AA under the TWU is farming out an entire maintenance base and lowering the already lowest wages in the industry
In case you forgot, there were two earlier opportunities to choose the option of setting a stake in the ground and moving forward from that point. The choice was made not to do so, likely driven by the "we want everything we gave up in 2003" chorus. The resulting years without justified wage and benefit increases, compounded now with the bankruptcy filing, has not enhanced our negotiating position by a hell of a lot. I'm sure the vote-no crowd has a well-planned strategy in mind. I certainly hope though its not the "hold your breath until you turn blue" tactic. That never worked when we were kids either.
BTW - here is the ratio of minimum mechanic headcount from the SWA agreement. While they're not in Bankruptcy like we are, do you think that might have just a little to do with their pay rates since American's staffing ratio is much higher?
"The Company agrees to maintain no less than an authorized headcount of 2.75, in the mechanic (aircraft, facilities, ground support, lead and inspector) work group per aircraft ratio, provided however, such ratio shall not include any aircraft that are operated on behalf of the Company by another air carrier in conjunction with any Code-Share or Marketing Agreement"
Maybe our proposal should be to match the SWA minimum headcount ratio and demand the same rate of SWA pay in return? Of course that would mean a lot of AMTs would be out of a job but then everything has a price right?