeah "Welcome to Philly". Oooohhhh how I remember that day. 🙁