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Pilots new proposal and the Me Too Clause

Go AMFA alright ! Go right off that cliff....
____:_____________ Boom.

No doubt. A jump to AMFA will help you find the bottom.

We are at the bottom in pay and benefits now and we are represented by the TWU.
Why is it that you keep bashing AMFA and yet everyday we live the TWU failure and have been at the bottom in pay and benefits for years now?

You and bury your head to the failures of Industrial Unionism, but we have to live them daily.

And given the fact that the Industrial Unions have represented the majority of this craft and class for over 60 years and has failed is something you just keep ignoring like it was the bubonic plaque.

You can type all you want, but these facts will always remain in the face of your manipulation and defelction from the truth.

NWA – AMFA Strategy in Action

Most unions considered the strike ill conceived from the very beginning. AMFA had no strike fund and, reflecting its separatist philosophy of mechanics acting alone, went on strike while the Pilots, Flight Attendants and Machinists' Union were still negotiating under pressures of bankruptcy court proceedings. AMFA bolted ahead of all the other unions, characteristic of their often-stated mantra that "strength in numbers doesn't necessarily mean strength. " This was the wisdom offered by AMFA Assistant National Director Steve MacFarlane on the eve of the August 2005 strike. He couldn't have been more wrong.

Underestimating solidarity with other unions on the property was only one of AMFA's strategic mistakes. Extremely damaging to unity with other unions was AMFA's negotiating proposal that NWA take more concessions from IAM members and less from AMFA members.

On concession bargaining for example, AMFA members were never given an opportunity to vote on the 'Final and Best Offer' by NWA before the strike was called in August 2005 and 'rank and file observers' were barred from the recent negotiations with NWA on the tentative agreement.

And meanwhile we were given a vote on the Last Best Offer, and given fear videos from Mullings and Hewitt that were designed to obtain yes votes. Meanwhile the two Craft Unions on the property APA and APFA both stood by and watched the TWU fools in action and fearing their membership.

Now the Craft Union has improved our position and the Judge has extended his decision to 8/15.
Why was the TWU in such a hurry to send everyone down the river of doom? Why does the TWU always cave into company demands? And why is that all you can do about this is bash AMFA at Northwest?

You Industrial Unionist are nothing more than Company tools!
We are at the bottom in pay and benefits now and we are represented by the TWU.
Why is it that you keep bashing AMFA and yet everyday we live the TWU failure and have been at the bottom in pay and benefits for years now?

You and bury your head to the failures of Industrial Unionism, but we have to live them daily.

And given the fact that the Industrial Unions have represented the majority of this craft and class for over 60 years and has failed is something you just keep ignoring like it was the bubonic plaque.

You can type all you want, but these facts will always remain in the face of your manipulation and defelction from the truth.

No, I think the bottom of the all in pay rate is still US Air if we do not count the reigonals.

Until recently, UA all in rate was below that of AA. I will thank my Teamster contract for changing that for us.
No, I think the bottom paid is still US Air if we do not count the reigonals.

Until recently, UA all in rate was below that of AA. I will thank my Teamster contract for changing that for us.

And you ignore the fact that AA has 25% of the overhaul base making substandard wages.
There is a way to manipulate everything if that is your intentions, but we live the truth everyday. That is what the company usually does, but Industrial Unionist are getting pretty good at it too.

Why are not the Teamsters UsAir trying to save those poor IAM souls? Too busy defending the TWU?
No, I think the bottom paid is still US Air if we do not count the reigonals.

Until recently, UA all in rate was below that of AA. I will thank my Teamster contract for changing that for us.

You better check your facts. IIRC US Airways AMTs recently got a 3% raise - pushing them past AA in pay. In addition to that, the benefits, sick pay, holiday pay, well just about everything US Air AMTs get is superior to what AA AMTs currently are stuck with.
You better check your facts. IIRC US Airways AMTs recently got a 3% raise - pushing them past AA in pay. In addition to that, the benefits, sick pay, holiday pay, well just about everything US Air AMTs get is superior to what AA AMTs currently are stuck with.

My last look did not include the 3% increase at US Air. For comparison I am looking at a 20 year A&P Line Mechanic working midnights and my last calculation was done March 2011.

AA - $33.25
UA - $32.38
US AIR - $31.76
My last look did not include the 3% increase at US Air. For comparison I am looking at a 20 year A&P Line Mechanic working midnights and my last calculation was done March 2011.

AA - $33.25
UA - $32.38
US AIR - $31.76
This may be a shock to you brain child but it's July 2012
How current to the industry is your link. I realize on AA's reference is January 2012.
United Mechcanics voted down contract 12/16/11 and low and behold they got a better contract on second vote! ONE MORE TIME PEOPLE AA AMTs are lowest of the LOW !Get out NOW !
United Mechcanics voted down contract 12/16/11 and low and behold they got a better contract on second vote! ONE MORE TIME PEOPLE AA AMTs are lowest of the LOW !Get out NOW !
I forgot THANKS TWU !

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