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Pilots new proposal and the Me Too Clause

Supposedly there were secret discussions held yesterday with the 5 TWU ratified groups in regard to the "me too" clause and yet the clause has not been triggered by all 7 being ratified. Another blatant display of incompetence on the part of the union to misplace their priorities.

Secret? Not really. This has been in the media since last week that they were meeting. Both AA and the TWU have been putting information out on these meetings for a week. The TWU put an update out yesterday afternoon and the meetings held yesterday.

Let's start by stating Parker and Kirby, saved your backsides and took both airlines and turned it into something world class. ...

Let's start out by stating that Parker turned what was left of a world class airline into a substandard KMart that has good on-time performance, except for anytime that there are clouds in the sky and the temperature is below 100 degrees.

You wan to talk about class, just compare the way Parker dresses and acts with Wolf. Wolf never had his mug shot taken in the local jail with blood shot eyes, and he knew the value of paying someone to iron his dress shirts.

If you want the new AA frontline employees wearing collarless t-shirts and sneakers to welcome customers then by all means Parker is your man.
Secret? Not really. This has been in the media since last week that they were meeting. Both AA and the TWU have been putting information out on these meetings for a week. The TWU put an update out yesterday afternoon and the meetings held yesterday.
Secret, as in there has been no word on the outcome of the meeting. No comment on why they would meet before all 7 groups ratified?
Secret, as in there has been no word on the outcome of the meeting. No comment on why they would meet before all 7 groups ratified?
You would think with the "Deadline" coming Friday they would be wanting to negotiate for the ones facing the "Deadline".
Secret, as in there has been no word on the outcome of the meeting. No comment on why they would meet before all 7 groups ratified?

IMO......Perhaps its to get a start, and to get the ball rolling along after dealing with the stalling strategy for years. Considering all the open language, poorly worded, and incomplete proposals from the co., does it sound logical? It is it ever too early with these rascals to get a start on something? Hopefully it will end in contract language that the common man can understand at the first reading.
Secret, as in there has been no word on the outcome of the meeting. No comment on why they would meet before all 7 groups ratified?
Secret as in, the membership not being allowed to attend?
This merger is not going to happen, most US pilots are dead against in it's current form, how couold Bates sign such a piece of crap, we arenot going to give you 500 million to save your pension and we get squat. AMR pilots should join the fight to stop this from happening. Keep American Your American!!!!!!!!!
What are TWU priorities? Is more important for the TWU to discuss with AA a me too clause about some terms that the pilots not even vote yet than negotiate for the groups that rejected the last offer.

AMT, they do not care about you, this is another reason to get rid of TWU now. Sign a card.
You're wrong.
Actually, I'm correct and you are the one who is mistaken. But if you insist you are correct, I'm willing to listen. So far, your posts have mischaracterized what happens when an airline reorganizes in Ch 11. Like I said before, your posts appear to describe the process when a company liquidates, and that's not what is happening.
Did the pilot group just school the compAAny in the art of negotiations in BK? Fortunately for us it will mean better terms than previously predicted by the preachers of doom.
The new me too for the 5 groups

Plus they scheduled 2 days of talks July 2nd and 3rd for M and R and Stores. I guess unlike the F/A the TWU negotiators must have plans on the 4th.

The Worthless Union just gave away 2/3 of the profit sharing that the five workgroups approved by majority vote. Sure, there were some enhancements, but most of the upside was just given away. The pilots (and M&R, if it ever agrees on a TA) will get to vote on whether to accept a 5% profit sharing payout, but for the five TWU workgroups with ratified agreements, they had the reduction from 15% down to 5% imposed on them "without further ratification." Ouch.

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