Strictly rumor, but the word is starting to circulate that LGA, BOS, and DCA will be closing as pilot and F/A bases as the integration of operations begins.
From the pilot side, I think it would be a great idea if only in the sense that we would be rid of the weak-sister ALPA reps and the senatorial-vote supported MEC officers. IOW, Pollock would be sent packing. I'll bet a C-note that if Pollock loses his job as MEC chair that he will find a cushy sinecure office at ALPA National's Herndon office. My guess is that the bronze plaque engraved with his name is already finished and ready to be place on the door.
This is the legacy of someone who almost single-handedly led the pilot profession down the tubes on March 31, 2003. And he has the gall to refer to his constituency thus: "...the ignorant, the self-serving, the lazy and the jerk-offs..." when speaking of those who opposed his blitzkreig.
The AWA pilots should be hoping that these base closures do indeed take place. With only two crew bases of their own, there is little chance that they could unseat Pollock who has unwavering support from these 3 tiny bases, which nevertheless hold 6 senatorial votes.
AWA Pilots: PRAY that LGA, BOS and DCA close. You DON'T want F/O Pollock running your union. Believe me!