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Aug 22, 2003
PIT F/A oppose concessions. Nothing new here.

People keep calling all these talks negotiations. This is a one way down your throat contract.

see story
I don't know how to feel. I certainly don't have an intention of giving anything else but when push comes to shove they will just take it anyway and give the axe to a lot more people. This is the summer of 2002 all over again but 10 times worse.
I agree with the above post.

I feel highly uncomfortable with ANY leader who has another career to turn to, giving an impression that if it all goes under, they have another job, Unfortunately, not all the 5800 f/a's are there to say screw it, I have another job. This isn't a cut to the PIT LEC or any other. All conscentration must be on preserving jobs, not being cavalier about taking the big stand.

Yes, we ARE backed in a corner. I really am confused. Part of me wants to say screw it and the other part wants to do whatever I can to save the company...even though we have done so already.

I hate this. :(
What is wrong with a leader that has another field they can go into? Allot of times we are are governed or lead by people who can not keep their own personal lives in order let alone their union or goverment dealings that effect us. I think it is very prudent for each of us to have other options. To not have other options at this point is very foolish.
pitguy said:
What is wrong with a leader that has another field they can go into? Allot of times we are are governed or lead by people who can not keep their own personal lives in order let alone their union or goverment dealings that effect us. I think it is very prudent for each of us to have other options. To not have other options at this point is very foolish.
Nothing, but if you go around saying you are here to save jobs in the same breathe as the one speaking of how you don't NEED THIS job, well I just don't feel that sends a positive message. That's MY opinion and you are free to disagree with it.
From the article:

<...Teddy Xidas, president of the local, declined to release the results of the poll conducted last week...>

Why decline to release the results?
pitguy said:
What is wrong with a leader that has another field they can go into?

You absolutely right. However, the F/A who say they will not negotiate, what might the other employment options be? For those that have been F/A's over 15 years, what's the percentage that have college degrees? Duties as a flight attendant have prepared them for what type of work outside an airline? Don't jump down my a--, just curious as to where the hard liners are going? I know some can survive due to spousal support, but what if your on your own? Let's hear from you!
"Teddy Xidas, president of the local, declined to release the results of the poll conducted last week. The union covers about 1,150 US Airways flight attendants."

Very, Very interesting........what's so secretative about the poll numbers?

I do realize the situation some may be in. I know most are very hard working people who do not deserve to be in the situation that they are in. The PIT F/A's voted not to negotiate even it means closing the company down. For years now it has been somewhat apparent that this company may cease to exist. I think people should have been making some kind of plans at that time for a possible job change in the future. I do understand that some folks are single parents and cash and time are tight, but one should not be surprised if they are downsized, relocated, or if the company ceases to operate. Now with odds of that being significant one must plan for a future without U. I truly pray for the best outcome for all.

p.s.- Teddy or whom ever may be withholding the results so that the company can not use the information to tweak their cost cutting package for the F/A's. Knowledge is power.

Thanks for the post. I have always thought that the union is paid to negotiate. That is their job and they work for us. Let them strike the best deal they can and then I'll vote whether or not to accept it.

If they can't keep a livable income and still have the company make money, then closing the doors might not be the worst option. On the other hand let each of us decide what that level of income is- with a vote!!!!
I agree with you but, if there is the possibility that U can turn around, as I believe it can with full employee support, why sink the ship attitude? If the leaders can go elsewhere, why do the continue to hang around? Is it revenge? Greed? I still don't read anywhere in the posts where someone has come up with a realistic answer as to why all employees should pull this company down. All I see is the "Personal" side to their opinions.
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Should it really be call negotiations when the company tells F/A’s union leaders “We want $116 million cuts from 5,200 members now take it to your members for a voteâ€￾?

It seems like too much from too few.

“Prepare for the worst Hope for the best!â€￾
What it may boil down to is if a majority of employees feel it is no longer beneficial for them to accept another round of concessions and still possibly have no true security once again then every one else will be coming along for the ride. Such is life and life is not fair. Please remember for a majority of PIT based F/A's to vote not to hear out the companies plan means that they have had it and are willing to take no more cuts what so ever. They understand what this may mean. Frankly I agree with them. I too have had it. Sorry to whom ever gets sucked down with me. I will vote 'no' and will not change my vote............ever....

--Yes I am bitter....Why do you ask?.......Hehe.... :)
Bear96 said:
From the article:

<...Teddy Xidas, president of the local, declined to release the results of the poll conducted last week...>

Why decline to release the results?
Because management wants to know those numbers.
morepower said:

Thanks for the post. I have always thought that the union is paid to negotiate. That is their job and they work for us. Let them strike the best deal they can and then I'll vote whether or not to accept it.

If they can't keep a livable income and still have the company make money, then closing the doors might not be the worst option. On the other hand let each of us decide what that level of income is- with a vote!!!!
You hit the nail on the head.

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